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[help] Way To Use Windowblinds + Ms Styles?


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I searched the forums for a topic like this and couldn't find one so i'm wondering, since Mozilla Firefox has a Safari skin that requires Windowblinds, and I like to use Ms Styles, is there a way to use Windowblinds for specific applications and have the overall/base skin be a Ms Style skin?

I've been trying different combonations of starting up with diferent ones loaded first and stuff but haven't yet found out a way to make it work. Thank you! :)


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The latest WB (not sure about the public one) can install a MS visual style and use it by double clicking on it if you have it and (the latest) skin studio installed. You can then use that as your main skin and use whatever else skin you want as a per app skin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its true that like .7 could run along msstyles today, but it probably wouldn't be able to use modern skins. If you use it u can have ur titlebar skinned by windowsblinds, and the rest by msstyle, something like that. I remeber i used to do that for the titlebar buttons like osx.

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Originally posted by lashanza98@Apr 5 2004, 04:25 AM

and resourses.

I honestly don't understand how you can say that. Msstyles run as a seperate svchost which uses much MORE RAM than windowblinds. wbload runs at around 1mb or lower, which is nothing compared to msstyles. I swear, every time I hear a "OMG WB IS USING ALL MY RESOURCES, MSSTYLES ROX OMGWTFBBQLOLZ1!1" a Macintosh breaks.

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Is it just me or is it that the free version of WindowBlinds doesn't skin the ScrollBars. That's why I swiched to the default Visual Styles.

Maybe it is just the free version, until I find out the facts I'm not gonna waste a dime on WindowBlinds. Cause if it's supposed to and it doesn't work on my system (for whatever reason) I'm not gonna waste money on it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by lostspyder@Apr 5 2004, 02:40 AM

Why would you want to use a visual style and a window blinds skin? The only reason to use visual styles is bacause there free.

I have WBs, but i use VisualStyles because WB still lacks a cool Aqua/Panther or Brushed skin with right sided glyphs... i can´t live with Left sided ones... my PC just feel... well... the wrong way.

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Originally posted by ronin@Jun 8 2004, 09:33 AM

I have WBs, but i use VisualStyles because WB still lacks a cool Aqua/Panther or Brushed skin with right sided glyphs... i can´t live with Left sided ones... my PC just feel... well... the wrong way.

Well Judge's WB port of kol's msstyle port of Max Rudberg's Milk Redux has options for buttons on the right. Milk Redux link

For the Aqua/Jaguar look, Judge and Deggy's OSXP NG has buttons on the right. OSXP NG

Judge and deggy's iSkin has buttons on the right as does Xero's skin called Ice (very cool smooth blue look).


Xero's Skins

Xero's Brushed Panther also has buttons on the right -- and it's a really nice looking skin to boot. It has both Aqua and Graphite versions with buttons on the right.

Xero's Skins

Also, the newest version of Skinstudio makes it fairly simple to move buttons from left to right.

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Originally posted by Autumnmist@Jun 8 2004, 02:11 PM

Also, the newest version of Skinstudio makes it fairly simple to move buttons from left to right.

I´ve downloaded the new version of SkinStudio... but i just can´t do it... i´ve tried, but everytime the resulte is somewhat strange... some kind of tutorial "How to change the side of the glyphs for dummies" would be cool.

BTW... thanks for the list of skins... i will enter on "S&D" (Search & Download) mode now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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