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Thanks Piniata, you give the idea to solve the two problems ( 1. not load with Explorer

2. open in new windows)

y just drag MyDocuments folder to my Quick launch and configure (open by default)

and... works fine!!!

thanks Tom

here the reg file to open by default

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



I really know nothing about this, but it might help a little bit so I'll try..

Looking around about switches and things, the /e switch is for "explore" (it opens the explore panel on the left) as you'd probably already know, so if you somehow worked out or created a switch for findeXer then it would work? Not sure how difficult and if it's even possible, but hopefully this might help.

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Hi there, I've just tried installing FindeXer (all 3 nighlty builds and v1.0) and each time I have the same problem - when I right-click anywhere inside FindeXer the menu font is just squares and not readable (I've attached a screenshot).

Am I missing a font? and if so what font? Or is it something else?

Thanks in advance...

same problem here.

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  • 2 months later...
Hi guys i have a way to override the win+e hotkey so it will open the path you like (i.e C:... not explorer.exe coz theres some registry with readonly mode) and of course findexer bar always show.

first thing to do is download a freeware called AutoHotKey (ask uncle google..0_^)

after you get that freeware don't forget to install it.(:D). then create new text document (anywhere...it;s up to u), rename that file with ..*.ahk (i.e Override.ahk).after that right click on that file then choose edit script. Fill this script:

#e::Run, C:

save it. if you want to test it go ahead dbl click that file and after that press win+e hotkey, is it open an explorer with findexer bar?if it's true then you made it. 0_^.Ooops...one step more.

hmmm... this script won't load automaticly when you start your window. to solve this prob, open autohotkey in start menu (autohotkey>convert .ahk to .exe). after you get the .exe put that file in your startup folder in startmenu. there's a lot option to do this. you can use tune up startup manager or anything else.

Hi NookieSpooky, your AH code worked fantastic! I have been wandering for quite some time how to get this bar working with Win+e hotkey, THANK YOU, wonderful coder!

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Hello Alianyn, thanx for this excellent application. I've got 2 tips to make it better:

I´d like to have in preferences of removable unit choice if i want to disapear it in Findexer when I unplugg it or not. Because I use virtual unit and I am loading images by right clicking on DVD rom and choose load image. I cant do it, because the empty virtual unit is not viewable in Findexer.

And the next feature: I´d like to have: Lots of people are using QTtabbar, thats application for tabs in explorer, when you click on icon by mouse wheel, it opens on new tab. Is possible to add wheel clicking to Findexer?

Thanx a lot

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@DZGH_Operator: did you install the VC++ Runtime Redistributable 2005 SP1?

Thank you for your fast answer, I really appreciate your help :)

Of course I did so, but even after restarting my PC I still had no luck.

I also tried to run Register.bat with administrative rights, but that wasn't doing the trick neither.

I also gave myself full access to FindeXer's folder, but the result stays the same.

Any other ideas?

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@DZGH_Operator: the only time i encountered this error was due to a missing CRT's.

Can you check your event log and see if there is an error there you can post. Also, can you please quote the exact error you are getting?

There's no error in the event log.

Here are two screenshots showing the error messages when trying to register FindeXer.dll. The first one appears when running the Batch-file with normal rights and the second one after running it with administrative rights.

The first one says the following:

The module "FindeXer.dll" was loaded, but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with Code 0x80070005.

And the second message:

The module "FindeXer.dll" could not be loaded. Make sure that the binary file is located at the specified path or debug the file, to except problems with the binary file or dependent DLL-file.

The specified module was not found."

Thank you again for helping me :)



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@DZGH_Operator: It seems like the error you are getting is about the file not being located. can you please try the attached installation batch file.

if you still get the same error please run the command line as administrator, go to the FindeXer directory and type:

regsvr32 FindeXer.dll

let me know if this turns out any errors please.

I also have this problem and cannot get it to work :(

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I installed FindeXer and works great.

However I did a manual installation, by using the command line:

Uninstalling older version: (your mileage may vary)

cd windowssystem32
regsvr32 /u FindeXer.dll

Just in case, I did a backup of the old version:

ren FindeXer.dll old-FindeXer.dll

Also, just in case, I did a PrintScreen of the current FindeXer.

Then, I extracted the new FindeXer.dll from the .zip file into c:windowssystem32

Then returned to the command line and did:

regsvr32 FindeXer.dll

Last, I pressed Control + Alt + Delete, switched to Processes tab, and killed explorer.exe.

Then, still from the Task manager, I did File, New task (run...), Open: explorer.exe, Ok.

In short, I killed and restarted explorer, to force it load the new version of FindeXer (it was that, or logging off and in again, which may be better to you).

The screenshot (PrintScreen key) I did, came very handy because the new version didn't import icons from the old version :(


Is there any possibility to add a margin option to each item? This margin would be added to both the caption and the icon.

The idea is to emulate (at least in appearance) the look of Leopard's bar. I know it will be easier and more correct when you add your planned feature:

  • Adding Categories and SubCategories - which are expandable/collapsible.

But in the meantime this would be a little nice trick and maybe is not too difficult to implement (and you'll have to implement the needed code, anyway, when adding the expandable/collapsible feature ;)).

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It opens in the same window, as far as it is a folder (at least in my computer).

I don't know if this is your problem, but I had a similar problem with Control panel: I tried adding a shortcut to C:WindowsSystem32control.exe and it didn't open in the same window.

The solution was to use the CLSID instead (something like ::{2030-12345678-blablablatoolargenumberstoremember}). Of course I didn't know the Control panel's CLSID before-hand, I just added anything else (it doesn't matter what, add a shortcut to anything), then edited that item, pressed the ... button at the Path textbox, and selected Desktop > My computer > Control panel. That did the trick.

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The screenshot (PrintScreen key) I did, came very handy because the new version didn't import icons from the old version :(


Is there any possibility to add a margin option to each item? This margin would be added to both the caption and the icon.

The idea is to emulate (at least in appearance) the look of Leopard's bar. I know it will be easier and more correct when you add your planned feature:

  • Adding Categories and SubCategories - which are expandable/collapsible.

But in the meantime this would be a little nice trick and maybe is not too difficult to implement (and you'll have to implement the needed code, anyway, when adding the expandable/collapsible feature ;)).

I'm sorry - the format had to change, and there was really no point in investing valuable time in an import program. I do apologize for the inconvenience this gives to any user of the former version.

As for the margin idea, it is a good idea as a temporary and maybe even as a permanent one (even when there are cat/subcat) - i can imagine users wanting to customize this. I will add it to the ToDo list... - Thanks ;)

At the moment all I've added is folders but each one I click will open in a new explorer window.

@parry: Are you using windows Vista, if you are - this is a known problem with the default configuration for some of Vista installations i've seen. I have yet to find the common denominator between them but i already have a fix which will be available in the next version, meanwhile you can change the default action for your folders from "Explore" to "Open".

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@parry: Are you using windows Vista, if you are - this is a known problem with the default configuration for some of Vista installations i've seen. I have yet to find the common denominator between them but i already have a fix which will be available in the next version, meanwhile you can change the default action for your folders from "Explore" to "Open".

I've tried this before posting but it still does it? Unless I changed something different to what your saying.

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Can you enter into regedit.exe (Registry Editor), go to My computer > HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, and export both the Directory and the Folder keys? And post them as attachments here (or upload them somewhere).

This way anyone with XP or Vista can compare the values to their own. Maybe the problem is related with those registry keys.

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