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Official MacWorld 2007 Thread


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    • New iMac
    • iTV
    • Another crazy product
    • iPhone (yawns...)
    • Resolution independent GUI (whatever its called)
    • New official video iPod
    • Partnership with AMD (yes such rumours exist)
    • the new Apple 'look' to replace Aqua- "Illuminous"
    • Leopard and its new programs
    • other... (please specify...have I forgotten anything?)

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This is what they better show:

  • Leopard with Aqua.
  • The rumored iPhone (if true) better be shockingly amazing (it's been a long time since a new piece of hardware has "wow"ed me)
  • iWork 07 with a complete Excel replacement.

If all of those come true, I will pee my pants. But knowing how the Universe operates, only one will be moderately true (I am guessing the iPhone, it will exist, but not wow me).

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the education imac (the one with GMA) is IMO by far the most affordable Mac ever, it's even more affordable than the mini and macbook, so I dont think Apple would come up with anything cheaper than that.

I would love to see the following product to be unveiled at Macworld:

- Reso independent GUI

- OSX's new GUI

- Leopard and those top secret features they talked about at WWDC

A new mac would be nice but I doubt it given that the MB/MBP and iMac just got updated not too long ago, Mac Pro might be a candidate, who knows.

I for one am not too fond with the iPhone, it just seems wrong to me, dunno why

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its like a horror movie... please please apple/leopard... dont follow in the GUI of iTunes 7!

... lets spice some things up a little...

I want to see:

- A new iMac with an aluminium shell like that of the macbook, It will feature a display that fills the full size of the monitor (unlike the current imac) which has ugly/big edges it will features dual 3ghz CPUs as promised by Jobs...

actually I've reconsidered... I want to see all Apple computers and the iPod 5th Gen switch to Aluminium with a choice of colours like the nano ipods... but have it so you can still buy the old school 'plastic' variety for $100 less or so... for people on a budget.

Bring back the colour Apple!

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Guest Cyanide

They better NOT have Aqua as the main/default GUI again, after years of skinning Xp into a make believe Mac and finally getting my own iMac I'm sick of the default Aqua Interface, and i'm sure dozens of others would be, too.

I'm all for new adventures in teh GUI arena and I trust Apple's Interface Designers to build us all another masterpiece of an Interface. Sure they can have Aqua hidden there somewhere as a secondary option but certainly not the ONLY option.

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I really want to see what Steve Jobs has in store. I'm a diehard PC user, but I'm a fan of Apple. Steve, Wow us, Steve!


I really wanna know what Leopard is going to look like.

Same here! I'm hoping it wont look too much like iTunes 7 (otherwise I will kill myself-jk)

But its definately clear than in recent times Apple is trying to get rid of the image that macs are 'toys' (which aqua is in part to blame...especially the earlier versions)

Illuminous is the interface im hoping for;


the following images are redirected from the article;





-In my mind it will feature "Apple-esque" gloss, but unlike aqua where the colours are a little too lollyish will be more suttle and black and white...

Increasingly Mac OSX is going for a simpler look, with unified skins. and I think most windows will have a unified skin to balance out the 'illuminous' black... because after all we all know that Black themes are annoying after a while...

I'm hoping to see a white menubar with a black glossy apple :P

transparency will also play a bigger part, but unlike vista will only be used where necessary and practical... take for example the current quicktime;


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The one thing I read but don't know if true or not but Apple is bringing out new diplays with intergrated iSight Camera because it seems like thay discontinue the iSight Carmera from it's wenbsite. And also new display sizes 17-50 inch, there no longer a 23"inch instead it's going to be replace with a 24"inch maybe all this is possible for MacWorld 2007. Maybe updated MacPro's to the 8-Core to compete with Dell's 8-Core, I read that Apple may put Core 2 Quad Processors in the MacPro's because their no native Intel Version of Adobe's creative Suite software available yet. But I guess we all have to see what's coming out next week.

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The one thing I read but don't know if true or not but Apple is bringing out new diplays with intergrated iSight Camera because it seems like thay discontinue the iSight Carmera from it's website.

Nice find and quite plausible, but by no means hugely exciting...

And also new display sizes 17-50 inch.

Mac mini doesnt have an 'Apple' display unless you fork out the money for a 'cinema display' so i guess its overdue.

Apple may put Core 2 Quad Processors in the MacPro's because their no native Intel Version of Adobe's creative Suite software available yet. But I guess we all have to see what's coming out next week.

Wrong. Creative Suite 3 has already been released as a beta and is available for download off thier website, its intel native and extremely fast... but hey Core 2 quad processors would be nice.

I doubt Apple will announce release of the intel native creative suite tho, as they want to sell thier own 'Aperture' instead...

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transparency will also play a bigger part, but unlike vista will only be used where necessary and practical... take for example the current quicktime
Or, they could take the iTunes 7 look :( . Those pictures could be the last hurrah for Aqua as the transparent-esque windows have been in iPhoto since the beginning.

Well, anyway, we'll have to wait until the 8 to find out.

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Do yo think we/you are setting ourselves for the biggest disappointment of the year. Wishing this, wanting that and when it finally arrives it like.............Oh that's it.

I'm just trying to keep my feet on the ground and I'll be happy with what I get.

Cause lets face it, it can't be any bigger white elephant than MS Vista?

However I would like the prices to drop a bit so more people can see and use Mac's to see how good they are, getting more of them turning away from MS.

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