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i'm having problems with winexpose hanging on activation, leaving all of screen except taskbar hung. can't see cause yet, but this is with activation along top edge of screen and hitting it accidentally. (weirdly, it doesn't seem to happen when i deliberately activate!?) not sure

i have a lot of windows and apps open, is probably related, not sure how to track down.

here is the end of my log, if it helps:

[03-11-06 23:39:40] ---> ScreenshotWindow ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] <--- ScreenshotWindow ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] ---> ScreenshotWindow ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] <--- ScreenshotWindow ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] ---> ScreenshotWindow ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] <--- ScreenshotWindow ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] ---> UpdateWallpaperTexture ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] -----> LoadWallpaper ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] <----- LoadWallpaper ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] -----> GetWallpaperDisposition ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] <----- GetWallpaperDisposition ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] <--- UpdateWallpaperTexture ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] <- ExposeWindows ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] -> SelectWindow ()

[03-11-06 23:39:40] <- SelectWindow ()

this happens over and over again. perhaps if you added to the log which window it was selecting, we could track this one down? thanks

edit: this seen on several computers aswell


can someone please humour me and set their activation to the top edge.. see if you get this too please? i can't replicate it in the bottom corner.

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I have tried this application and it looks better than winplosion2.

However, after some time it started taking 100% cpu usage and got really slow.

I figured that ObjectDock was getting in the way. If i close ObjectDock, it behaves well again. I tried excluding ObjectDock.exe but that didn't work. Any ideas?

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ok the hanging can happen however its activated. just to clear that up. anyone else? this hanging will basically stop me using using winexpose, as it happens approx 1 in 10 times and is enough to make it inconvenient. no word on which window (if its a specific window) its hanging on, sorry.

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Everything okay Kaishi, thanks. ;-)

The server was not down, but the ISP had technical problems.

Had no time to make major improvements. However, new version released (2006-11-10):

- Added Kaishi's artwork.

- You can adjust minimized windows transparency level. Indeed you can adjust lot of brightness and transparency settings, just download new version, go to right-click-on-icon, Settings, Appearance and play with the sliders.

- Language file support. Just go make your own language file by copying English.lang, for example as Italiano.lang, and rewriting all texts. Take a look at Español.lang for an example. (Edit: Oh I forgot: open them with Notepad)

I wrote a GDI+ Engine, but it was really very slow (and a lot slower than my software engine). It disappointed me a lot, as I thought it used hardware acceleration, but it seems to be just software blitting.



@Kaishi: I don't like the way the icon looks on smaller resolutions, it looks like a black thing to me. However in greater resolutions (48 x 48 and higher) it looks really cool.

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The new version's working awesome for me!

I've noticed that the transparency slider for minimized windows seems to be backwards. That is, if I drag the slider so the window should be more opaque, it instead becomes more transparent. Likewise, if I drag it to the transparent side, it becomes more opaque.

The transparency sliders for the selected window and normal window are working perfect though.

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Matias: I can make you versions of that logo at *any* resolution you want with the alpha perfected. Just lemme know what versions you want and I'll create them.

EDIT: Okay, I made versions of the Logo at 128, 64, 48, 32, 24, and 16 squared. For the 24 and 16 versions, I removed the Drop Shadow. I also realized that at such small sizes, making the icon a solid color might be easier, so I created pure black versions at 24 and 16. I may go back and do a white outline around the black just to make it stand out a little more but I was trying to keep it easy for you.

I've attached a .ZIP of all the files. I can make anything you'd like though, and am more than willing to do so. This stuff is exciting to me.

Love the new corners menu, Matias. Great job there. Also, I like the customization, but I think that for the Minimized Window Transparency, you flipped the Opaque and Transparent ends of the Slider. I played around with it and having it fully to the "Opaque" side makes it fully transparent, and vice versa.

