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Sweet App. I'm a great fan of your programs Matonga so thank you for your work.

I just discovered that background images in bmp-format aren't displayed in the exposé-view. Not that it is a big problem but I thought I mention it here.

And I've also got a small question.

Is it possible to use the tab-key to cycle through the apps while in exposé-view. That would enable a quick keyboard only usage. alt+tab to start expose, tab to cycle, alt+tab to choose the selected app and close. I hope this wasn't asked before, if so just ignore it please.

Thanks again ^_^

Edited by sthag
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I like the app. At first I thought it was just eye candy, but given the number of windows that I typically have open, this is very helpful indeed.

I realize that in trying to get the perfect desktop - and a balance between looks and function -- I have a bloated set up. Winexpose is not stable for me. I am running XP sp3, with objectdock free(for three informational icons) and rocketdock for the rest of my navigation. I am also running fences, but with the advent of Impulse, I can see that going by the wayside. I tell WinExpose to ignore objectdock, rocketdock and fences. I also use KatMouse.

Winexpose randomly exposes all open windows. I can it to go back, but I can't figure out the exact sequence or program that triggers it. If I am moving around among windows alot, it eventually freezes. (I'm glad I found out about the alt-f4!) I have to stop and restart it. I haven't had to reboot, but I'm sure that is just a matter of time.

So if anyone could share their ignore lists so I could see if there are other problems I need to beware of. I really wish I could get this going and stable.

All that said, it is still great work. Thanks for the effort.

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Today in class of C in University xD

I was using Borland C++ 3.1 for windows :P

[05-10-09 08:52:04] Log started
[05-10-09 08:52:04] InitDXEngine () ...
[05-10-09 08:52:04] Trying dd.CreateSurface (ddsbackbuffer)...
[05-10-09 08:52:04] dd.CreateSurface (ddsbackbuffer) succeeded
[05-10-09 08:52:04] Trying d3d.CreateDevice (TnLHALDevice)...
[05-10-09 08:52:04] d3d.CreateDevice (TnLHALDevice) failed.
[05-10-09 08:52:04] Trying d3d.CreateDevice (HALDevice)...
[05-10-09 08:55:32] d3d.CreateDevice (HALDevice) succeeded
[05-10-09 08:55:32] -->> EnumTextureFormatsProc()
[05-10-09 08:55:32] ddpf.dwRGBBitCount=32
[05-10-09 08:55:32] ddpf.dwRBitMask=0x00FF0000
[05-10-09 08:55:32] ddpf.dwGBitMask=0x0000FF00
[05-10-09 08:55:32] ddpf.dwBBitMask=0x000000FF
[05-10-09 08:55:32] ddpf.dwRGBAlphaBitMask=0xFF000000
[05-10-09 08:55:32] --<< EnumTextureFormatsProc()
[05-10-09 08:55:32] EnumTextureFormatsProc(): Perfect match!
[05-10-09 08:55:32] Trying d3d.CreateDevice (TnLHALDevice)...
[05-10-09 08:55:32] d3d.CreateDevice (TnLHALDevice) failed.
[05-10-09 08:55:32] Trying d3d.CreateDevice (HALDevice)...
[05-10-09 08:55:32] d3d.CreateDevice (HALDevice) succeeded
[05-10-09 08:55:32] -->> EnumTextureFormatsProc()
[05-10-09 08:55:32] ddpf.dwRGBBitCount=32
[05-10-09 08:55:32] ddpf.dwRBitMask=0x00FF0000
[05-10-09 08:55:32] ddpf.dwGBitMask=0x0000FF00
[05-10-09 08:55:32] ddpf.dwBBitMask=0x000000FF
[05-10-09 08:55:32] ddpf.dwRGBAlphaBitMask=0xFF000000
[05-10-09 08:55:32] --<< EnumTextureFormatsProc()
[05-10-09 08:55:32] EnumTextureFormatsProc(): Perfect match!
[05-10-09 08:55:32] InitDXEngine () -> OK
[05-10-09 08:55:32] -> Device can retrieve textures from device memory.
[05-10-09 08:55:32] -> All textures must have widths and heights specified as powers of 2.
[05-10-09 08:55:32] -> Bilinear filtering.
[05-10-09 08:55:32] -> Device render bit depth: 1280
[05-10-09 08:55:32] -> Minimum texture width: 1
[05-10-09 08:55:32] -> Minimum texture height: 1
[05-10-09 08:55:32] -> Maximum texture width: 2048
[05-10-09 08:55:32] -> Maximum texture height: 2048
[05-10-09 08:55:32] -> Maximum texture aspect ratio: 2048
[05-10-09 08:55:32] Trying d3d.CreateDevice (TnLHALDevice)...
[05-10-09 08:55:32] d3d.CreateDevice (TnLHALDevice) failed.
....(continue in file)


Edited by magnus87
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have always been wanting just one thing from Expose on windows for so long now. Unfortunately, I can't make one and I still don't see a perfect one that has what I only want from Expose yet, which is the "show desktop."

Seriously though, I have tried out all different ones but never like the smoothness as Winexpose has; however, I am more looking forward to a "show desktop" feature, the one that slides all opened windows outside of desktop on different direction/corners (not just on one direction). I understand there is a "show desktop" button on windows, which I use all the time as well as Alt+Tab, but I still feel something is missing. Instead, what I like about Expose's is that I can push away opened windows and grab something right on the desktop and then have everything comes back all together for me to continue working. Wonder if this feature is mission impossible....

Really good job on Winexpose.

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Two points:

1. Why are the available hotkeys so limited? I wanted to use Windows key + Tab but the settings don't allow for that. Also, my laptop only has one Windows key. I tried using both Alt+Windows Left and Alt+Windows Right. Neither worked.

2. I use Ultramon to manage my multi-monitor support. This software adds a second taskbar for the second monitor. All windows minimized on the second monitor minimize to this second taskbar (as opposed to the normal Windows taskbar on the primary monitor). Anyway, I just thought you should know that Windows minimized on the second monitor in such an environment do not get exposed at all. I think it's likely that I'm not the only one with this setup since Ultramon is pretty popular multi-monitor support software.

Besides that, well done. I have been using DExpose2 until now, but the software was bloated in-memory and no longer supported. This looks like a good successor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you want us to go insane, right?

waiting for the next update, till we die from starvation, waiting like lost souls, staring at the monitor, clicking refresh every once in a while :)

Seriously, this app is by far the best workflow improvement for windows 2k up to 7. The community is waiting eagerly for an update.

We bow before your work

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, first of all, GREAT PROGRAM! Low memory and CPU usage when idle (with some stuff turned off) and, to a certain extent, activated. Just one problem: It doesn't have Korean/Japanese/Chinese character support. So, if you go on some website that has some Asian characters for its title, WinExposé marks it as some symbol or fraction. Can you fix it, or can anyone teach me how to make a language pack?

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