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[release] Itunes 4 For Windows Media Player 9

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QUOTE (Binary

>and it WILL be named LucidaGrande, you know why? because afaik pfm fonts >cant have spaces in their names, thats why

>And I'm not naming it to some descreet name just so your theme won't have >conflicts.

So you're going to rename it to a completely different font that already exists? And that everyone here uses? When simply a dash would have solved it?

There's atleast 5 themes released here this month that use LucidaGrande. X-Port, TDK, Puma, etc. Your font is a type1 Lucida Grande font. Don't you understand that your decision to use Lucida Grande.pfm for the filename and LucidaGrande for the fontname is going to make the system replace all instances of both Lucida Grande and LucidaGrande with your font?

I've seen the result, because I tried it, it is a mess.

Using your ill labeled font is going to break those themes.

>Man you're *****y. Give the guy a break, he worked his ass off

Ps:// Ease up a little. All I was asking for is advice, yeah he did work hard, and it shows. What do you think I do? leech?

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Wouldn't simple pm's resolve all this in a private manner? It's not that big of a deal. If someone wants to change either fonts then they can rename the font and do some minimum recoding so the skin can recognize the right font. Either (or both of you guys) can do this and re-release. We're not acting like a community where discussion is needed, but we are being hasteful. We can find negotiating resolutions without the need to flame. Let's both settle and reevaluate, because typing while you're fuming doesn't solve anything but rather it gets other people pissed off without reasonable resolve.

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Another Update

Browse Pane

I don't have a clue what I can do to fix the browse panes. How can I fix a bug that I can't replicate? I may have to get a few people to use a "debugging" version, or something, and see what happens.


I have no idea about fonts. Binary suggested I use that font, so I did. I'm sorry if it's offended anyone, or something. In future, I'll just stick to good old Tahoma :blink:


I'm a very fragile person. I desperately wanted this skin (as a virtual extension of myself) to be liked. I haven't slept all night, worrying about the aforementioned problems (as well as the bugs that I noted in a previous post).

When making comments about my skin or whatever, bear in mind that, whilst I'm a professional programmer, this is my first personal project that's been released, and my first excursion into the world of skinning anything...

Ok, expect a v1.1 release some time tonight. It may, however, take until tomorrow.

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first of all Stevie don`t pay attention at the bad comments pple give. We are ALL greedy bastards :D

I`ve found a bug (not trying to push u, just mentioning it)

when i open my iTunes(should i say WMP9) :lol: i get this (in the pic)

but then i press browse twice and it goes back to normal (no bug in the list)

same things happens when i change the LCD part, it goes back to normal

anyway this is THE BEST skin for WMP9 EVER!

PS: No browse here either but take ur time, and don`t stress out, we might need u more (for great skins :lol: (Y) )

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another bug (sorry)

when u click on an empty place in the left pane it just goes blank and there`s no way to get it back except to restart the WMP9

also it doesn`t remember the position and size :(

i dloaded the new update for WMP9 in order to fix the bugs but it ain`t working >.<

my wmp version is on XP Pro, Radeon 7000 32DDR with Catalyst 3.2, very sorry to say this but for me it`s useless :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Originally posted by Unbeliever@Sep 18 2003, 10:15 AM

another bug (sorry)

when u click on an empty place in the left pane it just goes blank and there`s no way to get it back except to restart the WMP9

also it doesn`t remember the position and size :(

i dloaded the new update for WMP9 in order to fix the bugs but it ain`t working >.<

my wmp version is on XP Pro, Radeon 7000 32DDR with Catalyst 3.2, very sorry to say this but for me it`s useless :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

The reason it goes blank is because WMP9's listboxes are, to put it lightly, crap.

If you aren't gonna use it, that's fair enough - one less person to whinge at me.

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hey Stevie please don`t be insulted since i didn`t mean to be mean. and don`t get me wrong, this skin is something i want more than anything! i`m just saying it has it`s bugs. i ain`t pushing u in no way, and i`m not whining, i`m just giving u some usage report. i do know that M$ has crappy software and that u can`t do anything about that. please don`t take it personal. if it`ll make u feel better i`ll keep using it even if it`s the last thing i do :lol:

sorry mate


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First for all, thanks for making this skin.

Its really nice of you to take time to make this for us.

Great work. :)

I have some small bugs.

They are the same as Unbeliever.

-Problems with the left panel goes blank, when clicking an empty space.

-The one with the white square, like shown in Unbeliever's picture.

