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February 2004 Screenshots

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Yo , Yo , Last one fer me - - - nitetimethumb.jpg ,,You can always get it Bigga'

Running Applications:

loginwindow, SoundShufflerLoader, ShapeShifterCacheManager, wsxd, MirrorAgent, Konfabulator, SpeechSynthesisServer, iCalAlarmScheduler, SOX Schedule 4.1, Synergy, Another Launcher, imagewell, MailTicker, WeatherMenu, TigerLaunch, LCCDaemon, Konfabulator, Konfabulator, Konfabulator, Konfabulator, Konfabulator, Konfabulator, Konfabulator, Konfabulator, System Events, Mail, iCal, MacReporter, MacDICT X, Nicecast, iTunes, Safari, Preview, SystemUIServer, Dock, SnapperHead, Finder, TextEdit, MacDialer, AppleModemOnHold, Adobe GoLive

Graphics Displayed:

Aqua-Pro Theme - COTL_GUI http://members.cox.net/damac519/index.html ,, Wall by B - Sided , http://www.aqua-soft.org/board/index.php?s...9&hl=compositex ,, Icons by MUB ,, http://www.underbed.net/mub/ ..

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Sweet stuff People... I might as well post another.. :)

I thought I would give Bose's OpusOSX a shot.. ...

VS - OpusOSX by Bose...

Icons - Umicons Shell.... By ' Mattahan ' :) The best!!!!

Wall - OpsuOSX-Moya, Modded by me...

Apps - Winamp501 - iCandy, Samurize - OpusOSX background and Weather.png's by me , Rainlander - OpusOSX background.png by me, LaunchTab - OpusOSX skin by me, Mozilla FireFox - Neptune theme by Aaron spular....

Th-th-th-thats all folks!!! :D


^ Click Image To Make it Grow ^

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