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Stacks Docklet 2.0

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Done !

StandaloneStack 2 is released !

StandaloneStack 2 ( i've just modified my old page :rolleyes: )

New :

- Base on new stack library from Matonga

- Better customization dialog.

- Special folder ( for now, no control panel for windows XP, sorry )

- Video preview with "animation" (.AVI )

- Folder navigation in stack ( hold CTRL key to enter in folder - but no go back)

- Image loading in background

It works and it's a ton of awesome! Thanks a bunch, nice job :)

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Pretty sweet Christian! Is there folder watching in the standalone by any chance??

There's no Folder Watching in the original, is there?

2 biggest problems with current non-standalone version:

1) Fans always open upwards (i.e. They don't account for screen position)

2) Folders aren't dynamically updated

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STANDALONE STACK! WOO! Thanks ChristianS and Matonga! You guys just made my month!

Will test immediately.

EDIT: Works like an absolute charm! Thank you so much for this, it is truly an excellent piece of software!

A few quick suggestions (if you are taking them):

- A back button when going through folders (as you suggest you may add), which you could do through Snow Leopard's small parent grid to the top left, or just through a "back" button next to Open in Explorer.

- Getting into a folder with a right or middle click, rather than CTRL+Click (sometimes I do not have quick access to a keyboard when on my entertainment computer), or just having an option to default to entering the folder rather than opening it in explorer.

- Don't know if its possible, but counting a drive (e.g. C:\) as a folder.

- This last one may be hard/impossible, but just in case: Being able to assign specific folders specific .png images. For example, I want an "Applications" quick launch-type stack, and I would like the "Office" folder within that stack to have an MS Office logo in front of it. That would be awesome if it worked.

Anyway, I completely understand if you have no interest in taking some/all of these suggestions, but there they are, just in case. With or without these additions, this is easily the coolest program I have used in a LONG time!

Thanks so much you guys, really, I just can't say it enough. Great work.

- AeonSlayer / Simon

Edited by aeonslayer
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A back button when going through folders (as you suggest you may add), which you could do through Snow Leopard's small parent grid to the top left, or just through a "back" button next to Open in Explorer.

yes, i think about it.

- Getting into a folder with a right or middle click, rather than CTRL+Click (sometimes I do not have quick access to a keyboard when on my entertainment computer), or just having an option to default to entering the folder rather than opening it in explorer.

Stack docklet library can't send me right or middle button event, so i can't do it now.

- Don't know if its possible, but counting a drive (e.g. C:\) as a folder.

if you do a stack on "my computer" you will hava all drives

- This last one may be hard/impossible, but just in case: Being able to assign specific folders specific .png images. For example, I want an "Applications" quick launch-type stack, and I would like the "Office" folder within that stack to have an MS Office logo in front of it. That would be awesome if it worked.

just put an icons in "images" directory named "application.png" ( the name of your folder with .png)

Pretty sweet Christian! Is there folder watching in the standalone by any chance??

2) Folders aren't dynamically updated

The folder are always updated when the stack open, that's why it can be a litte slow.

(there is no cache)


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Hi ChristianS, I think you misunderstood me on some of those points...

"Don't know if its possible, but counting a drive (e.g. C:\) as a folder." By this, I meant being about to CTRL+Click to enter the drive as if they were a folder, I am aware that you can use my computer to display the drives, but that is the limit of that functionality.

"Being able to assign specific folders specific .png images." By this, I meant uniquely named FOLDERS having unique PNGs, not file types, but the folders themselves, which is why I thought it may be difficult for you to do.

As for the right / middle click to open folders, since that is impossible for the time being, perhaps adding an option in the options dialogue to allow clicking a folder to default to entering it within the stack rather than opening it in explorer? As one can always press the "Open in Explorer" to open it in explorer (if that makes sense :P).

Sorry if I was unclear, and once again, excellent work on this program.

- AeonSlayer / Simon

Edited by aeonslayer
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I hope it hasn't been mentioned yet, but I didn't find anything concerning this bug in this thread:

First, the new stacks are great. I really was like "Wow" when I saw the expanding animation for the first time.

But unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the icons in the grid view. I created a stack from a folder containing links to several applications. In the folder everything is perfect but in the stack some icons are not shown. They are replaced by system standard icons for unknown applications. Any idea?

(btw, the dock is RocketDock. But I hope this is not an issue)

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Hi there!

First of all great work everyone.

