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[release] Itunes 4 For Windows Media Player 9

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Originally posted by titoudoc@Sep 21 2003, 10:54 PM

oh no, I was hoping you can fix it...

nevertheless, good work with your skin...

perhaps a good QuickTime Skin in prevision for now ?

and if I wonder If I can mad a milk version of your skin ?

Nah, I'm not going to do another skin in the forseeable future, unless there's some feature of WMP that really strikes me. The way I see it, this is as good as I can get, so why go any farther? I am, however, going to write some tutorials on getting into WMP skinning for TwistedCPU.com, which will include some basic example skins.

As for a Milk version, myself, Binary and b0se (if he ever comes online :rant: ) are supposed to be releasing a couple of "remixes" (I hate that phrase, when not applied to music, but it just seems apt) of this - platinum, for example, and OpusMetal Glass... Possibly Milk, too, depending on what we feel like.

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Originally posted by ron21@Sep 22 2003, 01:41 AM

(Y) WOW!!!    :woot:  :woot:

Best skin ever!

Can you please make it a little less "laggy"? :own:

First, I don't know what you mean by "laggy" exactly, but I think you're likely referring to things like the time it takes to resize, and the time it takes to switch genres...

My response is two-fold:

1) Read the tread - I talk about this in quite a few places, in particular, my rant on page 17.

2) Try coding it yourself, perhaps. The algorithms I use are either those provided natively by WMP (which should be as fast as it'll get), or algorithms which are known by programmers to be the current most advanced (read:fastest) non-OO algorithms for the sorts of tasks I'm doing.

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Originally posted by Orange@Sep 23 2003, 12:43 PM

So sweeeeeet! a :beer2: or more for U!

In Full Mode, you can sort by title, artist and more... just like in the skin, but I miss the “Rating” 1 to 5 stars option, is there a possibility to also have that option in the skin?

Well even if it's not possible. Great works man!

I didn't include the "Rating" column in the skin because, in skin mode, the rating just shows up as a number, and not as the starts :blink:

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I found that to get the user rating with the stars you need to use "UserRating" So adding to the "columns" in iTunes.wms would be "UserRating=Rating" Like the following.

columns = "OriginalIndex=#;name=Song name;duration=Time;artist=Artist;album=Album;Genre=Genre;UserRating=Rating"

And produce this.

All we need now war the star images, and to find out where they go. I'll started on that emidiatly.

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Originally posted by wizard@Sep 23 2003, 04:04 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen, I found that to get the user rating with the stars you need to use "UserRating" So adding to the "columns" in iTunes.wms would be "UserRating=Rating" Like the following.

columns = "OriginalIndex=#;name=Song name;duration=Time;artist=Artist;album=Album;Genre=Genre;UserRating=Rating"

And produce this.

All we need now war the star images, and to find out where they go. I'll started on that emidiatly.

Well done :)

If you guys want this, you'll have to add it yourselves I'm afraid... I'm not adding it to the core build and updating :P

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Originally posted by Orange@Sep 23 2003, 05:13 PM

Hmm... So how do I actually do it?

You need to switch out of the theme in WMP9 before you fix it.

1. Go to your WMP9 Folder, usually "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player."

2. Go into the "Skins" folder.

3. Open "iTunesOSX.wmz" in WinZip or WinRAR.

4. Extract "iTunes.wms" (if your using one of the other modded packages, find which one your using and use the corresponding package.) from the archive.

5. Open "iTunes.wms" with any text editor program.

6. Search for "columns".

7. Add "UserRating=Rating", remember to separate it with a semi-colon ";", where you want the column to show up (it will draw it in that order of that string)

8. Save and add it back to the archive and save it, and load the skin.

Hope that's clear.

Also, I'm having a problem with finding where the graphics go for the stars, so if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to post them. Sorry :(.

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