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  • 2 weeks later...
In the comments to FindeXer nightly build #3, Tom has written the following on April, 10:

It is coming, it has gone some major rewrites (i will post about it later this week) and so was delayed a little.

just to give you an idea of how much has been added/rewritten - i am currently at build 532 of V1.1.0.4 - which eventually be released as V1.1.0.5.

i apologize for the wait - but you are getting a better piece of software

thanks for the interest.

This is only information we currently have.

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I hate to bring up an old problem, but I'm having issues with FindeXer loading new Exporer windows whenever I click one of its icons. I've tried setting Open as the default behavior under Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types -> Folder, as suggested earlier in the thread, but that does nothing. Are there any other solutions?

Also, I'd like to request a feature: when loading custom icons, FindeXer should save them internally instead of simply linking to the selected file. What if I delete a linked icon accidentally? I'm SOL. FindeXer should be smart enough to remember what custom icon I want to use, even if it gets deleted.

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Hi everyone, i got an annoying behavior with this excelent app, when i hit show folder button or start search (it takes the place where FindeXer), and then wanna get FindeXer back but... instead of that, i got no shell till i close and re-open the folder.

Its just me or its a known bug.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks SirSmiley, it done the trick.

So it means there's no way to get FindeXer running up again after closing another bar e.g: search, library...ect. until i switch it from View Menu or Re-open the folder.

Yes. You could use a sendkey script to do it automatically but, if you disable the Menu Bar in Explorer through Styler it most likely wouldn't work.

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Yes. You could use a sendkey script to do it automatically but, if you disable the Menu Bar in Explorer through Styler it most likely wouldn't work.

Yup that's my case, using Styler at the moment...But, in other hand, regular shell sux so...

long life to Findexer !!!


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I have 2 questions. Maybe they were discussed in the past but I couldn't find anything to it... :(


When I press the "folder" icon in the toolbar (I use Styler), the explorer tree shows up. fine.

I look inside the tree for the folder I want, select it in the tree and the content shows up in the right

part of the window. Absolutely normal. But when I want to 2x click a folder in there, this folder

opens as a new window instead of opening in the actuall. that sucks :P

Maybe someone know how to fix that?


Not that big problem, but I would love to have a solution for it too.

Same situation. Opening up treeview and do something (not that much at the moment because

of problem above^^). then I want to close treeview and want findexer to show up again.

But what I see is that fu**** ugly windows "panel" thing (don't know what its called the right way).

I know, findexer is only a part of that folders-view like treeview, search, ...

Maybe there is some registry hack to set the function of the folders-button to toggle between

findexer and treeview?!

I think I'm not the only one having these problems... ;)

Looking forward for an answer ;)

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