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[release] Itunes 4 For Windows Media Player 9

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Stevie we need to talk,...

I'm about to release TDK 4.0 as you may know, a new Panther visual style that aims at 1:1 duplication.

I don't know if your following the thread... http://www.aqua-soft.org/board/index.php?s...=6360&st=75&hl=

Because I am really trying to make it 1:1, I am forced to use 5 different fonts in this theme. LucidaGrande.ttf being one of them

But because this new font you distributed with your great iTunes skin, is mislabeled as LucidaGrande, when a theme calls for the (in this context) innocent LucidaGrande.ttf font, the system thinks oh I have a .pfm version of that (being this new font) and throws that at my theme. Which then looks like sh##.

The font you distributed isn't even a LucidaGrande font! It is a harmless

Lucida Grande.pfm.

But because it is incorrectly labelled as a LucidaGrande, windows uses it for my fonts so *my* "precious" looks like sh##.

We must do something about this, relabel the font, who knows how to do that?

Rename from (fontname) LucidaGrande


Itunes if possible so we can still tell it apart from Lucida Grande

If that doesn't work, call it what it is:

Lucida Grande Type1

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Originally posted by Stevie BM@Sep 17 2003, 10:06 PM

As for the browse panes, do you have media in your WMP media library?

Yes I have about 600 mp3's and about 50 video's.

Still nothing on the browse panes...

And Ideas?

PS:// I am interested in (for the osx wmz) what you call:

- Subtle grey hovering on buttons (yes, the real iTunes does this)

- Clustered window controls

Where are these features, I cannot find them...

PS Supermini= minimode and then click lower right corner.

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