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Complete Utter Randomness Thread

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Statistically, it should be 17, as that's the most picked random number by humans from a list of 1 to 20. I like 5 though.

Someone hasn't read the Illuminatus! Trilogy.

Though you might have, 17 is mentioned, but its behind 5s and 23s in number of uses.

2 + 3 = 5

1 + 7 = 8 = 2(cubed, don't know how to do that)

The law of fives:


It is never wrong, it also mentions Fives five times.

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It's all statistics anyways. All that really matters is sample size and variety, as well as source selection. I'm going off of an online science blog poll that received 347 replies. I just wish they described their computer random number generator, as most draw from random number lists initialized at a random point, selected from a list initialized at...... I'm curious if there was true randomness achieved in their simulated data.






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Yeah, I saw the article off Digg, gnome (one of the few things I've seen off Digg, actually...I never really got into that whole phenomenon). Anyway, numbers are now kind of a pet hobby of mine :D. I don't recall where I saw this (probably even a fiction or science fiction book), but it's all meaningless, even the law of fives. You can take any number (within reason--rationals are a good start), and start to see it everywhere. I just wish I remembered where I saw it...


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Yeah, the real law of fives may just be that if you try hard enough you can always relate something to 5. I'd still heavily recommend reading Illuminatus! Trilogy. They actually made each occurrance of a number seem important.

Also, there's a Jim Carrey movie coming out called #23.

I'm hoping for copious amounts of other numbers I like. (e.g. 13, 17, 19..)

Gnomexp and Nighcrawler, were either of you in a higher then normal math class?

And did either of you like to mess with numbers when you were younger? e.g. See 6944, add the numbers up.

6+9+4+4= 23, 2+3=5

oh shi.. I didn't mean for the 23 or 5 there...

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I'm a statistics major at the University of Texas at Dallas. It's a full fledged math major with Calc 1 and 2 (in 2), Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, etc. It isn't an applied math (*pussy* *cough*) major.

Never messed too much with numbers as a kid, but math was always easy. I visualize data, which is why I think number games are pretty pointless, but appreciate statistics since it's another way to visualize the world around us, another set of filters. That being said, statistics should never be substituted for research; it's meant to be performed on research.

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I'm a statistics major at the University of Texas at Dallas. It's a full fledged math major with Calc 1 and 2 (in 2), Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, etc. It isn't an applied math (*pussy* *cough*) major.

Never messed too much with numbers as a kid, but math was always easy. I visualize data, which is why I think number games are pretty pointless, but appreciate statistics since it's another way to visualize the world around us, another set of filters. That being said, statistics should never be substituted for research; it's meant to be performed on research.

What do you actually have in calculus and differential equations (High school vs Uni)?

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Gnomexp and Nighcrawler, were either of you in a higher then normal math class?

Well, I'm only in sixth grade now, but I'll get back to you on that one.


Hehe, if I do say so myself, I'm not bad...but then again, I'm nothing special. Recently, though, I've been interested in the history of math and the stuff you'd wow dinner guests with :D. I can't stand matrices, though.


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Higher math in UK was NOT what I expected it to be. People were doing linear equations in 2 variables, and square identities :P

And a calculator paper. WTF is a calculator paper??! I had questions like

Multiply 22521.3 by 24.21 and write the answer as it appears on your calculator

I wonder if A level math was the same level as here in India. I thoroughly enjoyed differential integral calculus and differential equations. Not to mention 3D geometry.

It's almost here - card fact Lenehan swelled smash gulp to go.effect down stage
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I can see multiplying that out, but why? I do agree with you, NC, that matrices suck. The only, only thing I use them for are for finding the cross product of two vectors (used in both physics and vector and plane calculus).

Oh, I found something not related to five. 2. It doesn't add or divide into it in any way, shape, or form. It isn't related. It also doesn't have five letters, like three does. :P

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I can see multiplying that out, but why?

hey, i got a calculator and use it, gladly! we're not talking about finding square roots by hand. we're talking basic math skills. here's an analogy: one of my pet peeves here at a-s is 100% computer novices using flyakite with absolutely no idea of what's going on under the hood. not that we all need to know how to program, but basic stuff like: what's wfp? what's a dos prompt? what's uxtheme.dll? how come flyakite didn't move my "startbar"?

just a modicum of computer basics would take the mystery out of the big, bad, voodoo-like, sorcerer-written flyakite magic-fairy program.

i think it's the same with math: i would never multiply 22521.3 by 24.21 by hand if i had a calculator within walking distance. but, a basic grasp of number and how they work and what they mean is, i think, essential to daily living. want proof? just ask the people i owe money to if they care whether i pay them 12 x $300 or 13 x $200.

besides, math is fun! in your calculator, multiply 2417x24. then look at the answer upside-down. :)

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I know a good amount about what FlyaKite is doing (I know what a DLL is!) And I still won't touch the thing. I t just does... too much. And I feel like I have no control lol.

I mean, one of the Options is "Replace System Files" and this is what my mind had to say about that:

"wha wha what?? no! but, what will that do? how reversible can that possibly be? system files, that could be... anything? well, what do i do? i want the Mac look, but... hmmmm... will it be worth it? those screenshots looked preeety good... oh, my what a dilemna... what to do what to do..."

@ shmengie: that is one scary link, man. don't do that...

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