@Matonga - this app is just what I always needed... well, not really, but still it is great ;)

Though, I seem to have this small problem no one mentioned yet:

- win XP SP3

- RD 1.3.5

when I try to put a stack form my Quick Launch folder (I'd relly like to use the original one in App.Data\Microsoft\InternetExplorer) it resets back to default My Computer each time RD is restarted.

Any ideas anyone?

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Done !

StandaloneStack 2 is released !

StandaloneStack 2 ( i've just modified my old page :rolleyes: )

New :

- Base on new stack library from Matonga

- Better customization dialog.

- Special folder ( for now, no control panel for windows XP, sorry )

- Video preview with "animation" (.AVI )

- Folder navigation in stack ( hold CTRL key to enter in folder - but no go back)

- Image loading in background

UNBELIEVABLE! Just yesterday I was thinking, I wouldn't really need ObjectDock if Win7 had a stack thingy for their new taskbar... And voilá! You did it! :) Seriously man, this is an awesome idea! I thought the stacks doclet was awesome, but this... Thank you matonga and thank you ChristianS! Keep up the good work! :)


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Hey guys I'm new here so I'm not sure If I posted this is the correct category. I'm just reporting a problem with the stack docklet 2.0 running on vista 32-bit with both rocket dock and object dock. I made a few folder full of shortcuts for my software of which I opened a new stack docklet for each. Every time I restart my computer I get an error message and would have to close the application. When it restarts it suggest that I reload the program using default icons. I have no choice but the restart it using default settings every time it does this. Does anyone know what the problem is.

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Oh, I have two more feature requests, if its at all possible: Drag and Drop. Being able to drag a file into the stack icon to drop it into that folder, so it can then be accessed through the stack.

Also, being able to choose when to dynamically check the contents of the folder, as it seems to lag out a lot sometimes when I open my "Applications" stack, which is basically a folder full of nothing more than 3kb shortcut files... I am unsure as to why these seem to take upwards of 5 seconds to load? When all other folders take no more than 1 or 2. For this reason, it would be nice to be able to SHIFT click or something to force it to check the contents of the folder, so the others would stay pre-cached.

If at all possible, could you possibly simply release your source code? What language are you actually coding in? I understand if you do not wish others to alter it, but it is not for profit, so I can't see the harm in personal alterations... Anyway, please get back to me with either solutions or an answer.


- AeonSlayer / Simon

Edited by aeonslayer
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But unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the icons in the grid view. I created a stack from a folder containing links to several applications. In the folder everything is perfect but in the stack some icons are not shown. They are replaced by system standard icons for unknown applications. Any idea?

Hmmm... Vista or XP? And what type of icons are you using?

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Hmmm... Vista or XP? And what type of icons are you using?

I'm running Vista HP x32. I'm afraid I can't specify certain icons because this happens in all stacks with all icons.

For example I have a folder (grid view) containing links to my games. While the icon of FarCry 2 shows up perfectly Anno 1701 is represented by the system's default icon for an application.

Same with my "Tools" folder (fan): Spybot S&D is top, Avira AntiVir is not.

All these icons are directly from the .exe of their own applications, nothing modded.

When manually specifying a different icon for (e.g.) Anno 1701 and restarting the dock the new icon appears. Switching back to the correct icon from the exe and restarting the dock results in having the wrong default icon again.

I guess it can't be the proper way to extract every single icon and specify it manually. There has to be another way. Especially for people being less into computers.

Any ideas?

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What I found so far is that you have problems sshowing icons when the application only have 8-bit and/or 4-bit icons. I have been using icofx to extract the icons from this apps and convert to 32-bit ones that works fine. You can try with WinISO, it shows this problem (on Windows Vista).

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I have been using icofx to extract the icons from this apps and convert to 32-bit ones that works fine. You can try with WinISO, it shows this problem (on Windows Vista).

Yes that may be suitable for persons like us really being into computers, but what about people how can barely handle an installer?

I would suggest changing something in the source code.

Don't get me wrong Matonga, I'm not pushing you, but maybe you can think of this in the next release ;)

Edited by BlaZeOSX
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for all users experiencing crashes of objectdock, delete the CrashRpt.bak inside the Objectdock folder then reinstall the stacks docklet 2.0 then restart your objectdock...... ive done this method & my dock doesnt crash anymore.... smile.gif

I don't have this file but every since I updated to the newest dock I can no longer change the stack from the default "My Computer" no matter what folder I try it crashes the dock.

