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EXCELLENT new version: Fixes many of my critical annoyances!

*Yahoo Messenger no longer creates the dreaded RSVSELEC... window, without the prior need of excluding it from expose's

*SBC Y! online protection is no longer pulled out of the tray to be shown in the expose'

*Expose's are processed at a well acceptable speed, and I look forward to further speed improvements

So much for a "new version with little (if any) improvements."

My main hope for future releases is the fix the standby/lock bug, and after that the continued mac parallels are welcome.

btw: It's OK the option to show the desktop on click won't come thru.

ALSO: Please don't waste your time with an installer, it's far simpler to just download and run :)

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This program just keeps getting better and better with every release.

I see you were able to fixed the 'Settings window while in Expose mode' bug. Excellent. And it appears to be faster. Might just be me. :P To echo Netster, it's cool that you can't implement the 'Show Desktop". It was just one of those 'That would be cool if...' features.

A few things I've noticed (not sure if it's a bug but it's certainly isn't desired behavior - when there is only one window open it still exposes try exposing...just that one window. Perhaps throw in a catch into the code to get the total windows and if greater than 1, begin expose?

When exposing the single window, and that window is maximised, WinExpose seemed to hang for me. It was cranking away at 18K MB of RAM and yet was showing 0 in the CPU activity.

Other than that it's shaping up to be one of the definitely must have apps for 2006-07. I thankyou very much. :D

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New version released (October 24, 2006), possibly solves problem with WinExposé closeing at random times, etc...

@ANYONE WHO IS READING THIS POST: please please try the new version (October 24, 2006) and please please hibernate, suspend, change user, ..., then try to activate expose. Your help is very appreciated! If it works, post a reply, if it doesn't , post a reply also (or at least a private message).


Thanks KSoft!!!

It was an uncaught exception on the Timer1Timer event (Timer1's OnTimer event), who was causing WinExposé silently closing in my dad's computer. Now you are sort of Gandalf to me ;-)

I put a try / except statement, of course I consider this a temporal bugfix, and maybe I'll seeking the problematic line to do a better exception handling, or I'll make the resource management/cleanup bullet-proof at least.

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Thanks KSoft!!!

It was an uncaught exception on the Timer1Timer event (Timer1's OnTimer event), who was causing WinExposé silently closing in my dad's computer. Now you are sort of Gandalf to me ;-)

I put a try / except statement, of course I consider this a temporal bugfix, and maybe I'll seeking the problematic line to do a better exception handling, or I'll make the resource management/cleanup bullet-proof at least.

Cool that it works! :)

It is really strange bug and I am glad that it already is not present.

I do not remember precisely, but I has not found anything that could cause this exception.

Maybe just a call of "SetWindowPos"? Then try/except will solve this, I think.

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New thing for to-do list:

- App hangs when another app hangs, I mean, if an app is not responding, WinExposé will still try to "screenshot" ("windowshot"?) it, and will hang itself up, waiting for the response of an app which is not responding... I've already done an IsWindowHungUp() routine, but it seems I forgot to call it =:-)

So, remaining (by now) (in no particular order):

- Add call to IsWindowHungUp().

- Do better resource management on OnTimer event, for try ... catch to not leave unclean resources around.

- Make transparency/brightness levels of selected/normal/minimized windows customizable.

- Make desktop brightness customizable.

- Finish upload texture routine for DirectX engine.

- Finish upload texture routine for Software engine.

- Write tileing and text blitting support for Software engine.

- Show caption (title) of window which is under the mouse cursor (make optional).

- Add multimonitor support.

- Use Kaishi's artwork for UI/icon/whatever.

- Solve issue with my dad's computer showing white boxes for windows when useing DirectX engine (upload texture routine should be working fine, because wallpaper is being blitted right).

- Add screenshots cache for better activation response time.

- Add options to expose only currently selected app windows (eg. all notepad windows, if a notepad window is selected), I mean, for eg. show all windows when pressing F9 and only current app windows when pressing F8, etc...

- Add a countdown timer to unexpose windows automatically, and also test if energy saving features stop working while WinExposé is exposeing the windows, in such a case this feature will not be optional.

- Add multilingual support for the UI (.lang files or something like that, for easy modification/creation by the user).

- Add unicode support? Mmm... First I'll try multimonitor, that's easier :-).



PS: these things will take a lot of time, sorry if I disappoint someone with this p.s.


Forgot this one:

- Remove WinExposeWnd from the Alt+Tab list! (thnx mmanson132 for remembering that) (read next post)

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sorry if someone has already posted this issue:

when using traditional alt+tab, the WinExposeWnd shows up in the list, it would be nice to have that removed...

i have gone through countless other expose clones, and have always found something that didnt work right, usually because they try to do too much... but one looks promising, it does what it says, and it does it well!

a future feature request is to have a function similar to expose where the windows float off the screen to reveal the desktop. just a suggestion.

thanks for the great app!

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w00t! Go Matias!!! Smooth as buttah.

One little thing, though: somehow I think when you made sure that you didn't show what was in the system tray, you might've also made sure that other windows that don't show up in the taskbar (display settings dialog, etc.) don't expose as well.

I don't know if it's possible to get the best of both worlds, but WinExpose was really great for "un-burying" those settings dialogs that never showed up in the dock or taskbar. Now, they don't expose.

Any way to fix that?

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first, let me say that your app is AMAZING! The progress you have made in only four weeks is totally outstanding for a freeware app (for any app, actually...)

I can report that the lock computer-bug is gone here to. WinExposé is now rock solid.

However, a few bugs:

No taskbar

The wallpaper still shifts upwards

Still "rubbish" at the bottom of the screen

I guess this is really just ONE bug, right?


Keep up the good work!

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EXCELLENT!!! I can gladly report that the standby bug is officially a thing of the past :). Heck, I can even put my PC on standby in the middle of an expose and it loads up perfectly in the expose where I left it.

(Never again will I attempt to break the liscenser for Reflex Vision)

One minor problem: When exposing, LimeWire appears as a full black box

Also, if possible, it'd be awesome if you could make simultaneous left and right click an expose hotkey (this would be quick and would better parallel the mac experience)

CONGRATULATIONS on this incredible freeware app!!!

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First your app is great!!! I got a little problem with the compatibility with your program and the program Glass2k ( http://www.chime.tv/products/glass2k.shtm ). Please try to download it and test it.

Basically the problem is that when the glass2k is activated (turns a window transparent), the window itself DO NOT APPEAR in the WinExposé 's window manager. What is possible happening? Please be kind & try to fix this bug in order to have a better & cool look on our windows. Thx in advance & keep the good work!!!

From Caracas Venezuela, Best Regards.

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Oh, also, when you show the minimized windows in the expose, they're transparent, which is cool, but they're so see through that it's hard to see what's on the page. Maybe you could make them just a little bit more visible.

Matias has said he's going to make all the transparency levels variable via options soon, he's working on it. I agree though.

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