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Stacks Docklet

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hi Matonga,

Been using stacks docklet since December last year with RocketDock 1.35. The stacks have changed the way in which I deal with my desktop.

Thanks for creating such a software!!!

I changed to the new version 1.00039 from the previous 1.00028. I got the following problems:

a) Display modes like automatic and fan do not work. Only grid seems to work

B) When I change the settings for individual icons, my dock becomes slow.

I am using rocket dock on the following software and hardware:

a)Windows XP service pack 2 (last updated February 08)

B) Rocket dock 1.35

c)Nvidia 7600 GS with beta driver 174.74

d) resolution 1152x864 - at 75 hz refresh rate

I could not fix the problem despite reinstalling rocket dock and clearing all the settings. I had to downgrade to stacks docklet 1.00028 to be able to use stacks ability on rocket dock again.

Thanks for helping me.

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I've just started using the Stack Docklet.

I'm using Vista @ 1920x1200.

I noticed that your docklet always has "4 more...", where it doesn't show the last 4 (alphabetical) shortcuts in my folder specified.

The workaround is to have 4 black text documents named ZZZZ.txt in the folder.

Its working well for me with that in place, but if it could be fixed it would be a bonus.

Also, I have the issue with the cutoffs after 12-13 icons depending.

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Evening all,

In case others have experienced problems similar to those i have, M$ word or another program always opening instead of the program associated to the shortcut you click on, well read on.

After some useful input from Matonga my issue was due to me having removed the little arrows from the shortcut icons by delete enteries in the registry. If i added these enteries back,



Then everything worked as intended.


I didn't want the little arrows and on checking info from M$ to do with removing the arrows OR changing the icon added to the bottom left corner of the shortcut it became apparent the problem i had experienced and as Motonga hinted in an earlier post, is down to the way stacks works with the shortcuts.

Unfortunately if you remove these arrows or change the icon with registry hacks windows doesn't treat the shortcuts as shortcuts, well not in the same way. This is why some users have problems running stacks, like i have.

Matonga: I'm not an expert but have done some programming, can you not use something along the lines of the following, written in vb script:

Dim Obj

Set Obj = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set Shortcut = Obj.CreateShortcut("c:shortcuttsripit4me.lnk")

GetTargetPath = Shortcut.TargetPath


'chr(34) = " to encapsulate shortcut target path in case of any spaces

obj.Run "%COMSPEC% /c " & chr(34) & GetTargetPath & chr(34)

This uses the target path of the shortcut and then executes it instead of the actual shortcut itself. This works on my puter.

Well hope it helps in finding a solution

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Hi again,

There is also another problem with stack conatining only 9 elements.

Only 5 are displayed in fan mode whereas, see my previous message, 15 elements are displayed.

Is there a way to parameter the maximum number of element that can be displayed in fan and/or grid mode?




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OK, I have been using Rocketdock on my laptop for a few months now with this docklet, but I just recently had my laptop reimaged, and now after re-downloading the latest version and setting everything up, every icon within the pop-up links to a message stating "There is no application associated with the given filename extension." I don't know if this problem was mentioned earlier, but I read through some of the 45 pages and found no answers, so I am asking if anyone knows how to fix this, because I really hate having to use the fly-out in Objectdock as a substitute.


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First of all:

Mad props to the developer/s of this app. I commend you for your hard (many times unappreciated) work!

I am also wondering how / what code limits the number of items displayed in the fan grid. Yes... I've strained my eyes looking at all 45 pages for the solution, but I don't think one has been posted.

After all of that browsing, I see others saying "Read the thread"... and "That's already been posted"...

Does that mean we have yet to find a solution?


I forgot to mention, that it only happens when the items are something other than folders... ie. shortcuts...

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Hey, got a question. I downloaded the newest version of Stackdocklet cause I hade some problems in case I have 2 TFT on my PC and the dock is on my second TFT (Grid opened at my first TFT) - now the Problem is solved but I got a new Problem.

I have a Stackdocklet with 7 items, and if I tell it to open as a FAN it only shows 3 icons and there is a new icon which says "4 more ..."

When I had the old version of Stackdocklet it showed me all of my 7 Icons as a FAN, why doesnt that work in the new version!? There is enough place until the upper edge - it did actually work with the old version - all 7 items where shown in the FAN ...


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Hey, got a question. I downloaded the newest version of Stackdocklet cause I hade some problems in case I have 2 TFT on my PC and the dock is on my second TFT (Grid opened at my first TFT) - now the Problem is solved but I got a new Problem.

I have a Stackdocklet with 7 items, and if I tell it to open as a FAN it only shows 3 icons and there is a new icon which says "4 more ..."

When I had the old version of Stackdocklet it showed me all of my 7 Icons as a FAN, why doesnt that work in the new version!? There is enough place until the upper edge - it did actually work with the old version - all 7 items where shown in the FAN ...


try to replace the latest ver with the one posted on this page i think it will solve your problem hopefully

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This looks great, but I'm having problems. I'm using Objectdock. After I download the stacks zip file, extracted it to program files, stardock, objectdock, docklets. When I try to add a new icon to the dock, it doesn't show up on the list. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

i don't know what you mean exactly, but if you want here is how i do it:

for the stacks i create a folder in my links and call it stacks within stacks folder i create several folders each with a difrent name for example-->security, internet, maintainance and so on so the structure will be like this




now in each folder i place a shorcut to an application that curesponds to its type for example C:UsersAdministratorLinksStacksInternet u get Ie7, firefox, and msn msnger

that makes for a nice looking orginized folder that then you can add as stack by right clicking a stack docklet and icon settings...etc

now i too have object dock plus but i advise on using rocket dock because it gives me that bouncing effect when an icon is clicked Object dock has that but the bounce is very high almust jumps out of my screen.

also i do recomend using the previos build of the stack docklet wich is more stable for some people

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