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Dashboard Gadgets ported to Konfabulator

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Dashboard Itunes does not work with Konfabulator 2.1, Here is a description of what happens when you open the widget.

1. iTunes window pops up to foreground

2. Konfabulator says that it cannot connect to itunes and suggests that you download it from the apple website.

3. The widget comes up and says "No Information Provided"

I had the same problem. Only mine, is working now...

When i first downloaded the wigdet, a few weeks ago/when Ghostwalker first released it, it wouldn't display anything. Then i ended up formatting my computer and tried konfab again, and the itunes widget again, a newer version tho, and i had the same problem you did. So I uninstalled multiplug-in and still it wouldn't work. Then next time i started up my comp, it worked fine. And has done ever since. I dont really know if multi plug-in did stop it from working or not, but if you use multi plug-in, uninstall it and do a restart, see if that helps... :)

EDIT: itunes widget works for me now with multiplug-in installed :confused:

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baroness von undiepants: the itunes widget wouldnt work for me with multi plug-in installed. Now that it's uninstalled, the widget is working fine.

i will reinstall multi plug-in and see if the itunes widget still works...

ok, weird, multiplug-in is installed and everything is working fine :confused:

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baroness von undiepants: the itunes widget wouldnt work for me with multi plug-in installed. Now that it's uninstalled, the widget is working fine.

i will reinstall multi plug-in and see if the itunes widget still works...

ok, weird, multiplug-in is installed and everything is working fine :confused:

oh well thats good! :) but i think my itunes widget is working just fine. its just this unit converter one.

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My iTunes widget is working fine too... just with some problems.

- Every time i opens the Widget, iTunes opens automaticaly... that includes when i boot my Windows. That means, every time i start my PC, iTunes just pop up.

- Sometimes, when i try to close iTunes with the widget open, iTunes closes for some seconds, then pops up back again.

- Every time i opens the Widger (or reboots my PC), the option to "Show Artwork", just go OFF again.

Besides this, amazing work... really realized my wishes by reading Artwork from the TAGs.


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@baroness von undiepants Ive always had the latest multiplug-in installed so I know thats not a problem.

@raphael_bonelli The widget is designed to start iTunes when you start the widget. Do you use RK Launcher?

Also when the widget and iTunes loads it does not have Current artwork to display therefore I set it up to close the artwork window when the widget is restarted.

The Unit Covertor was made by Saladin a friend of mine.I think he is quit busy right now so I will take a look at it and see what I come up with.

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sure i'm sorry about that! here it is:

@melta207 can you not have multi plug-in installed at all to get those certain widgets to work? i do have it installed as well but would like to keep it if at all possible!

Ok this is a konfab bug they will fix it with an update until then you can

Quote : "You will need to delete the window portion of the widget's preferences. This was an unfortunate side effect of a change we needed to make. I thought we had a way to auto-fix this, but perhaps I was mistaken. Remove this key:


and just your window prefs will be reset, the rest of your settings will still be ok."

if that will not work just delete the preferences for that widget and restart it.I had this bug in one of the windows of my iTunes widget and just deleting thw widgets settings solved this.

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Ok this is a konfab bug they will fix it with an update until then you can

Quote : "You will need to delete the window portion of the widget's preferences. This was an unfortunate side effect of a change we needed to make. I thought we had a way to auto-fix this, but perhaps I was mistaken. Remove this key:


and just your window prefs will be reset, the rest of your settings will still be ok."

if that will not work just delete the preferences for that widget and restart it.I had this bug in one of the windows of my iTunes widget and just deleting thw widgets settings solved this.

ahhh sweet as man. Thats gonna help a lot, cos the widget stopped working for me again today, and i just figured it might not like multiplug-in, but thank god im wrong :):)

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I installed the new version of multiplugin and the widget started working again.

Awesome widget, some suggestions based on other itunes widgets are to allow the user to pick from a couple different track announcements. And the track shouldn't be announced every time you make a change in configuration.

Great work Ghostwalker, this is the only functional itunes widget for me, iTunes Companion is the only one that comes close but no artwork is shown with it.

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any one can give a mirro to those updated widgets? like this kind of address:

"http://www.savefile.com/files/8465031" seems to me not working anymore

You might check things on your end because that link works fine and you can find other clones here http://ghostwalker5.deviantart.com/

iF anyone is having problems with cutoff windows (the widget only showing part of the widget)this is a konfabulator bug not a bug in the widget.Delete the widgets registry settings and restart the widget and all will be fine.

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