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Mirror effect for docks

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The mirror has a setting called 'Put behind this window'.

Such setting allows you to specify which window should the mirror be behind of.

I know such window class is 'ROCKETDOCK' for Rocket Dock, but sadly I know nothing about other docks.

I'll see what can I come up with, to give an easier way to select and identify the window to be used as reference to put the mirror behind it.

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Well, OBJECTDOCK is what I put it behind.

And the thing is, it goes behind it, until I change res, or aero turns off, or something else happens, and then it's on top of it :(

Going into settings and reselecting OBJECTDOCK puts it back behind the dock, oddly enough.

EDIT: Yeah, having a little... click-on-this-window-to-stick-it-behind thingy would be pretty useful :)

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What about setting OD to "Always on top" ?

Well, OBJECTDOCK is what I put it behind.

And the thing is, it goes behind it, until I change res, or aero turns off, or something else happens, and then it's on top of it :(

Going into settings and reselecting OBJECTDOCK puts it back behind the dock, oddly enough.

EDIT: Yeah, having a little... click-on-this-window-to-stick-it-behind thingy would be pretty useful :)

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Ok, some updates:

- Now the mirror doesn't appear in Alt-Tab list. :)

- The mirror doesn't update (and so doesn't consume CPU) when it detects a fullscreen app (such as a videogame) (this was very annoying while I was playing games such as NFSU 2, Richard Burns Rally, etc..., because the motion was crispy instead of smooth) (also Ship Simulator 2008 was almost unplayable while running the mirror).

Stuff I don't have time to solve but would like to:

To find a way to make Windows Vista with Aero behave the way I intented, by reflecting windows and reflecting none of dock icons.

I know some people find fancy having their dock icons reflected, but for this particular purpose there is a better choice: iReflector from SirSmiley (yes I know the icons have to be reflected one by one, by hand, I know because I do it that way, even for the 50 weather icons).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I think I solved the problem with the desktop.

Go to the first post and download new version 2008-09-20.

Just try and drag your desktop icons nearby the dock to see if they get reflected and if such reflection updates.

Please note:

1. Multimonitor setups (such as mine) seem not to pose this bug, so I can't know if I really solved the problem or not.

2. The bugfix does not apply to custom desktops (programs which allow you to add your own desktop with effects and such). I may add a special option to allow you to select your custom desktop instead of detecting just the windows desktop.

3.Please keep in mind the mirror doesn't work as intended on Windows Vista with Aero enabled (though users with this setup seem not to bother about it, anyway).

4. There is a new dock in development by someone in Ucrania, which includes integrated support for stacks (does not use my docklet), I'll keep an eye on it to see if it will include a mirror effect (it already mirrors the icons, in realtime, and it looks way cool) (BTW it's in russian so I spent good time clicking at random on the menus :)).

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4. There is a new dock in development by someone in Ucrania, which includes integrated support for stacks (does not use my docklet), I'll keep an eye on it to see if it will include a mirror effect (it already mirrors the icons, in realtime, and it looks way cool) (BTW it's in russian so I spent good time clicking at random on the menus :)).

Can I have a link to this?

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I can never understand what this mirror is actually doing and its purpose

Purpose: to ressemble Mac OS X Leopard dock effect of mirroring the windows beneath it.

Actually: puts a mirror behind your dock. The mirror doesn't reflect your dock (*) but the windows near it. Because it doesn't reflect the dock, it doesn't reflect the dock icons. So another app is needed for that (such as iReflector from SirSmiley).

Limitations: there is no way to integrate the mirror perfectly with a dock (unless I can get dock sources or some dock developer decides to use the sources I published in answer to a request in Application requests). So the whole thing is difficult to configure and is not bullet proof. So you have to disable your dock autohiding, icon zooming, etc... and also reconfigure the mirror every time you add/remove icons. It's ugly but there's no other way around (**) and there aren't any reflective docks for Windows (yet).

(*) The mirror does reflect your dock if you're using Windows Vista with Aero enabled. This is totally unwanted behavior but currently I don't have time to fix it. Also it is difficult to know how to tell the mirror where is the dock. I don't know if I'll ever solve these problems (except Vista + Aero bug, which I'll unless someone does first) because there is a new dock now written by BOBAH13 (search his post in Application Releases) which comes with automatic icon reflections and maybe it will have mirror the screen too in future releases.

(**) Ok, ok, I can reverse engineer a dock using Ice Debugger, but that's mostly like hacking the dock and as difficult as writing my own dock anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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