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Stacks Docklet

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Small bug:

When I minimize something to the dock, then open a stack, leave it open and try get the minimized window back on the desktop, it won´t open untill I close the stack by clicking on it.

RKlauncher Built 275, Stack version, XP SP2.

Great work, keep it running, I use this an awful lot.

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Yes, they are located in the System32 folder along with 10,000 other files.

resisting the temptation to make this into full on slagging war (with respect to Matonga)...you don't seem to know much about files and the wonderful function in windows known as "Search"...try "*.cpl" matey and then tell me as sarcastically that there are still 10000 files to choose from!! I just made a stack in about 60seconds with the firewall and time&date applets - 30 seconds of which was the so-called "search" function doing it's thing in the system32 folder!

here's a screenshot:


@Statik - i don't know which version i have (i think it's old as there is no version stamp on any of the files) but everything seems to work fine in terms of shortcuts etc - and i can't tell of any features i'm missing out on by not using the latest ver. from post#1...PM me and i can up' it somewhere for you [if that's ok with Matonga/mods etc]

EDIT: @ChristianS - excited to try out the standalonestack, but some instructions would be beneficial please?! (i.e. where to put files and how to configure it etc) :)

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What an ingenious way to use the Stack Docklet, ChristianS!

Hmm...the TrayStack app seems to have the TaskStack's help file, if I'm not mistaken. Plus, the /bottom argument doesn't work on TrayStack.exe and TaskStack.exe. Both apps also use the same folder (named "Task"). Would be better if they used different folders ("Tray" and "Task").

An option for the TrayStack to show also the hidden tray icons would be nice.

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I've just started using RocketDock and added the Stacks Docklet which I find so helpful and much more efficient than opening a new explorer window. I read through the first and last couple pages of this thread and didn't see these suggestions:

Is there any way to customize how many items are shown in the popup? For example, I have a "Downloads" folder on my dock that I download everything from Firefox to, but I'm really only concerned with the last couple but I don't want to go through the folder every couple of days to clean it out. When the StacksDocklet tries to display more than ~10 items it gets slower and slower with each item. I like things to run fast and clean :D

A slider for icon size would be wonderful!

You can hide certain items from showing up in the stack if the folder its pointing to has those objects hidden. For example, I have my c:users folder setup for a stack, but I didn't want to have all those items show up, but I want to see them in Explorer.

First, press Alt to get the menu, and go into Tools > Folder Options, then click the View tab and mark the option "Show hidden files and folders", click OK.

Then, any item you don't want to see in your stacks docklet, just right-click on it, choose Properties, and check the box "Hidden". In explorer, it'll show up but be lighter, and it won't appear in the stacks docklet.

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//Off Topic:

Hi ChristianS,

I went over to your website and checked out your app: EasyMove.exe. I've been looking for an app like this for awhile, thanks for coding it :)

Currently EasyMove is a rather, simple, lightweight and minimal app which does what it's described to do, which is really nice, but I was hoping for a free/opensource program which has just a few more features to it. Would you by any chance know of one that you'd recommend?

If not, might I request a few features? Could you possibly provide a settings window?

Specifically, to be able to assign a different key other than "Ctrl" for the move. Also, could you add a tray icon that can be hidden with the settings window so that if I double click the program (with the tray icon hidden setting chosen,):

~ 1st double click - launches the program.

~ 2nd double click (after program is already running) - opens the settings window.

also, would EasyMove be considered a portable app? Does it add anything to the registry or modify anything outside of it's own directory? Thanks in advance.

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Hi, I just installed the docklet onto vista, and there appears to be a bug.

Im using the most up to date Vista Home Premium, with Object Dock version 1.90.

When I open a stack, i can close it by clicking off or back onto it. The problem occurs when I click a stack and then click another stack whilst the first stack is still open. This causes the dock that has the first stack I clicked on to freeze. Its not a complete freeze though, i can still click on any of the other items located on that dock, and the stack will still pop up if i click on it, but it won't go back down, i have auto hide enabled.

In addition, with the attachment, you can see that it is zoomed after it freezes.

Attachment Top item is after it freezes, bottom is normal.

Im just mentioning because I thought you would like to know. This is an excellent docklet, but its a shame its not working for me.


