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Icon Packager Osx Themes


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Hmmm thats strange ... did u try to rebuild your icons ?

By the way guys I am sending for permission for the Ticons this after noon is it KoL who I have to contact ? -_-

And Another thing I am working on a new package called DarkAqua .. (black icons) this is gonna be suitable for Visual Styles like Shinobi and Noes :woot: , I already have 19 Dark icons but if you have more dont hasitate and please feel free to PM me or post it here !! :D

Cheerz :naughty:

I'll post a screenie for DrakAqua Soon ;)

Cheerz :naughty:

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Originally posted by genuine143@Feb 29 2004, 05:58 PM

Ok people..

Progress update:

World of Aqua --------> Finished and pendding for premission

TIcons ------------> 80% Finished needs more icons (Help please)

DarkAqua ------> 95% Done, Pendding For permission and needs more icons (Help please)

Cheers :naughty:

About TiCons... look at this: A-S thread

I think KoL is first :lol:

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ok ill try to explain the glowing effect.

i hope u have access to adobe photoshop

1 make the icon its own layer (have a blank transparent layer under it.

2. double click on the layer thumbnail in layers pallet

3. wait to load <_<

4. go to outter glow

5. change the color to what ever (probalby blue)

6.change spread and size values to get desired results.

7.click ok when done

now u have glowing.

hope your able to follow.

and im really REALLY digging your dark aqua icons. they will go very nice with my shinobi vs.

my axialis iconworkshop expired so i cant really help too much...

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ok been a while guys...

The reason for this delay is I've been waiting for the permissions and still no reply !! :rant:

So I would like your ideas on what to do !! :(

Here is a perview of the packages !! (Y)

1- MuB:


Full screen

2- World of Aqua:


Full screen

Sorry didnt change my Y'z Doc Icons !! :rolleyes:

3- DarkAqua is still not fully done due to adding the glow affect to the icons :P

4- TIcons: still not fully done 80 %

5- Outlined: 30 % Done

Feed back would be great

cheerz :naughty:

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