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New Digital Fusion .msstyle


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I got bored last night and decided to make a new theme based on the look of high-end compositing progs. This one is designed to look like Digital fusion. It's very dark, like most compositors, simple and neutral on the eyes and good for color work. It's not finished yet and I'm not the best skinner in town, so be gentle with me ;)

It looks best with the DSX toolbar buttons and has little color, no flashing doodads and not much else besides.

I hope someone out there finds it useful.




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The world of video editing is a dark and gloomy one, no place for happy faces or light. :ph34r:

You're right though, it is a little deptressing for long term use, it's main purpose is for when you're doing something color critical. The Aqua type interface is pretty bad for that as you have a very light and bright screen blasting you in the eyes and the blue tone of the wallpaper tends to overload some of your eyes color cones giving you a false sense of what the real colors are. This is a turn on and off setup as you need it. Just like the programs it's modeled from.

I promise to make a happy style next time :)

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