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Icy Radio

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Чего-то давно здесь никто ничего не писал. Хотелось бы, однако, апдейт на тему продвижения подготовки новой версии. Очень хочется, чтобы появилась кнопка On Top of All Windows. И проблемы со звуком тоже никуда не ушли.

Программка очень хорошая. Спасибо.

please use English for the benefit of other members

Translation - What a long time ago there was nothing he wrote. We would, however, the update on the promotion of the new version. It wants to have a button On Top of All Windows. And the problem with the sound, too, will not leave.

Program is very good. Thank you. - mps69

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What a long time ago there was nothing he wrote. We would, however, the update on the promotion of the new version. It wants to have a button On Top of All Windows. And the problem with the sound, too, will not leave.

Program is very good. Thank you.

I'll upload latest beta (v0.6, expires in april, 1).

There are function "always on top" for main window in menu.

With all latest bugs (known and unknown), as is.

And, yes, problem with the sound, too,will not leave us still, unfortunately.

Light animation for buttons, groups for stations, custom interface for stations window (there small known bug with line on toolbar...) and some other features



Edited by KSoft
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Thank you, KSoft. I'll give it a try and post my comments on this new beta.

I listen to and watch a very limited number of stations and channels (only the ones I can stand). So, I'm having little problem handling this beta. Nothing serious, besides the issues mentioned above. Though I've noticed that it's difficult to add a station manually, sometimes. It throws an error for whatever reason, and I could not figure the pattern.

Always On Top is very nice of you.

Will there be a new beta or whatever after the expiration date?

Do not double post - use the edit function - mps69

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  • 1 month later...

IcyRadio is really great !

It seems there is a small bug in the last release (0.6.2), if you select the Vista Theme, when you exit IcyRadio, it crashs (Access violation on netradio). The only way to exit is to kill the process. All others themes work. Tested on Vista SP1.

Edited by opendev
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Do you think this should works well with stations? I mean that even art works strange sometimes.

But I just found a one not bad service. I've tried 3 random stations (artist and album):




working not bad :)

Sorry, how do I add those links, Kostya, thank's

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A little problem. If during switched on record to enter into options and to change a cover the button "record" will be not active (button is not coloured in red colour). As though record is not conducted. Not so conveniently - I even would tell, frightens of time, that like have passed record.

[ru] Небольшая проблемка (думаю, была и ранее, но только сейчас обратил внимание). Если во время включенной записи войти в настройки и изменить обложку, то кнопка "запись" будет не активна (не окрашена в красный цвет). Как будто запись не ведется. Не очень удобно - я бы даже сказал, пугает порой, что вроде пропустил запись.

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Thanks for catching this bug! Yeah, this was since I've added a record function.

Please reload a new exe on first page or check for update from About window of IcyRadio (the same effect).

[ru]Спасибо Вам за поимку жучка! ;) Ни разу не думал что это перезагрузит кнопку при смене темы, но это логично.

Перескачайте, пожалуйста, exe с первого поста или испробуйте кнопку обновления в окне "О программе" (тот же эффект).

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All it's done. Approved on all skins. Thanks.

And whence covers undertake? It is possible to change any way a source (the Internet or the computer)?

[ru] Теперь все в порядке. Спасибо за оперативность.

А откуда берутся обложки? Можно произвольно менять источник (интернет или компьютер)?

Edited by 1Dan
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