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Firefox Skinning Guide

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Look, I'm not the best at explaining but here it goes.

1. Take a theme that has rounded.css.

2. Open rounded.css with a text editor.

3. take note of any images it uses.

4. take those images and put them in the same folder as userChrome.

4. Copy everything in rounded.css, paste in userchrome.

5. Fix the images links. (e.g. from ""chrome://global/skin/IamAnImage.png" to "IamAnImage.png")

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here is my current problem, how can i make the forward/back button back to normal (dont have spaces between them?)

I tweaked alot of thing but dont remember anything related to the buttons



forgot to add, the skin is eternal aqua safire by zeroaffect , try other skin but still the same

UPDATED: Fixed , :D


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Couldn't find the answer to this one so far. Is it possible to move the FAVICON to the right of the tab and replace it with a transparent icon so that the progress spinner still shows? Thanks

I've lost you there. You want to put icons on the right side of the tabs and then replace them with TRANSPARENT ones?? Whats the point in doing this? You could just disable/remove/hide the favicons on tabs. :confused:

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disabling them will also disable the animated progress spinner that shows while page is loading and then is replaced by the favicon. If you have access to a Mac, you will see what happens when the tab pages are still loading.

Hmm.. I'm useing: Windows XP, Firefox, SaFire Milk and nofavicons.css which hides my icons on tabs, BUT displays the animation of milk drops (on tab) while the page is loading. :slant:

Yeah, I forgot to say that I dont have access to a Mac! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone.. very new here

I am sorry i a am a complete newbie at all this..

What i am wanting to accomplish is modifying the tab toolbar, from the wide toolbar with the tab being offset.. into a single sized toolbar with just the active tab being a diff color, but remaining the same size.

The theme i am modifying is Truth

~ source http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/28635671/


The tab toolbar i wish to implement into the Truth theme is from iFox Graphite


*EDIT: I found the key eliment :) had something to do with the tabbox.css, thanks guys

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so i opened up the jar-file to ad some missing buttons to a theme, how do i know where to put the buttons in the buttong-png, is there any template i can use as a help? The two missing buttons i want to ad is open new tab and open new window... is there any way i can make them have to buttons that merge into each other like the A-A button?

and when im finished with the png-file how do i save it as jar-file that will install the theme? Do i just zip it and rename to .jar and install?

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