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I'm not sure if this is the place or even the time to request this, but I'll try anyway.

The app allows you to add/amend the seperators, which is really cool.

Is there plans to have the same functions added to the vertical seperator between FindeXer and the Explorer window?

Or is this something that can be done another way?

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Guest Julieta

Hello, I couldnt get it to work in winSP1, my shame :(

The install for the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package doesnt finish up and asks me for a dll (doesnt give any any name for it)

Buuuaaa! :'(

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Guest Julieta
why do people still have sp1? support for sp1 is going to be dropped in the next few months

That doesnt help at all...I guess everybody tells you similar stuff and you just repeat it.

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Guest Julieta

@alianyn, thank you, I had just read the readme file and got the other file from microsoft.

I will try it soon, I am attacking some physics problems at now, lol :P

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@Elijio - no need to both PM me and post here - I answer as soon as I see any posts and am able to post myself ;)

as for your porblem, applematic had a similar problem for which i suggested he check some stuff out

in this post. If you could check those out and report back, maybe we can move head at locating what the porblem is. Also, are you using an Installation of windows that is based on a language other than English?

Please also specify the any Adware or AntiVirus Apps that are installed.

@Austin123, piniata, enjoilax - To accomplish that would require Hooking which usually brings some loads of other problems with it - so I'm pretty uninclined to do that at the moment. As with the default load - I might always figure out another way to do it and implement it, but definitely not in the next 2 builds, so please drop it for now.

btw - what i do when i want to search using ctrl+f is open another window using winkey+e or choosing "explore" from the default menu ;)

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@Elijio - no need to both PM me and post here - I answer as soon as I see any posts and am able to post myself ;)

as for your porblem, applematic had a similar problem for which i suggested he check some stuff out

in this post. If you could check those out and report back, maybe we can move head at locating what the porblem is. Also, are you using an Installation of windows that is based on a language other than English?

Please also specify the any Adware or AntiVirus Apps that are installed.

OK thanks for the quick reply. My Xp is english and my antivirus is Antivir. I have all those registry keys. Hope you can still help me :(.BTW does it get installed for all XP accounts?

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I'm not sure if someone reported this before ... bug or by design ?

1)- Once i launched explorer via yzDock (ie: my computer, control panel or recycle bin), then clicked any shortcuts in left folder pane (FindeXer) its will open another window instead opening in the same window. This doesn't happen when launch explorer from the startmenu.

Produce : Always

Step to produce : [yzDock] Click ---> ie: my computer ---> explorer window ---> click any shortcuts from the left pane ---> new windows will open (i see 2 windows explorer open and see 2 processes explorer.exe running once check the task manager)

Expected behavior: Open in the same window and only one process explorer.exe running

( Solved ... not a bug my mistake....thx to riot ;) )

2)- Recycle bin (image) not empty, though i delete/empty the recycle bin. Need to close/reopen the window to see the recyle bin (image) empty.

Produce : Always

Step to produce : Delete something (ie: unwanted file/doc.text etc) ---> Open explorer ---> you see in FindeXer (left panel), recycle bin fulled ---> try empty the bin ---> the image in left panel still showing its fulled ---> [need to close/reopen the explorer window,to see the bin empty]

Expected behavior: Once empty the bin, the left panel image should updated too (empty)

Sys Specs : WinXP Pro Sp.2, FindeXer V1.1 build #3, yzDock 0.8.3.....

ps: The best Finder clone ever (atm) ... KUDOS!!!

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I'm not sure if someone reported this before ... bug or by design ?

1)- Once i launched explorer via yzDock (ie: my computer, control panel or recycle bin), then clicked any shortcuts in left folder pane (FindeXer) its will open another window instead opening in the same window. This doesn't happen when launch explorer from the startmenu.

Produce : Always

Step to produce : [yzDock] Click ---> ie: my computer ---> explorer window ---> click any shortcuts from the left pane ---> new windows will open (i see 2 windows explorer open and see 2 processes explorer.exe running once check the task manager)

Expected behavior: Open in the same window and only one process explorer.exe running

try Tools > Folder Options > View > Uncheck "Launch folder windows in a seperate process"

and that should fix that :P

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I would download the latest bulid again. Run unregister.bat. Delete the old findeXer.dll, replace it with the FindeXer.dll that you downloaded and run register.bat once again.

This may not do anything but it is worth a try. It certainly can't hurt anything.

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Well, after hearing so many great things from this app. I've decided to install it on my PC. Everything went well during installation, and I could select FindeXer from the menu. Everything's working perfectly except the fact it wasn't showing up by default.

I checked registry entries, and Internet Explorer's "Enable Support for Third-Party Browse Extensions" option and everything seemed to be in order. I had pratically given up making it show up as default, and was about to move on with life, but I inserted a CD in my drive for some reason, and it auto-opened in Explorer and.. surprise surprise with FindeXer on by default. After doing some testing, I discovered that FindeXer only opens by default if Explorer's not in Tree View mode. So by adding a path to explorer when running it (e.g. "explorer.exe c:"), I made a shortcut that opens explorer with FindeXer by default. Hope that is of any help to those having problems with that. I, however use Winkey+E a lot, which opens explorer in tree view mode, and I would like to change that as well. Anyone knows how to change that?

PS : Sorry if this problem has been discussed previously, I did read the thread, but I may have overlooked something. I also saw some registry files floating around in Kabal's Finderbar thread, which appear to have something to do with Explorer's Tree View, but I don't know whether they can be used with FindeXer as well. (Don't wanna mess up explorer and end up killing tree view, since I still use that)

PS 2 : Awesome program, keep up the good work.

Cheers :)

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