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Firefox Skinning Guide

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Hi guys,

2 questions:

1. I want to modification some elements in Firefox theme and I unrar .jar file. If I have done my modification, how I save it as .jar file (Firefox When I pack it as rar and next rename .rar as .jar, my firefox installing theme, and after instalation it clears from themes sidebar.

2. I used zerroeffect's theme Eternal Aqua 1.5 and beyond and enjoyed (with the exception of "milk" throbber - I prefer "safari-safire" throbber; is possible change it?). Once I find update for this theme 3.3, and installing... and if I use this theme, I nothing see in firefox window... only gray background. How I may fix it?attachment.php?attachmentid=7978&stc=1&d=1154031673


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Hi, I have been working on this problem pretty much all day and have searched both here and on the mozillazine forums for an answer. What I need to know is how can I center the text and also change the text color on the bookmark bar? The only code I have found in reference to this is the following which doesnt seem to work when put into either the UserChrome.css or tabbox.css. The text stays black and will not center. Is there something I am missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

.bookmark-item > .toolbarbutton-text {

font-family: "Avant Garde" !important;

font-weight: regular !important;

font-size: 10px !important;

color: #887A6D;



A shot of the theme I am working on is here.

Update: I found out where to change the text color... the above code goes in browser.css in the jar's "browser" directory. Now just need to find out how to center the bookmark bar's items.

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The lines shoudl read like this

@import url("chrome://global/skin/subskin/rounded.css");

@import url("chrome://global/skin/subskin/applebutton.css");

You seem to have removed the @import URL part

The fav icons part shoudl read as such

/* Remove favi icons*/

.tab-icon {

display: none !important;


Hope those help

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The lines shoudl read like this

@import url("chrome://global/skin/subskin/rounded.css");

@import url("chrome://global/skin/subskin/applebutton.css");

You seem to have removed the @import URL part

The fav icons part shoudl read as such

/* Remove favi icons*/

.tab-icon {

display: none !important;


Hope those help

thx all workd but the rounded url :/

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Are you sure the "rounded.css" file is in the theme you are using?

Edit: It's not in the bister firefox theme :P

I had a userChrome edit for it but I cant find it anymore


Does someone know the awnser to this?

In the newest beta from FireFox there is no mouseover image from the VisualStyle, I hope I'm explaining this the right way

How can I add that feature to FireFox 1.5?

I mean I only want to see the mouseover Icon from the theme instead of a box surrounding it.

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