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Just add the name of the app which you don't want WinExpose to use, ie RunMe.

On that same subject.

The problem I had with RunMe is fixed by adding it to the exceptions log. :D This was with build 28.

I've just tried build 29 and came back with another issue.

I used the hot spot, select the which window I want, when everything is restored all the most of the items I had hidden on my task bar move into the main task bar the icon next to it and GDI+Window.

There is no right click function and when I open Task Manager in the applications GDI+Window is running.

I then have to "End Task" and reload all the applications again. The ones affected are Styler, Avedesk, Yshadow, RKLauncher etc, but not my AV or firewall. I hope that all makes sense.

If you need further info please give me a shout.

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As I wrote you everything works fine but with the 29th version I now experience the same "GDI+ Window issue" as msp69 does.

Programs that have an icon in taskbar after using exposé:

rklauncher, ati control panel, Y'z shadow and überIcon.

usually those progs reside in the systray or nowhere (rklauncher).

Hope I could help (not being stupid this time :) and made myself clear.

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I'm also experiencing "GDI+ Window" problem... I'll try adding it to exceptions list, if it works, it will be included in next version in exceptions.ini by default, but read below.

The problem is as follows:

- The previous window enumeration algorithm didn't enumerate minimized windows, thus I wasn't able to screenshot them, show them, or whatever.

- The current version does enumerate minimized windows, but it also shows GDI+ Window, and many people here reports RK Launcher and many others. This is reasonable, and I'll try to fix it inside the enumerator itself (instead of using the exceptions list).

Thanks for having so much patience.

Three more things:

1. Anyone with problems like random/blurrish pixels, etc... please post how many monitors are you using, and contents of the log file or a link to it, if possible.

2. If the window appears stretched, it's because of lack of proper restriction to IDirect3DDevice7.dwMaxTextureAspectRatio :-) already fixed for next version (not uploaded yet).

3. Bug with hot-keys, already fixed for next version.


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matonga, I just tested out your 9-29 release and I am amazed at how this is progresssing! One request that I have been pushing with other expose clones that I'd really love to see implemented in your program is the ability to select a window even if/while the expose animation has yet to complete. Please let me explain:

I hit a hot-key and the windows begin to 'expose,' while the animation is still shifting the windows into their spacial/grid arrangement, I identify the window I want, and click it, (eventhough the windows are still in the animation stage,) the animation is reversed and the desired window is presented.

I'm posting this request early on as devs of other expose clones have indicated that they did not anticipate this funtionality early on, and had coded themselves in such a way that implementing this usability feature would be difficult.

So what do you think? Is it do-able? Or would it be tough in this stage of the game?

Thanks in advance :)

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New version uploaded (October 02, 2006).

- Fixed the hot-keys issue (was hardcoded to Alt-Tab instead of user settings, oops :-) ).

- GDI+ Window added to exceptions list (temporal patch, to be solved by new window enumeration algorithm).

- Added Direct 3D device texture aspect ratio restriction compliance.

To do:

- Better window enumeration (again!?!? yes, again)

In progress:

- Multimonitor support (no code yet, but made lots of ideas and got many technical documentation, it's so difcult that I don't wonder why is hard to find multi-monitor compliant Direct3D accelerated apps).


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(...) the ability to select a window even if/while the expose animation has yet to complete. (...) Is it do-able? Or would it be tough in this stage of the game?

This is funny coincidence! I recently reorganized all the code to get it handy and flexible with modifications, thus doing your suggestion easy to implement. It may be even available for next version... ;-)


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Awesome app!

Do you plan on implementing window captions for the WinExposed windows at some point? I find the window captions particularily useful when there are many windows open, and the exposed windows become too small to easily tell which window is which.

Thanks again for a great program!

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experienced the same, reproducable issue that sranshaft posted 6 days ago:

everytime my computer wakes up from standby (or hibernation), WinExposé crashes and the process gets killed. I don't really know what happens cause the logon screen keeps me from reading any dialoge boxes (in case there are any) but the system sound definately says that something is going wrong (sounds, as sranshaft reported like a stream of error boxes). Just wanted to let you know. Perhaps I somehow manage to get a screenshot. Will try tomorrow.

Keep it up. The update (version release) speed is amazing!!!

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Just add the name of the app which you don't want WinExpose to use, ie RunMe.

thanks for replying me...

but I think I have trouble finding what "yzDock"'s windows caption is.

is there any way to find out?

or if there is a feature can detect and show the list of all current windows' caption would be nice too^^~~

(the yzDock turn into a white block when activate the winExpose', dont' know how it work if it's in the exception list)

and last...thank you so much:d

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I uploaded new version (2006-10-03):

- Fixed very horrible bug with min-texture-aspect-ratio restriction (would cause division by zero error on some video boards).

- Updated window enumeration algorithm to avoid layered windows. Now it should avoid including RK Launcher and other programs between the exposed windows.

- Implemented "the ability to select a window even if/while the expose animation has yet to complete" (requested by firecracker6).

Current known problems:

- Lots of video board incompatibility (write a GDI+ engine? support both Direct3D and GDI+ as options?)

- No multimonitor support yet (in progress, doing I+D work).

- WinExposé shutdowns unexpectedly by no reason.

- WinExposé doesn't survive hibernation (and worst of all, I can't reproduce the problem, works perfect in my computer and not at all in any other... *#$*f***ck!!!)

- Some users report problems with WindowBlinds (I don't have it... yet).

This is not a comprehensive list, feel free to post whatever I may have forgotten.


PS: @f000by: I have no idea where to put the captions (I'm not sort of good GUI designer). Above the windows would be right?

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Great to hear the update news. Looking forward to each and every one now. The 'Quick select' feature sounds like a good one. Glad Firecracker suggested it.

My opinion on where to place titles would be a darkened bar across the currently selected preview with the title centered. Allowing the user to set font face, size, style would be a bonus.

How exactly is it done on a Mac? I've never seen it in action (my Apple experience is limited to the days of Apple IIe and Macintosh Classic...you know the one's I'm talking about).

Thanks a lot for all your hard work. This is turning out to be one of those must have apps along the lines RK Launcher has become.

Edit: Is there anyway to keep the taskbar visible while in expose mode?

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The new version works great with RK Launcher and AveDesk. Thanks for the update!

As for the window captions: in OS X, they appear in the centre of the current mouseover window in a box with a translucent grey background. In case you aren't sure what I mean by window captions, I'm referring to the text in the title bar (ex. Aqua-Soft Forums - Reply to Topic - Mozilla Firefox is what I would expect to see). You can get an idea of what I mean by watching the preview movie at http://www.apple.com/macosx/theater/expose.html

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