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[release] Itunes 4 For Windows Media Player 9

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Originally posted by wizard@Sep 23 2003, 06:04 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen, I found that to get the user rating with the stars you need to use "UserRating" So adding to the "columns" in iTunes.wms would be "UserRating=Rating" Like the following.

columns = "OriginalIndex=#;name=Song name;duration=Time;artist=Artist;album=Album;Genre=Genre;UserRating=Rating"

And produce this.

All we need now war the star images, and to find out where they go. I'll started on that emidiatly.

thanks, great to know :D

the image should be in wmploc.dll.

but what's the real image in OS X?

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Well, here's what I came up with. It looks alright , but when you highlight the song, it looks tacky. Maybe there could be another way. Anywho, here they are.


BMP Replacing 339 and 349

BMP Replacing 348

You are going to need to replace the wmploc.dll file in "System32" and "dllcache." For a tutorial on doing this, refer to Iceman's Tutorial.

Edit: Link to tutorial fixed, I seriously don't think I can go a post without an edit

Woops, also got to be polite. Thanks to Stevie BM, Binary, and everyone else who contributed to this skin, you did a wonderful job. Also thanks to localhost for the tip, thanks dude, I learned something new today.

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Originally posted by wortel@Sep 26 2003, 08:05 PM

Hi iTunes4 skin user :)

how can I use the radio function in wmp, direct from the skin ?

because I always use the radio function in full mode, and when it's already connected I switch to the iTunes Skin.

Thanks :shy:

iTunes Skin rocks :own:  :own:  :own:  :who's your daddy:

I believe that Stevie BM did not add this feature in the skin. Maybe you could add the radio chanel to a playlist and play it then. Well, that's what I got.

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Ok, I said it'd never happen, but here it is...

iTunes for Windows Media Player 9 version 1.1b

By Stevie BM and Binary

Files in this release:

Readme.txt - this document

iTunes.wmz - the standard skin, uses any of the included WMPiTunes fonts

iTunesOSX.wmz - the "true to OSX" skin, uses any of the included WMPiTunes fonts

Patch_wmploc.exe - used to patch "wmploc.dll". Run this .exe in your

%WINDIR%\System directory to enable iTunes style stars

Fonts -


Updates in v1.1b:

  • Removed "Alt" versions in favour of using "LucidaGrande" fonts
  • Included Patch_wmploc.exe
  • Added "Rating" column to playlist view
  • Enabled update of browse panes on media change
  • Fixed saving of "size between uses" issue

Download at Deviantart

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Originally posted by skyliner34@Sep 27 2003, 12:04 AM

Dont bother giving me the answer to my question. Just after using WMP for a while I suddenly realised what a pile of crap it is :rant: . Roll on iTunes for windows.

Lovely skin Stevie BM. But Microsoft lets the side down. :rant:


WMP? A pile of crap?

I have to disagree - WMP is (in my opinion) the best media player out there...

I've had no problems with WMP retrieving album art for my media automatically, and it's easy enough to add art to those tracks that don't already have art...

If you could clarify why WMP is "a pile of crap", then maybe someone could give you specific help...

I, for example, have been using WMP9 happily since it's beta. I'd rather use it than any other media player iTunes skin or no... :6

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