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[release] Multi-Plugin 0.6 Public Beta

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After a long time, I'm happy to release a beta Multi-Plugin 0.6 :)

It is a beta because i've tested it only on a few computers.

You may download it here.


Here is the feature listing:


You may choose a skin from the list or choose the default skin. Skins are applied after iTunes is restarted.

If you are a skin developer, you may check out the Developer Template skin folder, located in the directory in which you have iTunes installed. This folder contains the images of the default iTunes skin.

For creating iTunes skins, you just need to replace the images with your own ones and change the name of the folder.

You may delete image files from your skin's folder if you don't want them replaced, and the default image will be used instead.

Important: You must keep the bitmaps 32-bit in the Extended folder!

Main Window Title:

Here you may change the title of the iTunes main window while a track is being played.

You may use formatting tags that are listed below.

Copy the following track information to the clipboard when a track starts playing:

If you check this option, track information, in the format you specify using formatting tags, will be copied to the clipboard when a track starts playing.

Create a file with information about the current track:

Using this option will create a file named CurrentTrack.txt in your iTunes installation folder.

The meaning of each line in the file is the following:

Playing/Stopped, Artist, Song Name, Album, Composer, Genre, Grouping, Duration, Track Count, Track Number, Disc Count, Disc Number, Play Count, Rating, Year.

Allow WindowFX to add a shadow to iTunes:

Usually, Stardock WindowFX does not add a shadow to iTunes. Using this option changes this.

Don't show Mini Player in the Alt+Tab window:

Using this option will hide iTunes from the Alt+Tab window when the main window is in Mini Player mode.

Make programs recognize iTunes as Winamp:

Many programs can get the current track name and artist from Winamp only. Using this feature, iTunes will be recognized as Winamp by most of the programs.

Fix the functionality of Media keys on the keyboard:

Many keyboards have player control keys which don't work well with iTunes. This option may fix the problem.

Don't create Unknown Album folders:

If you have consolidated your library and let iTunes organize your music folder, it will make a folder named "Unknown Album" in the Artist folder when the track has no Album tag. Using this option prevent's iTunes from creating those folders and makes it place the file directly in the Artist folder.

Suppress the scripting warning message:

If you have used scripts that interact with iTunes, you may have noticed the warning message that appears when iTunes is closed and there is a script still running. Using this option will make that message not to appear. If you use this option, do not close iTunes when a script is changing track information or does any other writing operations. Doing so will probably result in a corrupt file in your iTunes Library.

Formatting Tags:

You may use the following formatting tags for the main window title and for copying track information to the clipboard:

%Playlist - The play list that the track is in









%Position - The player's position within the currently playing track (valid only for the main window title)


%TimeLeft - The time left for the track to play (valid only for the main window title)








%Kind - The file type of the track.

Other Features:

If you use the "Minimize iTunes window to system tray" feature, found in the Advanced tab of the Preferences dialog, the amount of memory iTunes is using will drop significantly when you minimize iTunes.

If you use Stardock ObjectBar, it will now recognize iTunes's menu.

If you have EvilLyrics installed, you will have a "Find Lyrics" option when you right click a track.

iPod Hebrew Support:

If you have hebrew tracks in your library and you want them to display well on your iPod, you may download the Hebrew iPod Firmware from the link below, and add hebrew tracks to your iPod by right clicking the track and selecting "Add To iPod".

You may add any track to the iPod this way, but it is mostly useful for hebrew tracks as this feature is a little unstable.

You may also fix the names of hebrew tracks that are already on your iPod by right clicking your iPod and selecting "Hebrew Support".

If the Update button in the iPod Updater of the Hebrew iPod Firmware is disabled, go to the Hebrew Options dialog and select "Prepare For Update". Run the iPod Updater again and you will be able to use the Update button.

Note: When adding very large amounts of tracks to your iPod, it is not recommended to use the "Add To iPod" feature. Instead, you can add the tracks by dragging them to your iPod, and if there are hebrew tracks between them, right click your iPod and select "Hebrew Options".

If you have liked this program, you may donate money to it's author by clicking here.


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Nice Job! I would only like to report one bug.

When iTunes is minimized to tray and later returned to full view, the progress bar/lcd window does not work. This was a problem in previous versions of your plugin, unfortunately.

Other than that, it works perfectly! :D

As a quick fix, I set the skin to default and unchecked any other titlebar options (I am using Runasoft to skin instead and it works perfectly).

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I'm sorry to post this, but I can't seem to be able to download this file. I right clicked on the link and Save as, but the file that I got is only 4KB and it's an .exe ??!?! When I launched it, I got an error message "16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem: The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction....."

Any help ? Thanks in advance and sorry guy, Thanks localhost for this amazing plugin :)

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Abou the titlebar font, It would just require another text box there.

I didn't want to do it for the dialog not to be too messy. I'll try to put it smewhere...

About the menu font, it is already changed when you change the main font. Do you mean a specific font for the menu?

It is possible but it requires patching a file that is different in localized versions of iTunes, and I want this plugin to work in any localized version.

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Great work - love the WindowFX-enabler!

However, I've got at least one bug to report; the display/progress bar in iTunes freezes if playing one file and then double-clicking another one in explorer (which opens it up with iTunes). iTunes still plays the file, but the progress bar goes fubar and still displays the previous file. This is not an issue with Multi-Plugin 0.52.

Also, the plugin seems to change the default titlebar font, even though I left the font-changing field blank. It looks kind of jagged. Not so without the plugin.

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When minimizing iTunes by clicking on in taskbar, it displays a weirde "double minizing" effect. it makes a minimizing animation twice but iTunes dissapears only after the second time. Also once when u minimize iTunes via the minizime button, it won`t minimize via taskbar anymore.

WinXP Pro SP1

Hacked uxtheme.dll


P4 2.66, 512DDR 333

EDIT It also seems to block my TrueLaunchBar MediaControll Plugin >.<

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