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Icy Radio

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Hi all.

I'm new here. First Thanks ksoft for this amazing piece of software. I started to use it time ago (version 0.1) in my old pc. Now I have a new one, with vista and I finally search for a new version. I have version 0.1 installed and working. I just download version 0.5 and I got this "can't connect to internet" message. First I allowed access to internet but nothing was solved. So I shutdown my firewall and tried again. Same result. I cannot use it. The version 0.1 is fine but not the version 0.5.

I have not a proxy. Just vista firewall (Sorry, comodo 3 is not working for me, many bugs and zonealarm is interfering with xampp for my development).

Any ideas to try?

Thanks in advance for your time

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Hi all.

I'm new here. First Thanks ksoft for this amazing piece of software. I started to use it time ago (version 0.1) in my old pc. Now I have a new one, with vista and I finally search for a new version. I have version 0.1 installed and working. I just download version 0.5 and I got this "can't connect to internet" message. First I allowed access to internet but nothing was solved. So I shutdown my firewall and tried again. Same result. I cannot use it. The version 0.1 is fine but not the version 0.5.

I have not a proxy. Just vista firewall (Sorry, comodo 3 is not working for me, many bugs and zonealarm is interfering with xampp for my development).

Any ideas to try?

Thanks in advance for your time


In all problem cases which I remember with IcyRadio was guilty Firewall.

In 2nd page Ripper007 had problen like this and it was firewall.

You can try reset all Your firewall settings:


and maybe try to rename netradio.exe (comodo firewall, for example, asked again if the file was renamed )?

Hope this helps! :)


It can be problem in low network speed (if browser refresh pages on start) if sound freezing.

If OS freezed - maybe problem in CPU or HDD speed?

Is this problem only with IcyRadio?

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Ripper 007, Thanks! :)

KSoft you should try your hand at ObjectDock Docklets and create a docklet for this I would love to have one.

Ghostwalker, Thanks for idea. I'm not sure that I can place all elements which I want on docklet, maybe something like IcyRadio Remote Control? I need to make set of messages for it (like in Winamp), I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HEllo, first, sorry for my english, and thx for your amazing app.

I like the look and obviusly the size :P but... i have a little problem, in my windows vista laptop works perfect but in my desktop pc(windows xp) i cant see the radio window, but i can do all other stuff(surf/search/play/etc).

I can ear the radio stations but i want to see the window :s

Is S.O. problem?

I need to instal vista to can use it at 100%?

I hope you can help me and please keep going

nicw work

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