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[Release] Panther Perfect !

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Originally posted by Seph@May 28 2004, 05:57 PM

OI, easy there boy....

Good that there are permissions now. You still forgot to add a tag to your thread.

This is a [Release]


The Topic Has Been Tagged

// Seph


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Originally posted by lid@May 27 2004, 05:18 PM

Have we really got to the stage where people need to show actual emails to prove that they've got permission? I realise the importance of protecting the hard work of the fantastic themers around but seriously when the guy has stated that he has permission do we now not take it at face value until proven otherwise?

Yes, unfortunately. With people like Infinity around (who supposedly will never rip or lie again) one can never be too careful. I for one was happy to see that e-mail. I am naturally a skeptic, and proof of permission is fantastic, I cannot say how good it makes me feel to see it.

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This visual style is just getting better and better.. Congrats for your work view (Y)

I'd use this visual style just to look at the buttons, they're freaking gorgeous!

Just a few things I would like to point out:

- Change the fonts as requested.. Arial is kinda ugly.. (Lucida Sans Unicode 10pt for the titlebars, Lucida Grande 8pt for the rest)

- Graphite version has the text on the buttons displaced.. also, the min, max, close buttons look .. odd?

Other than that, this is freaking sweet. I wonder how come this VS doesn't get more attention.

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Dude this theme is entirely ripped from TD4,

it is also no where near as good.

Somebody should do something about this td4 has a 4 page readme, with a whole page of credits devoted to the people that helped build it. This guy doesn't even have a single line of credits, yet he copied all the images from TD4.

I don't think that

"forgot to say some img taken from td4"

On the first page is enough if he just copied the whole theme across.

I've been reading back old posts and saw how hard the td4 project got started,... 20 page threads on the first s3d version, then 20 page threads on tdk3.3, and then the final 14 page Td4.0 thread.

Here someone copies it and says

"forgot to say some img taken from td4"

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