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Stefanka's Systemfiles Xpsp2

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:naughty: thanx for this premature release, even thou i had modded my own sp2 and running ,thanx to aqua-soft .. the only thing i cant get and i dont see it in yours either the dialog boxes are nicer in the O.G stefanka release you know the wider one's :naughty:

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Hi franziose,

Could you possibly post a 'ss' of your SP2 Control Panel-Classic View?? Reason being, is I've started to 'lightly mod' some files on my WinXP SP2 Home English Version laptop...

I have only (thus far) edited/modded my shell32.dll so that I have StefanKa's excellent Explorer & IE6 Toolbar .bmps, and modded the shell32 system folders (Icon Group #4 & #5) with SnowE-Aqua Folders...lol

SP2 has added the following .cpl icons:

1. Automatic Updates--->wuaucpl.cpl in\sys32

2. Security Center--->??

3. Windows Firewall--->??

4. Wireless Network Setup Wizard--->??

Numbers 1 & 2--->the quality of the icons are ok, but Numbers 3 & 4, they are of poor quality...pixalated, in fact there was even a thread @another forum discussing this...lol

Right now, I'm running my Control Panel in the Category Mode/View, as it is more bearable for me....lol



Automatic Updates is in sys32, the Security Center icon is fine...lol, but where are:

Windows Firewall & Wireless Network Setup Wizared located ? I could not find any reference to them in \Windows or \sys32 ?

The reason for me not being so aggressive on modding for SP2, is that after reviewing about the various 'SP2 issues' on the MS NewsGroups, their MVP's are hinting that many more 'Priority patches' are going to be coming out from WUv5 in the next 1-2 months...This will definately effect all present modding...

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Originally posted by Angryman@Aug 31 2004, 07:57 PM


If it works there is no need for a english version.


So, if I use Batchmod, using these files as the input, but it over-writes all the bitmaps etc onto my new SP2 English files, then it should work. Right? :unsure:

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  • 3 weeks later...


I've used some of your systemfiles, i.e. shell32.dll, explorer.exe and browselc.dll. But I still have these ugly yellow folder icons in my explorer window. If I want to change a folder icon I see another icon in the preview, but I can't apply it.

Where can I find (which system file) these explorer folder icons that you can see when you're browsing through your computer with explorer? Do I need a special program to change them?

I have the SP2.



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Is StefanKa working on new System Files? I'm not upgrading to SP2 until he does. :P

I dont' know if he is doing that, but these are the files from sp1 ported to sp2


I've used some of your systemfiles, i.e. shell32.dll, explorer.exe and browselc.dll. But I still have these ugly yellow folder icons in my explorer window. If I want to change a folder icon I see another icon in the preview, but I can't apply it.

Where can I find (which system file) these explorer folder icons that you can see when you're browsing through your computer with explorer? Do I need a special program to change them?

I have the SP2.



This should be in the shell32.dll, perhaps you should download the powertoys from microsoft, than install tweakui and then go to the last thing on the left and click something like "refresh icons"


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I've another question. I changed the explorer.exe once but now I can't change it anymore.

I've used replacer and tried to change it manually (replace the explorer.exe in dllcache, in the windows folder and in the servicepackfiles folder). Did I do something wrong? Is the explorer.exe somewhere else beside the folders I mentioned before?



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