Amazing stuff though man. If you need any more help, artwork, suggestions, or anything else, please, don't hesitate to drop me an Instant Message. I posted my Screennames on the last page of the thread but I'll put them up again:

AIM: pandages

YIM: dj_kaishi

Jabber (or GoogleTalk): kaishi.axon@gmail.com

Also, please feel free to use a version of the Logo as the Icon for your WinExpose page. It might make the site feel a little more related to the project. For that matter, if you're looking for any artwork in general, I might be able to help you out. For samples of my work, you're welcome to look at my DeviantArt page: http://gigas-vii.deviantart.com/


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OK, I've made it to reproduce a bug with lot of garbage or WinExposé getting like freezed. To do that, just change screen resolution, or fast switch to another user, then logout there and re-login and try to activate WinExposé. This happens only when using the DirectX engine.

I solved this bug, and indeed I think now I can switch engines at runtime, but I didn't implement that yet because I have to test it.

However, the bugfixed version is now available (2006-11-10-B).

The hosting site has problems (again!) (with the ISP?) (the hosting is from a friend, indeed I'm the sysadmin hahaha, I'll suggest him to change the ISP) so I have attached the new version to this post.


@Kaishi: I'll take a look at your artwork, have no time just now but I'll post again soon.


OK, ISP connection is up and running again. I've uploaded newest version into the site. I'll leave the attachment here just in case, for some time.


Right, transparency slider for minimized windows is giving the opposite effect. I must re-check the algorithm in RenderWindows( ). However, the brightness slider works right at least here...


Please submit language files! ^-^b


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I've tried almost every of the WinExposé build without any luck, looked in the forums here but noone else seem to experience anything similar.

After unzip'ing the download, I run winexpose.exe and nothing happens. No tray icon, no error message and in the task manager, no running winexpose... This latest (10 nov) version did give me one message, it missed gdiplus.dll. After I found that, same behavior as before.

I'm running Windows 2000 sp4 with DirectX 9.0c. Have tried other PC's, same result. What am I doing wrong?

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hey matonga good to see you back.

i'm still getting hanging on the 2nd: SelectWindow ()

[10-11-06 23:08:31] -----> LoadWallpaper ()

[10-11-06 23:08:31] <----- LoadWallpaper ()

[10-11-06 23:08:31] -----> GetWallpaperDisposition ()

[10-11-06 23:08:31] <----- GetWallpaperDisposition ()

[10-11-06 23:08:31] <--- UpdateWallpaperTexture ()

[10-11-06 23:08:31] Trying d3d.CreateDevice (TnLHALDevice)...

[10-11-06 23:08:31] d3d.CreateDevice (TnLHALDevice) succeeded

[10-11-06 23:08:31] -->> EnumTextureFormatsProc()

[10-11-06 23:08:31] ddpf.dwRGBBitCount=32

[10-11-06 23:08:31] ddpf.dwRBitMask=0x00FF0000

[10-11-06 23:08:31] ddpf.dwGBitMask=0x0000FF00

[10-11-06 23:08:31] ddpf.dwBBitMask=0x000000FF

[10-11-06 23:08:31] ddpf.dwRGBAlphaBitMask=0xFF000000

[10-11-06 23:08:31] --<< EnumTextureFormatsProc()

[10-11-06 23:08:31] EnumTextureFormatsProc(): Perfect match!

[10-11-06 23:08:31] <- ExposeWindows ()

[10-11-06 23:08:31] -> SelectWindow ()

[10-11-06 23:08:31] <- SelectWindow ()


any chance of more info to the log please so we can track this down i hope?

the other thing i was going to ask, is can you please skip a window if takes too long to capture? these two things may be related, i don't know

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hi matonga .. welcome back :)

I noticed that when you select a minimized window while in 'expose' mode, that the animation (of the window zooming back from the expose state,) is not present between selecting that window and it appearing on the screen (when returning to the desktop.) I hope this can be corrected so that the animation for exposing minimized windows becomes more intuitive. Nice work thusfar! I can't wait for the window screenshot caching!

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A bug that was squashed before is back again. If you call up the settings dialog while it's in expose mode, you have to manually kill the process to get back to the desktop.

I know it was mentioned before and perhaps it was in there and then it's now gone again but could you add in an option to unexpose if the hotkey/hotspot is pressed/hovered over again?

Other than the bug this is one hot update and I'm loving the ability to change the opacity/brightness.

Keep 'em coming and thanks a lot.

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I've tried almost every of the WinExposé build without any luck, looked in the forums here but noone else seem to experience anything similar.

