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Icy Radio

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Hi, ...

Bug(s) report =

1) If you have no sound card driver installed, it made a IcyRadio Crash Error.

2) When You have a videomode of 800/600, the IcyRadio interface is not displayed = out of the screen, ...

IcyRadio default x, y mode, in default "config.ini" file is =



I have manually change it, to =



And after, i see the IcyRadio interface.


>>> I did not expect that it will work in Linux so its ok

IcyRadio in the last Wine version, dont work correctly.

>>> And I think IcyRadio should works well in 64-bit Windows edition.

It work, in Windows XP x64. :cool: :)

See the screenshot, included.

>>In IcyRadio = It seem to only play mp3 music ad/or mp3 radio channel.

Sorry, what do you mean?

>>>>>> IcyRadio can play mp3, ogg and aaс streams and record to mp3/ogg.

I made a translation text mistake, ... :confused:

The real text = It seem to play mp3 music ad/or mp3 radio channel


I will test soon (today), in Vista x64, ...


Please respond me soon as possible, ... Thanks in advance, ...



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1. Can't start streams designated as m3u files (try x100radio.com, for example), or any other format, except for .pls (shoutcast style)

2. ICY Radio changes global audio volume settings and won't restore them on exit. It would be nice if it handled the volume of its own, without affecting global settings (like MPC or AIMP2 do).

3. Always on Top button seems appropriate.

A cool little app, nonetheless!

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Thanks, Korgul and Cooljojo! :)


1)Maybe in feature, but you can open this link in notepad and copy line like this and add it:


2)I use Vista and there are separate volumes for Icy Radio. And volume level also saves in configuration file. I will try it in XP or Win2k later, I have no time now.

3)"Always on top" will be for video window. I'm not sure if it's needed for main window.

Thanks for comment!

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Incredible App !!! Now I can listen to windows media webradio streams with itunes-style !!!


I have modded your itunes theme to get the new itunes-non-aqua-style.

I only replaced the images with ones taken from original OS X screenshots.

I hope that is ok, maybe you want to add it to the default themes?

I just called the theme "itunes Leopard" because ... no idea :-)

For those who want the new itunes style for icy radio, you can download it here.



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My pleasure! I'm glad you like what I did.

One more thing concerning Icy Radio:

The icon which occurs in the system tray is not ideal because it's too small in the tray.

I have used Reshacker to replace the 16px icon in icyradio.exe by a more simple one.

I think those who like the OS X style will like the icon too.


I hope again that you are not angry with me touching the application exe file.

I've put the modded "icyradio.exe" (version 0.5) and the icon "icyradio_icon.ico" to the zip file attached.



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Hi KSoft, thank you for this wonderful little player! I never liked Screamer Radio or any of the other alternatives I found, so I've been loading my internet radio streams into foobar2000, but I've missed being able to search for stations easily with a dedicated radio app and play them without having to hunt for a streaming URL. Icy Radio is perfect.

I can confirm though the volume issue that someone reported upthread. This only seems to be a problem with some stations - on most of my stations the lowest or second lowest volume level is fine, but there are some on which the lowest level is really quite loud. It would be great if that were fixed.

Also, I'm not sure if this has already been requested - I skimmed the thread and didn't find anything, so I'm sorry if it has - are there any keyboard shortcuts? Say for moving on to the next/previous station in the Favourites list, or increasing/decreasing volume, or pause, or minimise, or to popup the Stations window... anything! I usually control fb2k via the keyboard and it's very unnatural to me to have to move my hand to the mouse to control my media player.

Plus - I'm not sure if this is a ridiculous/strange request, but it would be a nice little addition to be able to have the player pinned to the desktop without showing up in the taskbar/Alt-Tab screen (I'm using OB so the taskbar is not an issue for me, but it does bug me that it shows in Alt-Tab). I like having a mini-version of my player always visible on the desktop. :D

Thank you! :)

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Thank you! :)

I think that IcyRadio can be as controller for players (winamp, wmp, iTunes)

But in feature. And I think that on-desktop position can be good.

I will think on Shortcuts, maybe buttons on multimedia keyboards...

On volume problem, volume can be controlled from 0 to 100.

Do you mean that maybe first or second volume level can be 2 and 5, for example, instead of 10 and 20? I just not sure how can make autolevel function, I will try :)


I search stations trought IcyRadio, so not something special.

I like Sky.fm (http://www.sky.fm/, there are many stations)

or http://scfire-chi-aa01.stream.aol.com:80/stream/1005 (smoothjazz.com)

So I use IcyRadio to search stations :)

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Just found this software and I'm loving it. The GUI is great. I have been a long time user of Screamer, which I am happy with, but the GUI is dated and could do with updating. As there hasen't been any active development for a while i'm guessing it has stopped.

The video streaming is a bonus, nice.

I have some feature requests (mainly from Screamer). I realise that this is still an early release and you may have these on your todo list already, but here I go.

1. Be able to group your favorites. It is one long list at the moment and could start to get unwieldy

2. A mute button

3. Be able to access the favourites direcly from a button

4. Manually reload the strations.xml file if any changes were made whilst the program was open. Currently I have to restart it to see any changes

5. Maybe a history list showing the last 5 stations used.

6. I realsie this may be a little contentious, but how about being able to import the Screamer favourites.xml file. I have a lot of stations which I will have to manually convert over to your format. You could end up converting a Screamer fans if it easy to import their station list.

7. When selecting a station from a url, Screamer had a nice feature where after you copy the url from either from WMP or a browser, it would be automatically available in the text box ready to activate.

