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Systronic-15 [wip]

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Originally posted by jacobk@May 2 2003, 08:01 PM

how did you get your start menu icons that biggg?

i changed my default windows icon size by using regedit (registry tool).....

start--->run--->type 'regedit' without ' '---> navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Deskop/Windowmetrics and then the value is shell icon size and mine is 96 instead of 48 or 32 depending upon your current settings. now change the value to 96 or whatever you want then restart your comp and it should work perfect.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe you'd do this:

Can you make a Mandrake Galaxy Visual Style? I LOVE Galaxy, and it'd be nice to have XP and Linux looking the same.

EDIT - LOL. I was googling around to see if there was one, and I came across an old thread at HardwareGeeks where you responded to someone elses question about this. You really get around, dont you, you "supermod"-you.

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Originally posted by contrasutra@May 26 2003, 06:40 PM

Maybe you'd do this:

Can you make a Mandrake Galaxy Visual Style? I LOVE Galaxy, and it'd be nice to have XP and Linux looking the same.

EDIT - LOL. I was googling around to see if there was one, and I came across an old thread at HardwareGeeks where you responded to someone elses question about this. You really get around, dont you, you "supermod"-you.

could you post some links to this theme for mandrake?

ya i do get around some ;) not like that though :P

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thx for the comments guys. :)

@taha & contrasutra: can i get some more detailed screenshots? more high res and maybe some links to the original theme? the theme is pretty slick. see how my workload is and if i have time. i am leaving for bootcamp on the 16th of june and finals are coming up so we'll see.

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