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not sure how much this helps, but if i open winexpose in windows home edition, it displays "could not find data '0' ". it works fine on my other comp, which has xp pro edition.

WinExposé works perfekt on my notebook with windows xp home.

Its very fast even with 15 apps and windows open, and thats with an onbard notebook graphics.

A very awesome app "thumbs up"

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Current version of WinExposé hangs-up while not interacting with it... It even hangs all the desktop, so I guess I'm displaying the window, not updating it, then crashing the app. So is time for another good bugfix on the OnTimer event ;-)

Also I'm trying to add a charset option on langfiles, so you can use something else than ansi charsets. Such thing would allow for translations to Russian, Hebrew, Greek, etc...

I'm testing a new option: texture size. This option allows to use window-screenshots with a resolution lower than the original (i.e. half the size of the window, or even quarter the size of the window). While this makes WinExposé consume less memory and animations in DirectX mode seems to run smoother, it also makes the windows look like out-of-focus when exposeing in/out.

I hope I'll be publishing a new release soon (I've to bear with lot of exams).


PS: about the 120 DPI bug, I had almost forgot Delphi had this kind of problems (had seen this problem in other computer with another software I wrote, a lot of time ago). I'll try to find a quick work-around on it.

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First of all, I'd like to thank you for developing this neat little program. I'm particularly impressed with the fact that it needs no installation. I'm on different computers all day that I may not have admin privileges to. However, I keep getting the error message: Failed to set data for '0'. After I click 'OK', I then get the access violation error when I mouseover some parts of screen:


Access violation at address 00452350 in module 'WinExpose.exe'. Read of address 00000024.




I'd like to point out that I'm running with limited privileges on machines that are Windows XP SP1 (not SP2). No tray icon shows up.

Any thoughts? Thanks again for your work!

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Just wanted to say thanks and what a fantastic application :).

I realise that you are busy with exams (I am too) so you probably won't be able to reply to this for a while. Nevertheless, I have some issues that are preventing me from being able to fully use this program.

1. Whenever I go into a full screen application e.g. a game, this causes an error "Access violation at address 00451353 in module 'WinExpose.exe'. Read of address 00000000".

This is in DirectX mode. My current work around for this is to use the Windows GDI mode which doesn't look so nice, but doesn't have such problems (though as an aside I have to disable titles for Windows GDI mode to work without errors). This is as administrator on two WinXP home boxs.

2. Apart from the error above, it would be nice to have some way of telling WinExpose not to appear if I am in a fullscreen app e.g. a game. Whilst it is fantastic to Alt-Tab whilst on the desktop into WinExpose, doing the same thing from a game can cause a crash or hang so it would be nice if WinExpose could just let the usual Windows Alt-Tab appear then.

3. I realise you owe us nothing and am extremely grateful for what you have already done, but would it be possible to release the source code of you application? Obviously you have no obligation to do so, but people like me would find it interesting to look at and in the event that you could no longer develop the application it would allow others to do so or fix bugs if they had the skills :).

Thanks for reading.

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To avoid crash on Fullscreen Apps, or Game. I used, to open an winexposé window, such About or Settings, that prevent WinExposè to work until window is open.

Good Work!!.

The directx engine, seems to be too much slower.

Ram 1Gb

cpu Centrino 1.86Ghz

videocard: Ati Mobility Radeon X300 128mb

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Matias: I've been working on a version of my icons with a white border for you. I haven't quite finished them as I've been really busy with other things, but I'll try to get them up this week.

I wanted to ask you, do you think it would be possible to implement something to prevent WinExpose from activating whenever something Fullscreen was up ? Bumping a corner is a nightmare when in a game. Maybe using an OpenGL / D3D detection engine ? This wouldn't help for fullscreen DVD or video playback but then, I suppose the user shouldn't be hitting keys on their keyboard or moving their mouse if they're watching a film fullscreen. Still, something to consider.

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Hey, great software, I just found a bug I didn't see mentioned here. Whenever I run it, i get an error "Cannot open file C:Program FilesWinExpose.lang" and it also appears whenever I save a setting. The setting will save though. The .lang part is odd because that is an invalid file name, it shouldn't be looking for that.

... oddly enough, I just figured it out when I was copying down the error box. You have to manually select a language or else it throws up that error. When I picked English, the problem went away completely. Maybe if you set it to English in that dropdown box by default it wont error like that?

Otherwise, great software, I'd like it to run a little faster though (seems a bit sluggish and heavy on the RAM), and I think the mouse activation areas are a bit too sensitive, I have it set to the top left corner but moving it briefly there and then away again still activates the animation. Maybe it would be better to have it set to not do it if the mouse is in motion. Good job on this software. Keep up the good work.

My system:

Pentium M 1.7GHz

ATI Radeon 9600 128MB

1024MB RAM

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Great app! However, I did encounter one issue. If you run it from a Limited rather than Administrative account you get a "Failed to set data for '0'" dialog box, then you get into an infinite loop that brings up "Access violation at address 0045CB56 in module 'WinExpose.exe'. Read of address 00000000" over and over again. The only way to get out of this loop is to kill the process with the task manager.

It might be nice to add some error checking so the program fails gracefully.

-- Marcio

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I found it accidentally.

It is great and I like it, but I have a few problems ...

Unfortunately the Program is unstable yet.

I must often close it per Taskmanager.

- When I switch to Expose per hotkey, if I use the hotkey again (to return to the desktop) the Program hang in in the majority of cases.

In this case the last active Window remain in foreground and I can not switch an another Windows with the taskbar in foreground.

I must close WinExpose per Taskmanager ...

- When I a 'maximized' window 'minimize' to the taskbar and then switch to WinExpose and select this minimize Window, this window not opens maximized again but only in the "restore"-size.

-Can I hide the Taskbar in the Expose-View?

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Hello everybody.

I post this message to announce I will discontinue WinExposé :-(

It has been quite a good experience, and I have enjoyed developing it, but I have no time to continue improving it in a regular basis.

Soon I will publish the latest version I have, plus the source code, probably under the GPL / General Public License.



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