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it's funny when parents mask children's fears

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I just saw this ebay auction on the news. What a crock of ****! I can't believe someone would pay for that. I hope that the dumb kids knows that spirits don't revolve around inanimate objects and if his house is haunted he will still be there (trust me I know about these things). ;)

There are no such thing as ghosts, fimlair spirts are always demonic. Or something like that..... It might be a con, and they might not even have a kid.

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gosh. they need Jesus man. i doubt that the ghost will be friendly, even if it was, i don't think it will leave the house. this kind of things remind me of wegie boards and those kind of stuff that i'm sick of. most likely, it's all a scam, which is 80 % all fake probability, 19 % satanic stuff like wegie boards, or 1 % the person't just trying to just help his "son" to be cheered up.

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Winning bid: US $65,100.00

YOU GOT TO BE KIDDGING ME!!!! Are these people retarted!

Retardation is relative (yeah, EVERYTHING is relative), you may very well be retarded in the eyes of David Gross. Anyways I digress, the winning bidder could just be highly altruistic (a bit excentric at that) wanting to do something nice to a family that just suffered a great loss, people with that amount of money are always seeking ways of "giving back" this may well just have been something he deemed tax deductable or nice to do.
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it's the same as asking america "why are you helping the middle east by wasting trillions of dollars?" people just want to help. but sometimes, it is true that there are scam.

Case in point, president Bush. He is only there for the oil. That is my last comment for this post. It is taking a whole new direction now! lol

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