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Adium X port for Windows?

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Ok I know there isn't an Adium X port for windows but to be truthful I think if this could be ported it would really be a breath of fresh air for the Multi-protocol IM clients that are now seen as standard. Soo what I'm really wondering is would be anyone be willing to work as a team to get this project done. There's already the libgaim library open for use so that should help things out. I'm not that much a programmer, slightly but nothing too great now, but I am well experienced in graphics. So if maybe a programmer or two would be interested in this project maybe Adium X could be finally ported to Windows which I know many, many people have wanted for years.

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Adium X is a complex program that goes beyond just connection to various protocols and such - the whole engine is incredibly optimized and written from the ground up to be almost completely customizable. It would be a feat beyong feats to pull it off in Windows, not to mention getting permission from the original developers.

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Well, I think that if you really wanted a port of Adium X, you may want to sort of "re-engineer" it and get permission from the authors. I don't know the reason as to why you desire running Adium X but I think the main reason why most people want Adium X is so that they can use contact list and message window skins "as-is" instead of porting them to Miranda etc.

For example, Miranda is an open-source multi-protocol IM just like Adium X, so you can make a fork of the project (such as Mirandium X ;) never used Adium and only used Miranda a few times.

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Not to sound like a jerk or something but why should we just be content with what we have? What's so bad about trying to achieve more? I mean if there is a chance for a better solution why not go for it?

Trillian is seen as the best today but truthfully it's only really the best if you buy their software. Miranda is a pain in the ass to just get your most basic functions and even then you still don't get the features that we'd all like no matter how much custimization you want. Gaim seems to be the only one of the big three to working to change and improve but even their they have their shortcomings with features, interface, and more.

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Not to sound like a jerk or something but why should we just be content with what we have? What's so bad about trying to achieve more? I mean if there is a chance for a better solution why not go for it?

Trillian is seen as the best today but truthfully it's only really the best if you buy their software. Miranda is a pain in the ass to just get your most basic functions and even then you still don't get the features that we'd all like no matter how much custimization you want. Gaim seems to be the only one of the big three to working to change and improve but even their they have their shortcomings with features, interface, and more.

i agree. i like trillian. nice interface and all functionality is there. miranda's transparent contact list looks nice but seems like you need a plug-in to do everything. i had a problem with miranda not popping up new window when new message arrive and the bubble icon doesn't show in contact list. got fed up and uninstall it, maybe will try miranda again later, cuz i like the transparent effect :P would love to try Adium X is there was a port for windows. it looks cool

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From a developers perspective, it's interesting to know that Adium uses the same engine as Gaim does. Don't nail me down on this but I think it should be possible to code a nicer, Adium inspired user interface around libgaim for both Windows and Linux.

Another way would be to backport the original Adium sources to compile under OpenStep/GNUStep - these being open source implementations of the ancestor of OSX (NextStep), it should be feasible for a cross platform developer.

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I never said I wasn't willing to learn but like i said I don't know much programming besides actionscript and javascript and minimal java. And believe me if it's not really just the lack of programming knowledge but just the fact I really have no idea where to start. If I did I'd defenitely offer more of my services to help.

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yeah you're so gung ho because you wouldn't have to do any of the tedious, back-breaking coding.

Hey man, give the guy a break. For projects like this to start out somebody has to start from somewhere. Even if he doesn't know programming, it's good he has the effort to try and organize something like this. If this project breaks through and actually gets started, it's things like this that makes Aqua-Soft worth while. See, it's actual creation of programs and innovations that make A-S not just another skinning web site. Think about the Finder-clones, Spotlight-clones, AveDesk just to name a few. Sitting around day-dreaming isn't going to solve anything.

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