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New Aqua System

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@The cereal mouse:

Yeah, a little bit, but is a compressed JPEG.

Standard folder's border is a bit fuzzy too, because the folder have to mantain high visibility, i think. By the way, try to download the iContainer. This can be an effect of compression.

Universal folder bug corrected. Excuse me.

If you don't know about what I'm talking, don't care...

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My basic purpose is NOT create something of very different from aqua standard, but is renewing the existing style, according to new Apple aqua interface.

Infact, in Tiger, we can see that striped windows (created in osx 10.1 for resemble the look of plastic iMac) are superpassed by unified color fills. We see, in addition, a lot of sky colors.

The emblematic example of what i said is the new Mail application.

By the way, I still need your impression. Go on with your comments!!!

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i think you should remove the shadows from the glyphs on the folders...other than that it looks good. so many aqua hybrids out there, this is one of the top 10. :)

Either that or create a lite shadow from the front cover onto the back cover for consistancy.

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@enjoilax: thank you mate, your comment is very encouraging.

Excuse me again for my lack of english comprension, but I'm italian: can you explain in other words what does mean "face on as well"? Maybe you mean that folders are in oblique view?

Hey... can I have a response please? :cool:

//Posts Merged. -NC

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