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Adium X port for Windows?

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as a tester for upcoming version of adium and an avid poster on their forums, there is no way you can port adium over. sure you have libgaim but almost all the coding is objective c which is impossible to bring over to pc unless some type of of object oriented language which has the same functions as objective c was created then you could do it, but adium's code is getting more intwined with mac only applications such as the growl notification system, and quicksilver. you also not be able to have any adium xtras for the application if it were ported over becuase the dock icons, and scripts are almost all applescript based alont with the message views and adium duck icons not being recognized as a format on pc's.

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as a tester for upcoming version of adium and an avid poster on their forums, there is no way you can port adium over. sure you have libgaim but almost all the coding is objective c which is impossible to bring over to pc unless some type of of object oriented language which has the same functions as objective c was created then you could do it, but adium's code is getting more intwined with mac only applications such as the growl notification system, and quicksilver. you also not be able to have any adium xtras for the application if it were ported over becuase the dock icons, and scripts are almost all applescript based alont with the message views and adium duck icons not being recognized as a format on pc's.

Well are their any substitutes for all that is mac related but on the pc? I mean I don't know much of objective c but I do know java is an object oriented language so I have no idea if that would help. As for the intertwined for mac apps then maybe sacrifices have to be made. I mean on the pc we now have snarl that is like growl and we do have some programs like quicksilver on the pc but not to the same degree of functionality. As for thee extras I guess that would be dependent on the actual code used for the pc version, if there ever were to be one.

Anyways I guess a port is asking too much unless there could just be a stand alone pc chat client that is...I guess you could say inspired by Adium. Like taking what we like from adium and using those great features into a newer pc client. Oh well it's 6 am and I'm just thinking out loud don't mind me.

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abba you should relax a bit. I never once said that crypt was wrong nor did I say that what I suggested was the way to replace what is for adium on the mac. I only gave suggestions but truthfully i have no idea if those suggestions are even possible. It's just discussing the idea that's all.

But since it seems everyone is so against it I guess I shall stop discussing this and settle for trillian.

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Hey! Let's all port Adium to C#!

But seriously... this is a big project; Adium being coded in Objective C doesn't help. Perhaps someone with a LOT of free time could work on rewriting it for Java or C#? It's a big project, but that would bring one hell of a user base in to see this.

Not java. Java ir horrible and slow, not to mention glitchy and bloated. If someone does this they need to do it right.

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Agreed; the only language I can see that's similar to OC is C#... but that's a .NET language, so it would require just as much porting work, not to mention having to use the .NET Framework. And what's this about no OC compliers for PC? Is that true?

Nonsense. There is the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), CodeWarrior and the GnuStep win32 packages for that issue.

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Anyone who could pull this of would get a ridiculous amount of thanks. Adium is an amazing messenger. We all know the faults of all other windows messengers and if Adium was even half decently ported to windows I would switch in an instant.

On start sorry for my english. I think you don't know what you talking about. Did you ever used Adium ? I have posiblity to compare AdiumX with windows messengers (i have both mac & windows) Nothing amazing is in it. Adium crashes, service of some protocols is just horrible. Miranda can do the same and can look almost the same and even better (clist modern) , but i know it is a little less user friendly.

One thing i really like in Adium X is the duckie in dock.

I hope that someone will make adium duckie docklet for rklauncher.For Miranda and/or Trillian

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On start sorry for my english. I think you don't know what you talking about. Did you ever used Adium ? I have posiblity to compare AdiumX with windows messengers (i have both mac & windows) Nothing amazing is in it. Adium crashes, service of some protocols is just horrible. Miranda can do the same and can look almost the same and even better (clist modern) , but i know it is a little less user friendly.

One thing i really like in Adium X is the duckie in dock.

I hope that someone will make adium duckie docklet for rklauncher.For Miranda and/or Trillian

See you just named the worst part about adium, is that loud quacking duck that drives you insane. Glad its a program that lets you customize it like mad.

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Why are you people still debating Adium for Win when Miranda has nearly all, and perhaps exceeds, it's capablilties already? I realize Miranda can be a bit of a pain to configure, with all it's plugins, options and whatnot, but it's quite worth the effort if one takes to time to do so.

It one wants all of Adium's cute icons, message and clist styles, those can be ported, as quite a few already have.

Just my humble opinion...

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Why are you people still debating Adium for Win when Miranda has nearly all, and perhaps exceeds, it's capablilties already? I realize Miranda can be a bit of a pain to configure, with all it's plugins, options and whatnot, but it's quite worth the effort if one takes to time to do so.

It one wants all of Adium's cute icons, message and clist styles, those can be ported, as quite a few already have.

Just my humble opinion...

Maybe because Miranda is not that good. Yes it has great skinning and plug-ins but it's still very lacking in features and at times can be buggy. Also I've found that it's not worth the effort when I realize I can't file transer, direct connect, see away messages/icons/profiles/etc. It's annoying and really forces me to stop using it.

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