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I'D LIKE TO SUGGEST A FEW THINGS TO MAKE THIS APP BETTER. Why not make folder clicks more configurable? For example, left-click open in explorer, right-click open in stack/grid view or vise-versa. Or allow option to use middle-click too. OH I'VE ASKED THIS IN THE PAST BUT I GUESS IT NOT IN. Can you enable hover high-light all the time and not just when shortened text. I want to see the icon text high-light all the time when hover. PLEASE DO IT!!! thanks for this wonderful program. This highlight thing has been bugging me for ages since version 1. PLEASE DOOOO ITTTTTTTT! Or is there a secret setting somewhere that I can tweak to make it highlight all the time? like a registry?

Edited by registrationsucks
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Hola Matonga:

Antes que todo FELICIDADES por tu trabajo, es un GRAN APORTE, asi, en mayusculas. Aunque se que a lo mejor ni siquiera vas a leer esto, por si acaso te doy unas cuantas sugerencias:


+ Modo GRID con iconos de tamaño razonable, es decir, menos escandalosos, por ej. de 48x48 estaria perfecto, sobre todo cuando tenemos aplicaciones un poco viejas (con iconos de menor resolucion) o en el menu tenemos muchos iconos que apenas y cabrian ocupando toda la pantalla. Aqui cabria comentar que el Dock de Dell realizado por StarDock tiene un comportamiento similar al modo grid, solo que los submenus se muestran con el efecto de deslizamiento horizontal justo por debajo y con iconos del mismo tamaño que los del dock principal. Lastima que ese dock solo puede utilizarse con equipos Dell. ;(

+ Modo STACK con opcion hacia abajo, ya que si se usa el dock en la parte superior no tiene caso usar el modo STACK ya que no se ven los iconos al mostrarse siempre hacia arriba.

+ POSIBILIDAD DE SUBMENUS: Supongamos que tengo una carpeta llamada Internet y esta carpeta a su vez tiene varias subcarpetas con accesos directos a varias paginas web clasificadas segun el nombre de cada subcarpeta. Seria ideal poder navegar a traves de esas subcarpetas a traves del mismo menu de Stacks Docklet.

Gracias, aun si estas funciones nunca se añadieran, el trabajo sigue siendo de gran merito. Muchas Gracias.

Please use English for the benefit of other members - mps69


Hello Matonga:

First of all CONGRATULATIONS for your work, it is a great contribution, well, in block capitals. Although it is perhaps not even gonna read this, if I give you a few suggestions:

What I would like to implement:

+ GRID mode with icons of reasonable size, ie, less noisy, eg. 48x48 to be perfectly, especially when we have some old applications (icons with lower resolution) or the menu icons that we have many barely fit the full screen. Cabria comment here that the Dell Dock by Stardock has a behavior similar to how grid, only the submenus are displayed with the effect of sliding horizontal and just below with icons of the same size as the main dock. Too bad that the dock can only be used with a Dell. (

+ STACK mode with optional down, because if you use the dock at the top there is no point in using the STACK and so you do not see the icons to always show up.

+ POSSIBILITY OF submenus: Suppose I have a folder called Internet folder and this in turn has several sub-folders with shortcuts to several websites classified by name of each subfolder. Love browsing through these subfolders through the same menu Docklet Stacks.

Thanks, even if these features were never added, the work is still of great. Thank you very much.

Edited by mps69
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Though it was mentioned earlier, i'd like to confirm a bug:

Stacks don't get updated automatically when content of original folder is changed. Version 1.0 didn't have this issue.

Probably it's not big issue if stack contains shortcuts which don't get changed often. But for folders which content gets changed often it's a big drawback.

If it does matter, im running XP64 SP2.

Thanks for really cool app, actually it's only bug that "bugs" me in this release :)

Edited by Leftover
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Every once in a while, when I boot my computer I will get the "RocketDock.exe has an error, send error report or don't send error report, blah blah.." message, and RocketDock won't open unless I load the default icons. I never load the default icons. To fix it, I take a "good" backup copy of \RocketDock\Docklets\Settings.ini that I made when it was working and replace it with the current "bad" one. It always says the same thing: would you like to like to replace this file with this file; the "bad" one is always 120 kB and the "good" (backup) one is 134 kB. I never change any settings before any of these crashes, so I don't know why the Settings.ini file is getting altered. Recently, I decided to save the bad file before overwriting it with the backup to see if maybe you are able to find any notable differences to prevent this from happening.

Attached are the "good" and "bad" txt files since I cannot upload ini files.

I hope this is somewhat helpful.

Oh, and just so you know, I'm using the latest public release (2009-04-02) with RocketDock 1.3.5.



Edited by Tim
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