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Dashboard Gadgets ported to Konfabulator

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agreed I will see about getting that working, actually I was doing that and I got side tracked didnt finish working the bugs out . I prefer letting it add the artwork to iTunes.I will also try an add drag and drop to the album art widget in case it cant find the art on the web.

How about saving the artwork to iTunes if now album art is present (and if it is present, saving to a dir in case I want to replace the artwork in iTunes?

Just brainstorming....

(BTW, just want to say that this remote is really great--and the color changing options are sweet as well!)

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thanks ghostwalker!

btw your itunes one seemed fine.

my last beta release is working but with errors I will have to fix those but the bad news is the next release which would have been today with the playlist support is dead wont load so the next release will be delayed for now.Some of these will take awhile to fix because Konfabulator debug window will not give a reason for the problem.

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Dashboard Itunes does not work with Konfabulator 2.1, Here is a description of what happens when you open the widget.

1. iTunes window pops up to foreground

2. Konfabulator says that it cannot connect to itunes and suggests that you download it from the apple website.

3. The widget comes up and says "No Information Provided"

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Dashboard Itunes does not work with Konfabulator 2.1, Here is a description of what happens when you open the widget.

1. iTunes window pops up to foreground

2. Konfabulator says that it cannot connect to itunes and suggests that you download it from the apple website.

3. The widget comes up and says "No Information Provided"

It works fine here the widget will start iTunes if iTunes is not running try that but dont start iTunes and the widget at the same time let one or the other load first.Let me know what happens.,

And as for the dictionary widget here is my mod of it


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