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Desktop Rightclick Menu With Object Bar


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Desktop rightclick menu for MageGuru's OB 10.2.4 as seen here

Before you do this, here are some things u need to know:

* This method was tested with MageGuru's OB 10.2.4 but the idea should be applyable to any object bar theme cause its a standard feature of objectbar.

* The menu is not even nearly as functional as the original desktop right-click but it is aestheticly more pleasing (as everything is from osx) and some functions ARE there.

* THE MENU DOESN'T WORK RIGHT WITH DESKTOP X. Smoke tested and found that the IconX feature will not have the original popup on them so if you are running Desktop X don't use this.

* You can access the ORIGINAL desktop rightclick by pressing the "menu key" on the keyboard if you really need to arange the icons. That key is located before the right Ctrl-key on my keyboard. It looks like a small menu with a cursor on it.

You can find Mageguru's Objectbar theme on aquaxp.com Downloads section.

Ok now lets see how to achive this nifty litlle thing. Baby steps for those who are doin this the first time hehe.

1. First shutdown Objectbar. Go to the folder where MageGuru's OB 10.2.4 is located.

Right-click on "Mac OSX 10.2.4.obtheme" file and click on "Open with" and open it with Notepad.exe

Then add this line under all the text:


Bar#1=Desktop Menu

Then save the changes and close the Notepad.exe

What this did is it told Objectbar that the right mouse click

should bring up "Desktop Menu" .obbar from the Bars folder.

We will create this .obbar in the next step.

2. Now to create the desktop menu .obbar go to the "Bars" folder and make a copy of the "Edit menu" .obbar file.

Rename that copy to "Desktop menu". Right-click on that file and click on "Open with" and open it with Notepad.exe

Change the line saying:

Title=Edit Menu


Title=Desktop Menu

Then save the changes and close the Notepad.exe

3. Go back from the "Bars" folder to "Mac OSX 10.2.4" and click on Mac OSX 10.2.4.obtheme to start Objectbar.

The theme will show up. If you now try to right-click on your desktop you will notice nothing is happening.

To make the Desktop menu popup we need to load its .obbar up so Objectbar knows what to do.

4. Right click on the Mac OSX 10.2.4 Finder bar and chose "Properties". The Theme Editor window will show.

Then go to "File", then "Load", then "Bar browser.." There scroll down 'till you find the Desktop menu.obbar.

Double click on it. Desktop menu will load to you screen.

Now right-click on your desktop a few times to see it showing and hiding.

5. Click Close on the "Bar browser" window and in the Theme Editor window go "File" then "Save" then "Save Theme".

Then again under "File" chose "Unload Objectbar" to shutdown Objectbar and see if changes we just did are permanent.

6. Start the theme again by clickin on "Mac OSX 10.2.4.obtheme" and right-click on your desktop to see if the

desktop menu is there. If it isn't I have no idea what went wrong :/ .

To edit the appearence right-click on it again and use the Objectbar properties to

change the theme and items on it. I think my screenshot can give you an idea of a good setup.

To change the skin theme go to Floating Bars>Desktop menu>Skin>Current skin , and chose one of the "Menus for..".

Thats about all of it. I hope this tutorial helps someone.


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hehe i dloaded it a week ago. didnt even notice how many subskins it had in it. mageguru did a nice job on it. it can be changed by:

rightclick on the bar>properties>Aqua bar>Current skin >Change skin.

same should be done with teh desktop menu.

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hmm i think i missed one important step in the tutorial. :shy:

i know now that its posiblle to have a desktop right click menu liek that with every ob theme. i'll do a full tutorial when i wake up.

really need to sleep now :P

keep an eye out for an update here soon.

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