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Hmm...the TrayStack app seems to have the TaskStack's help file, if I'm not mistaken. Plus, the /bottom argument doesn't work on TrayStack.exe and TaskStack.exe. Both apps also use the same folder (named "Task"). Would be better if they used different folders ("Tray" and "Task").

An option for the TrayStack to show also the hidden tray icons would be nice.

yes, make a shortcut with TrayStack.exe /? to show help.

well, /bottom works for me, strange...

I've changed Task directory to Tray.

Now add /all parameter to show all the tray icons, even hidden.


Thank you for your nice applications.

Could default size of icons from traystack.exe be set 48x48?

The current default icons from traystack are too small.

i've changed size to 32x32, 48 is too big because source icon are in 16x16 in some application.



also, would EasyMove be considered a portable app? Does it add anything to the registry or modify anything outside of it's own directory? Thanks in advance.

ok, i've added a tray icon and options.

Yes EasyMove is portable, there is no other file than EasyMove.exe and EasyMove.ini for settings.

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Oh, I see. The help file is for BOTH apps. The text in the title bar was quite misleading but I can manage. Thanks for pointing that out. The argument "/bottom" works for me now. Don't know why it didn't before.

BTW, TrayIcon isn't quite accurate in getting the icons. The TaskbarShuffle icon is just blank. And when you make shortcuts of both apps and place the shortcuts on the dock, the stack items don't display directly above/below the originating stack icon. But overall both apps are excellent in terms of idea and execution.

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@ChristianS or anyone who can help me

I'm really looking forward to using StackTask and StackTray but I'm unsure of what "/ ?" means or how to access the parameters. All I have are the two star icons (the exe files) as well as two app files named "activate" and "click". What do I do to access the help file? Thanks.

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Hola Matonga

No habria la posibilidad de que nos pusieras un resumen en español de todo lo que aqui se a escrito ? ... como un aporte para los latinos que no se nos da el ingles :(

1.- Me refiero a mencionar los docks en donde funciona sin problemas

2.- En cuales funciona si se cambia tal cosa

3.- En cuales de plano no funciona

Seria mucha molestia ? :D

Ya que al parecer sobre YzDock no funcina (corrijeme si estoy mal) y desgraciadamente es la que yo utilizo ... aunque encontre por ahi una modificacion a tu docklet llamado StandaloneStack que funciona sobre YzDock haciendo el mismo efecto.

El StandaloneStack habla de poder ponerlo en la barra de windows o en el escritorio ... pues yo lo puse a mi YzDock y funciono como si fuera el docklet.

Lo unico que no me agrado fue que quedaron todos mis menues sobre el mismo archivo de configuracion (.ini) todos brincaban al ejecutar cualquiera, pero se soluciona si se graba cada uno utilizando el mismo programa en distinta carpeta ... como cuando uno quiere tener 2 YzDock funcionando en el escritorio. ;)

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I have a folder of Shortcuts to all my games.


Now I add this to the settings of a new Stack docklet


And it appears in the actual Docklet


But when I click anything (except the "Freeware Games" folder) nothing happens.

I am using ObjeckDock+ 1.90 Build 535u. Windows XP Pro SP2.

I tried it with RocketDock and the exact same thing happens.

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You can hide certain items from showing up in the stack if the folder its pointing to has those objects hidden. For example, I have my c:users folder setup for a stack, but I didn't want to have all those items show up, but I want to see them in Explorer.

First, press Alt to get the menu, and go into Tools > Folder Options, then click the View tab and mark the option "Show hidden files and folders", click OK.

Then, any item you don't want to see in your stacks docklet, just right-click on it, choose Properties, and check the box "Hidden". In explorer, it'll show up but be lighter, and it won't appear in the stacks docklet.

thank you very much! it works! =)

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I noticed you don't have an arrow your shortcuts this tweak cause windows to handle the shortcuts differently; due to this Stacks does not recognize them as intended following the fix below should get it working.

1. Go to [start > Run]

2. Input "RegEdit" Click [OK].

(Please make sure not to include the Quotation Marks only what is between them.)

3. Using the Folder Tree to your left Navigate to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfile]

4. Go to [Edit > New > String Value]

5. Input "IsShortcut". Press Enter.

6. Log off and log back in or Restart; Your choice.

Then everything should work as intended.

Don't forget to make sure you have the current version from.


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