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Stacks Docklet

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Technical explanation: trying to re-implement everything with PIDLs.

Non-technical explanation: trying to add support for Control Panel, My Computer, and other "special" folders.


I don't own a Mac either :) Indeed the only source of information I have are the videos in Youtube and the like. I suppose the stack should turn to the left, instead of to the right, and then labels should be at right side instead of left side... something like this:

Docklet on left side			  Docklet on right side

+ item 1 item 1 +


+ item 2 item 2 +

`. .´

+ item 3 item 3 +

`. .´

+ item 4 item 4 +

| |

+ item 5 item 5 +

[ ] [ ]

Notice I'm just supposing this, as I have no way to check if such is proper Mac behaviour.

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This is a screenshot from my Leopard. As you can see, even if you have over 15 items, the fan will only show up to 12 and the number of items remaining on the topmost icon.

Also there is no way to move the stacks to the left side of the dock. They always remain in the area after the separator on the right. OS X dock can not be positioned on the bottom left or bottom right of the screen. Just the bottom center, Left center and Right center. That's it... no other options concerning position.

Another thing is that when the dock is positioned on the left or right of the screen, there is no "Fan" option on the stack. Just "Grid" and "List". So don't worry about trying to fix what isn't available in the real Mac. :)


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You got it right! That's exactly what I meant. You're doing a great, great job here... thanks!


I am not really sure if matonga has the intention to completely reproduce the mac stack behaviour... but I believe that a few whisltes will not hurt it... Why not take the mac stack and make it better?

I think that in the case of the dock being positioned on the left or right of the screen, then "automatic" mode should opt for a "grid" display instead of "fan" (as in the screenshot I provided a few posts ago).

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How does "List" mode looks like?

Another thing is that when the dock is positioned on the left or right of the screen, there is no "Fan" option on the stack. Just "Grid" and "List". So don't worry about trying to fix what isn't available in the real Mac. :)
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I just love this docklet, it's awesome. Thanks! :D

But as shown on the attached images the fan and the grid are behind the tabbs on a tabbed dock (Using Object Dock).

Maybe and option to manually set the y-offset of the grid/fan to prevent this?

Once again, awesome docklet!



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I found the very same issue here.

I just love this docklet, it's awesome. Thanks! :D

But as shown on the attached images the fan and the grid are behind the tabbs on a tabbed dock (Using Object Dock).

Maybe and option to manually set the y-offset of the grid/fan to prevent this?

Once again, awesome docklet!

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Thank you for the wonderful Stacks Docklet... Definately a useful tool!

I do have a couple usability issues though.

- When I click on a stack and the flyout appears, the stack label appears overtop of the flyout. (See attached image). This happens on both the grid and the fan.

- When the flyout is visible and I right click on an icon in the dock, the flyout does not close.

Again, Thanks for the great program!


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I found another issue with the task docklet when added to a tabbed dock (under ObjectDock Plus). If the fan (or grid) is shown by clicking on the stack docklet icon, and then you change to another tab in the tabbed dock, the stack is not dismissed and it keeps shown.


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OMFG... I can't believe that I missed this !!

Anyway, from screenshots it looks very promising, unfortunately I couldn't get it working on my Y'z Dock. Any suggestions?

Better late than never buddy ;)

Stacks doesn't work with Y'z Dock, for some strange reason.

It works like a peach on Avedesk, I couldn't live without now.

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Works fine with Object Dock, would be cool if it had these things:

1. Adding your own icons of your own choice like Object Dock FlyOut menu.

2. Making the icons highlighted when the mouse moves over them.

3. When the dock is not locked any more or the mouse is away, it should disappear

That would be great if these three things could be added, other than that this is a great Docklet, i hope to see something more interesting soon! =D

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Hey, I just had to comment on this again.

You've did a brilliant job so far.

I'm currently using ObjectDock, and I notice the following problem(s).

- I cannot drag/drop shortcuts into a stack. This is a functionality of the proper leopard dock, and I could have sworn it used to work when I had RK Launcher.

- I CANNOT have more than one stack docklet running in the same dock, without the 'zoom' sticking.

What I mean is, the stack icon naturally zooms as I highlight it. If there are two stacks, it will not return to normal, and I have to restart ObjectDock to get the functionality back. It is NOT frozen - the docklets all work - they just don't zoom as I slide the mouse cursor past them.

This happens with 'Follow the dock' on and off.

I also have a few suggestions, but I understand if they deviate from your original intentions.

- Highlight icon on mouseover. I don't notice this on any proper leopard videos(on youtube), but it would be excellent to get visual feedback.

- Sort by modified date is the wrong direction. Judging by the official leopard demonstration video, the guy had a 'Download folder' stack, and the newly download stuff seemed to appear at the TOP of the stack, and not the bottom.

No big deal, but if you want consistency, there is something to look into.

- The functionality of the stacks is not quite comfortable for me. I know that's pretty vague, but I suspect it is due to the lack of highlighting on mouseover, and broken drag/drop support in ObjectDock.

I hope that is helpful in some way. I appreciate your efforts so far. I'm using it for a download folder, and photos at the moment:)

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I found the same issue... se the attached screenshot.

It does not happen all the time, to reproduce the problem I had to add 3 stacks to my dock (the three plain folders), and after randomly clicking on them all, it finally exhibited the behaviour mentioned by cyberkilla.

Hey' date=' I just had to comment on this again.

- I CANNOT have more than one stack docklet running in the same dock, without the 'zoom' sticking.

What I mean is, the stack icon naturally zooms as I highlight it. If there are two stacks, it will not return to normal, and I have to restart ObjectDock to get the functionality back. It is NOT frozen - the docklets all work - they just don't zoom as I slide the mouse cursor past them.

This happens with 'Follow the dock' on and off.



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I've had problems with the shortcuts too, but I installed IconPackager and checked the box in the setting where is says "Display shortcut overlay icons".

Now it's working fine, but only in ObjectDock, i've tried it in RocketDock also and it didn't work.

By the way, very nice Docklet you've created, it's perfect (except for the problem with the shortcuts).

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i've got what i think is a good question...i've read thru the first and last several pages but didn't see the answer so excuse me if it is here somewhere...but whilst reading this thread i wondered where i might find the version info for this great docklet??? I have used rocketdock for a year or so but only last month added the stack...which i d'loaded from rocketdock's site...as far as i can tell there is no version info either in the "Icon Settings" window of a stack, or the files in the zip...???

other than that, the little bugs i've noticed seem to have been raised already so i'll just say my thanks to the creator...thanks Matonga, you're a legend...and leave you lot to keep stressing him :)

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From page 21....

"Ok, I told my compiler to automatically generate a build number.

In the next release you will see something like:,, etc... (last number is build number). You will be able to see this by right clicking on StackDocklet.dll, choosing Properties, then Version tab, then File Version in the list."

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I find a bug.

I've chosen to delete shortcut arrows icon (I'm using vista) as it's written in this "how to"

3w .computerperformance.co.uk/vista/vista_registry_remove_shortcut.htm

since I've done it, Stacks Docklet always bug with the same error "There is no application associated with the given filename extension"

Is there a solution to this issue??

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Stay away from this registry tweaks, it makes more problems than good in Vista.

The best way to remove shortcut arrows in Vista. is to use the program Vista Shortcut Manager from

w w w.frameworkx.com/download.aspx?a=83&m=84

There is a 32 bit and a 64 bit version of Vista Shortcut Manager however, you need to bring back your registry settings you have made.

I do not have any kind of problems with my Dock/Stack on Vista 64 bit

Please remember you must have Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable installed.

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