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I was having that problem where FindXer wasn't coming up as the default in my Folders as well. This happened to me after I had to uninstall+reinstall internet explorer due to some malware infection. I figured out the cure though:

Go into Control Panel > Folder Options > File Types

Select the file type "Folder". Not File Folder, just Folder.

Go into "Advanced"

Select "explore" as the default, click okay, then go back again and select the default to be "open."

Should do the trick. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi larzon83 & others,

The latest version of FindeXer is, which is available for members of HollywoodGui.com - if I'm not mistaken there's no problem registering at the site. According to mrrste @ DA, there's a Vista-compatible version on the way...

(see h_ttp://mrrste.deviantart.com/art/Well-it-sure-ain-t-Plastic-77051855 )

The developer of FindeXer @ HGUI is alianyn...

I'm not sure what improvements there will be in the upcoming version - other than Vista compatibility...

P.S. Exactly why can't I post ordinary URL links...?

P.P.S. doh - I see you've already seen mrrste's page, larzon... :o

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Hi larzon83 & others,

The latest version of FindeXer is, which is available for members of HollywoodGui.com - if I'm not mistaken there's no problem registering at the site. According to mrrste @ DA, there's a Vista-compatible version on the way...

(see h_ttp://mrrste.deviantart.com/art/Well-it-sure-ain-t-Plastic-77051855 )

The developer of FindeXer @ HGUI is alianyn...

I'm not sure what improvements there will be in the upcoming version - other than Vista compatibility...

P.S. Exactly why can't I post ordinary URL links...?

P.P.S. doh - I see you've already seen mrrste's page, larzon... :o

WoW, thanks for the info :o

I want a new version of FindeXer ^^, have this relaese leopard features??:S

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Hi guys i have a way to override the win+e hotkey so it will open the path you like (i.e C:... not explorer.exe coz theres some registry with readonly mode) and of course findexer bar always show.

first thing to do is download a freeware called AutoHotKey (ask uncle google..0_^)

after you get that freeware don't forget to install it.(:D). then create new text document (anywhere...it;s up to u), rename that file with ..*.ahk (i.e Override.ahk).after that right click on that file then choose edit script. Fill this script:

#e::Run, C:

save it. if you want to test it go ahead dbl click that file and after that press win+e hotkey, is it open an explorer with findexer bar?if it's true then you made it. 0_^.Ooops...one step more.

hmmm... this script won't load automaticly when you start your window. to solve this prob, open autohotkey in start menu (autohotkey>convert .ahk to .exe). after you get the .exe put that file in your startup folder in startmenu. there's a lot option to do this. you can use tune up startup manager or anything else.

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Hi all, I have changed in reshacker the eject icon to the black one. Its not on right like in Finder, but it looks more like Leopard (look at the screen). If you want to send my version, write me PM or mail to jakub.karasek@seznam.cz

One question: Is there a way how to click into findexer by middle button and open the folder on the tab (using QTTabBar) like it does icons in explorer?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

Hopefully this might clear things up a little:

When one does the Win+E thing, the system executes the "%SystemRoot%explorer.exe" command. After searching on the net for quite some time, I'm still uncertain about how to do a safe registry hack that will change the default view of explorer.exe from e.g. "Folder" to "FindeXer" view.

Another possibility, which ~nookieSpooky hinted at, is to create a shortcut to a specific directory/folder (e.g. C:). FindExer is set up so that if one opens a directory/folder when Explorer isn't already open, then the FindeXer panel will be loaded as default.

However, I personally find it more convenient to start at "This Computer" rather than C: when I start Explorer up, so I can see all the available drives, links to printers, the control panel etc. To do this correctly, one should use the CLSID addresses (CLSID = Windows Class Identifiers).

Here's a few:

"This Computer" ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

"My Documents" ::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}

"Folder X" (a folder Inside "My Documents") ::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}Folder X

"Control Panel" ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

"Printers" ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}::{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}

"Recycle Bin" ::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}

etc... Not all CLSID addresses are supported by the RUN command, but if one uses AutoHotKey, this can be tinkered with...

One can use this knowledge in various ways: as ~nookieSpooky suggested, AutoHotKey is a good option, and programs such as Launchy, LiteStep etc. could do the same (maybe AveDesk can as well? I don't use it myself...) One simply defines in these programs a shortcut to the desired CLSID address and gives this shortcut a hotkey, e.g. Win+Q...

For those among us using ObjectBar (ObjectBar, not ObjectDock), this can also be done. Here is the recipe, using "My Computer" as an example:

1. Create a new container in the ObjectBar property dialogue

2. In this container, create a shortcut to the following file:

%SystemRoot%explorer.exe ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

Not too sure why, but in OB you have to first link to the explorer.exe file & append the CLSID address after that... Let's not worry our minds about such small details... ;)

3. Assign this shortcut a hotkey, for example, I use Win+W...

4. Selecting the container itself, mark the box "Hide container from bar"

5. save your OB theme...

Using the CLSID addresses is pretty much the right way (or at least one of the right ways!) to create shortcuts to system directories/folders, whether it's a shortcut on the desktop, an icon on your dock, or a link in the FindeXer panel itself...

Hope someone finds this blurb useful. Happy skinning! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
There's some strange behavior now... since the latest reboot, FindeXer throws a Windows error sound on every mouseover. Does anybody know why?

Hard to narrow it down if you don't tell us what you were doing before your last reboot. What sort of changes were made in between the time it was working and when it stopped working?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi there, I've just tried installing FindeXer (all 3 nighlty builds and v1.0) and each time I have the same problem - when I right-click anywhere inside FindeXer the menu font is just squares and not readable (I've attached a screenshot).

Am I missing a font? and if so what font? Or is it something else?

Thanks in advance...


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  • 4 weeks later...

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