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[Release] iBattery System Tray Mod (Beta)

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In an attempt to create a system tray battery icon that resembles the Mac OS X one, this is what I've come up with. Until now, I don't really think that anyone has created one thats close to the Mac system tray icons, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Truthfully, I'm somewhat not satisfied with what I've created so I've decided to release a beta to take suggestions as to what to improve and how to do it. The main thing that I am going for with these icons is curvature. I want to give them the slight more 3D look of their OS X counterparts, but it's kind of difficult with Windows.

Anyway, let me know what you guys think, and please critisize!! :)

To install: first, backup your batmeter.dll in C:WINDOWSsystem32 and then download the zip folder attachment and replace the .dll in there with the one in system32. Upon restart, the new icons should be visible.


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Thanks everyone :)

Thanks for providing a link to Replacer, sketching :). I didn't have any problem replacing the file, but it's good to see that there's a solution for those that are having trouble :)

And thanks for the positive comment cuckoodu :). Do you have any suggestions as to how I can further improve it? Does it need any improvement?

Thanks again! :D

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Just to let you know... this mod has been included with my system files since FlyakiteSP1 v4.0. And there's none of that pink around the edges either.

oh i know. but so? like i said, i'm trying to create a more accurate icon, and i'm still working on it and like i said earlier, wasn't happy with the pink edges. like i also said, that'll be fixed soon as well. i was using yours up until recently, but my main focus with this release is to create a more curved, sleek osx look. the pink edges will be easy to get rid of

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Hey guys,

ok, so i've gone ahead and taken some of your suggestions into account, and have released a new version of this. This takes care of the transparency and pink issues people were having trouble with. Again though, since I am releasing this for you guys and no one else, I'd like to hear your opinions on it. believe me, every small opinion counts, and everything helps make this better (making it better for you too :)). anyway, so i hope you enjoy it, hope it fixes all issues. If anyone doesn't have any suggestions, i think i may make this the final version then.

Thanks again.

Download below, and as previously stated, just unzip the contents into the WindowsSystem 32 folder and overwrite your previous batmeter.dll file (back it up first though).


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  • 7 years later...

Hi I have an Acer Aspire 5732z and the only issue i have is the battery mod doesn't have an action center dll so i can use the mod i know this is the cause because i have downloaded on similar to this and it had an actioncenter.dll file also my other consern is the internet and sound disappering. Other than that can't wait to use this cool mod also i cant get it to show up:-(

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