Where do you get the stations from when doing a search? I could not find any Cypriot or Greek stations available?

I found a bug (using v0.5).

Sometimes the pop-up box sticks with the last song, if the station being chosen was not found. I still need to bottom out when it does this reliably.

Icyradio also froze when I tried to acces a radio station that could not found. Again, this is not all the time. I'll have to do some more tests.

Don't stop, icyradio is looking really promising.


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On volume problem, volume can be controlled from 0 to 100.

Do you mean that maybe first or second volume level can be 2 and 5, for example, instead of 10 and 20? I just not sure how can make autolevel function, I will try :)

I'm not a programmer so unfortunately I don't really know how it works - but yeah, that sounds about right! 2 and 5 instead of 10, 20 etc sounds like it would be better... thanks for all your hard work :)

I have one more request also - is it possible to have the current song and artist pop up in a tooltip when I mouseover the tray icon? Similar to Screamer. I don't like having the bubble pop up in the corner whenever a new song is played, but I do like to mouseover the icon and have an informative tooltip.

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@baso, Thanks for all your ideas! I'm vorking on groups in favourites currently.

And I've made mute button already (I need fit this button in themes now).

@bobsobol, btw, my surname is Sobol ;)

That's bad news :( But taking into account that I'm not testing program in x64 systems - that's ok :)

@delphin, thanks for idea. I've thought that simple tooltip needed here, but skinned window will be nice in this place.

On volume, I mean that volume level from 0,10,20...100 then 0,2,5...100 can be better.

The more good idea to make automatic volume control (it's real, I will think more on this problem).

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Hmm. I'm unconvinced by the screenshot provided by Korgul. Not that I doubt your word, but the image tells me nothing. I've had XP looking just like that, though your screenie of XP running in a virtual machine is far more convincinly Vista, and since it's running XP-64 bit in VMWare, (something VMWare tells me it can't do on my machine) I know it must be 64-bit Vista.

To combat your battle of images, if it's not Vista 64, this is all I'm getting since I upgraded from XP Pro 32 to Vista Home Premium 64.


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Okay... update, as I've resolved the problem.

Icy Radio does indeed work on Vista 64. It doesn't work on any system which is checking it for DEP compliance.

There are two solutions to this.

1) The user can disable DEP either globally (which is a security risk) or just for Icy Radio by adding an exception to the DEP list and browsing for the icyradio.exe.

2) Konstantin can check the source code of his Icy Radio to ensure it does not attempt to execute code from memory areas which the PE has declared to be data.

Since other KSoft programs don't have this problem, I imagine it's either something specific in your decoder source, or some BCL component or Unit which you are only using in Icy Radio, Konstantin.

While I'm here, and speaking of other great KSoft apps. Can I please make a request for a feature in RunMe? I would like to have separate hover and click actions for group items. For example, I have a "Public" group with "Documents", "Music", "Pictures", "Video", "Downloads" but it would be nice to be able to click "Public" to view their root in Explorer... Is that a huge problem?

Anyway... thanks for the help and support on Icy Radio here, and I hope this helps out others. :D o/

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>>Icy Radio does indeed work on Vista 64. It doesn't work on any system which is checking it for DEP compliance.

Really? I use Vista x86 (and write this program in it). My processor supports DEP hardwarily but I do not have problems with the start of IcyRadio.

Thanks for screenshot! I think I should update some dlls (IcyRadio engine, http://www.un4seen.com/forum/?topic=7253.0).

In next version.

>>While I'm here, and speaking of other great KSoft apps. Can I please make a request for a feature in RunMe? I would like to have separate hover and click actions for group items. For example, I have a "Public" group with "Documents", "Music", "Pictures", "Video", "Downloads" but it would be nice to be able to click "Public" to view their root in Explorer... Is that a huge problem?

Not so big problem but if you use this group item as folder you can try create folder "Public" with links (shortcuts) "Documents", "Music"... and add Disk or Folder item with "as popup menu" option. So you can open this item as folder with subitems. Does it make sense? :)

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Yes yes. Default install for DEP (on Workstation variant Windows, Home - Pro / Business) is to only enable for critical Windows systems and programs. To ensure maximum compatibility. Unfortunately, that rather defeats the point of DEP, which is to prevent malicious software, or legitimate software which my fall foul of it, from injecting code in data buffers and forcing code to overflow execution into data areas.

Outside of server software, the common use is encrypting a viruses code in the data area, then extracting it in memory as compressed/encrypted data and jumping the instruction pointer to it. Thus negating Virus protection which only saw the encrypted non-sense coming from the disk/internet.

As such, it's not a big problem, so long as people know that the program has issues with DEP. Many games have the same problem, from obfuscating their code to prevent cheaters. Hence the default. Microsoft is more concerned about making life easy for gamers than making AV software effective and keeping the net free from malicious software. ;) This is also the reason that the default is the other way around in the Server variants of the Windows OS.

I fear running off topic with the RunMe thing, but popup was a good idea. Sadly I keep RunMe in the Top Right of my screen (BeOS style) and as soon as I move the mouse on to the popup, RunMe takes prescience and the popup disappears. Besides, the popup isn't cool looking like RunMe, and doesn't allow a maximum level of navigation... looks messy.


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It's certainly cool lecture about DEP ;) But I I just wanted to mark that I can't know how bass.dll (and other bass libraries) use memory because I do not have an access to it's source code.

I do not know why, but I never had a problem with DEP (probably because mechanism of work with memory in x86 and x64 different)

On RunMe, can you please specify in RunMe 0.9 thread: what position do you use for Top Right position (top or right and high positioning), which popup do you mean (context menu?)?

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