After unzip'ing the download, I run winexpose.exe and nothing happens. No tray icon, no error message and in the task manager, no running winexpose... This latest (10 nov) version did give me one message, it missed gdiplus.dll. After I found that, same behavior as before.

I'm running Windows 2000 sp4 with DirectX 9.0c. Have tried other PC's, same result. What am I doing wrong?

Tell me wether a log file is or isn't generated (in same app's path, called WinExpose.log) and post the contents of it.

Are you using accounts with non-administrator priviledges? I forgot to test that...


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Tell me wether a log file is or isn't generated (in same app's path, called WinExpose.log) and post the contents of it.

I have looked for the log file but it is not there. Just tried to WinExposé again, same result, and no log file anywhere on my computer (searched all drives).

Are you using accounts with non-administrator priviledges? I forgot to test that...

I'm logged in with administrative rights (I also develop software myself so it's kind of a must)

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in the current version: WinExpose-2006-11-10-b

there is an access violation when switching users.

(and sometimes garbage on screen at same time.)


not related to admin/limited user

did not happen in prev. builds afaik.

does not happen on lock/unlock from same user account!

end of my log looks like:

[12-11-06 16:47:37] d3d.CreateDevice (TnLHALDevice) succeeded

[12-11-06 16:47:37] -->> EnumTextureFormatsProc()

[12-11-06 16:47:37] ddpf.dwRGBBitCount=32

[12-11-06 16:47:37] ddpf.dwRBitMask=0x00FF0000

[12-11-06 16:47:37] ddpf.dwGBitMask=0x0000FF00

[12-11-06 16:47:37] ddpf.dwBBitMask=0x000000FF

[12-11-06 16:47:37] ddpf.dwRGBAlphaBitMask=0xFF000000

[12-11-06 16:47:37] --<< EnumTextureFormatsProc()

[12-11-06 16:47:37] EnumTextureFormatsProc(): Perfect match!

[12-11-06 16:47:37] <- ExposeWindows ()

[12-11-06 16:47:37] -> SelectWindow ()

[12-11-06 16:47:37] <- SelectWindow ()

[12-11-06 16:47:37] Trying d3d.CreateDevice (TnLHALDevice)...

[12-11-06 16:47:37] d3d.CreateDevice (TnLHALDevice) succeeded

[12-11-06 16:47:37] -->> EnumTextureFormatsProc()

[12-11-06 16:47:37] ddpf.dwRGBBitCount=32

[12-11-06 16:47:37] ddpf.dwRBitMask=0x00FF0000

[12-11-06 16:47:37] ddpf.dwGBitMask=0x0000FF00

[12-11-06 16:47:37] ddpf.dwBBitMask=0x000000FF

[12-11-06 16:47:37] ddpf.dwRGBAlphaBitMask=0xFF000000

[12-11-06 16:47:37] --<< EnumTextureFormatsProc()

[12-11-06 16:47:37] EnumTextureFormatsProc(): Perfect match!

[12-11-06 16:52:00] Received WM_DISPLAYCHANGE

[12-11-06 16:57:15] Received WM_DISPLAYCHANGE

(Access Violation, then carries on running)

i have a request which is fairly trivial but while i remember:

could you please make winexpose not show in the list of running programs (task manager, 1st tab) so it doesn't count either on windows welcome screen or for things like task switching apps.


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Two MINOR bugs:

*When performing an expose with LimeWire open, LimeWire appears as an all-black window

*When running Snes9X (emulator) in full-screen mode with winexpose running, I hear the windows error noise and two "Access violation..." error windows pop up.

Also, I'd like an option so that if a window was priorly maximized and is now minimized to the taskbar, It's maximized again when I select it using WinExpose

Also, I'm noticing the same annoyance that firecracker6 is having. If in an expose you select a window that was minimized (transparent), the selected window dissapears, the opaque windows do the usual sliding effects, and at the end the selected window suddenly pops up from behind. This doesn't make a very smooth transition.

Also, do you think it'd be possible to make the old icon a settings choice? Still looks out of place in my Zune (black) WinXP theme.

KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK, this tool is really coming along nicely

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