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A Few Hardcore Tweaks That Would Make My Day.

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I dont know where else to ask but the community here is the most hardcore bunch of win hackers i know so here are some things that i absolutely would love to do but dont know how. i hope some of you would like these as well. two of these questions i am absolutely sure can be done, just dont know the method :(

1. how do i create a shortcut (that i can place on my object dock) that can start my screensaver? *i feel almost idiotic for asking this one...*

2. how do i eliminate the 3d borders/edges of any and all Explorer's windows? i believe i saw this in screenshots of the panther pack, but i didn't download that because it changes far more than just this.

3. can i use Luna's toolbar/menubar background bitmap using the Classic theme?

i'm refering to the subtle white gradient in the background of toolbars, menubars, etc.

please help, and thanks for reading the post.

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Originally posted by lostspyder+Jul 10 2004, 08:31 AM-->
QUOTE(lostspyder @ Jul 10 2004, 08:31 AM)
1. why not just set your SS to start after 3 minuts of idel, then it doesnt take up a big spot


yeah, i did have it set to 5mins once, but i watch a lot of quicktimes, mainly my own and so i've lengthened the start time to 9mins. but i love my SS lol and just wanted a way to boot it.

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Originally posted by my left hand@Jul 10 2004, 09:44 AM

1. how do i create a shortcut (that i can place on my object dock) that can start my screensaver? *i feel almost idiotic for asking this one...*


screensavers are usually *.scr files located in your Windows\System32 directory. If you know which screensaver to start, you can simply create a shortcut to that SCR file.

at least I guess so...

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Just find the screensaver file. It should be somewhere in your Windows

or Windows\System32 Directory. Make a shortcut to it and drag it to your


Window Borders

I don't think you can just change the width of borders to 0 pixels unless

you edit your WB skin / Visual Style. I believe Danimators Panther WB

skin has 0 pixel borders.

ToolBar Bitmap

You can change the toolbar bitmap by a simple reghack. I'm not

sure exactly which key you have to change. I had a toturial for it

somewhere but I'm afraid I can't find it right now. If I come across

it later I'll give it to you.

Good luck :)


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Originally posted by Ghostwalker@Jul 10 2004, 11:51 AM

I use xHotspot gives you a hotspot in any corner of the screen you want just place your mouse over the corner and your screensaver will activate after a set time works great.


thanks for the help guys!

yeah, i got the screensaver finally :) attached the link to an 8ball icon.

check out http://www.refreshreload.com/, thats why i love the screen saver :)

its not particularly mac, but its very much about graphic design by great designers, i think many of you here would dig it :)

what that screen saver does is, everytime its started, it'll display a piece of work by a designer who's submitted their graphics to that website. so you'll barely ever see the same thing twice.


yeah the border being 0px thing, i was hoping i wouldn't have to use a wb skin, but i'll keep an eye out/think about using it if i cant resist the urge any longer. :(

the reghack sounds pretty cool, i wanted to use as much of the default content as possible in the hopes that barely any resources'll be used in the process.


thanks again guys :D

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