-WMP9 not remembering the position and size

These are minnor bugs. :)

Take your time guys...

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I'm sorry if I'm snappy today, people - like I said, I got no sleep because of this, so I may be very short with people.

I'm taking your concerns on board, and to shut you all up there will be 5 .wmz files in 1.1 - "directors cut", "directors cut, alt-font edition", "OSX", "OSX alt-font edition", and "debug".

For all people having problems with the resize or browse panes not being filled, please use the debug version. With this, I'm more interested in the status messages you get than anything else. I know you'll all whinge about the fonts in it, and the fact that it still doesn't work, but that's life. I can't replicate the problems, so consider me releasing a debug version my official "public beta". You asked for it, and you've got it. I would like to know about status messages that you get using the debug version, but make sure you don't all repeat one another... If someone's posted what you're getting, don't post again - it just makes more for me to read, and makes the time it takes me to fix the problem increase.

Also, the alt-font editions will use a renamed version of the font, kindly provided by GillBates' friend via GillBates. Please note that this version is not the recommended version, and if you find errors in it, I don't really care.

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Version 1.1 is now available at DeviantArt

Files in this release:

Readme.txt - the readme

iTunes.wmz - the standard skin, uses the included Lucida Grande.pfm font

iTunesAlt.wmz - the alternate font skin, uses any of the included WMPiTunes fonts

iTunesOSX.wmx - the "true to OSX" skin, uses the included Lucida Grande.pfm font

iTunesOSXAlt.wmz - the "true to OSX" alternate font skin, uses any of the included WMPiTunes fonts

iTunesDebug.wmz - the debugging version of the skin. Please use this version if you are experiencing problems with the skin

playlistback.bmp - an alternate background for the playlist, if using one of the "alt" skins. This may not fit your current fonts.

Fonts -

Lucida Grande.* - used with the standard versions and debug version of the skin

WMPiTunes.* - used with the "alt" versions of the skin

Updates in v1.1:

- Graphic Equalizer visibility on startup fixed

- Fixed unknown artist issues

- Added alternate font versions

- Added debug version

If you are one of the people who has been experiencing problems with skin sizing, browse pane contents, or other things which appear to be bugs, please try the debug version

If you receive a "Status" message at the bottom of the skin (other than "Status: Completed load successfully"), then please post that status message here, but only post them if you are sure that your status has not appeared before in this thread.

I will get to each problem individually, as I get the time.

The alt versions are for those people who were whinging about the font clashing with their current LucidaWhatever fonts

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Originally posted by Stevie BM@Sep 18 2003, 11:20 AM

Version 1.1 is now available at DeviantArt

Files in this release:

Readme.txt - the readme

iTunes.wmz - the standard skin, uses the included Lucida Grande.pfm font

iTunesAlt.wmz - the alternate font skin, uses any of the included WMPiTunes fonts

iTunesOSX.wmx - the "true to OSX" skin, uses the included Lucida Grande.pfm font

iTunesOSXAlt.wmz - the "true to OSX" alternate font skin, uses any of the included WMPiTunes fonts

iTunesDebug.wmz - the debugging version of the skin.  Please use this version if you are experiencing problems with the skin

playlistback.bmp - an alternate background for the playlist, if using one of the "alt" skins.  This may not fit your current fonts.

Fonts -

Lucida Grande.* - used with the standard versions and debug version of the skin

WMPiTunes.* - used with the "alt" versions of the skin

Updates in v1.1:

- Graphic Equalizer visibility on startup fixed

- Fixed unknown artist issues

- Added alternate font versions

- Added debug version

If you are one of the people who has been experiencing problems with skin sizing, browse pane contents, or other things which appear to be bugs, please try the debug version

If you receive a "Status" message at the bottom of the skin (other than "Status: Completed load successfully"), then please post that status message here, but only post them if you are sure that your status has not appeared before in this thread.

I will get to each problem individually, as I get the time.

The alt versions are for those people who were whinging about the font clashing with their current LucidaWhatever fonts

Wow already an update.. thanks Stevie BM.. Although I wasn't having any issues with the original.. :rolleyes:

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Status: Setting time state succeeded - When turning Graphic Equalizer off and on.

Status: Setting view mode succeeded - Hitting F5. Program resized(turned small again). left panel shows up again tho'.. i had clicked an empty space, and the left panel went blank.

White squares shows up again too(those shown in Unbeliever's post). White squares where "Artist" and "Album" collums should be, if the Browse panel was activ.

My english is bad, i know, but i hope you still understand what i wrote.

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