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Dashboard Gadgets ported to Konfabulator

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Hmm.... interesting, thanks for that SioSae.

OK, well I have some exams coming up week after next, so after them I'll continue work on it. It's gonna be complete remakes of all the widgets released thusfar, all designed to be integrated perfectly with my own Dashboard. All widgets will be spawning and have animated flipsides (as well as animations for the fronts and hopefully the ripple effect if I'm feeling very ambitous). Think of what's been released so far as a tech demo and a motivation exercise :)

Also, there will be two versions: a Dashboard one with the Apple resources, and one with my own, so it can be released on the Widget Gallery. Also, there will possibly be an automatic updater, but that's less important, since this one will be tested thoroughly by many people. Oh, and I'll add a few new widgets (konfabulated spotlight, anyone?). Think of what we're lacking in Dashboard Emulation, and you get what my aims are ;)

Why did you do that?

Why are you crazy? ;)

I can't wait to have a whole set of dashboard gadgets!

That is, if I don't get my iBook before its done.

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With Saladins permission I made a few changes to the World clock added resizing,alarm clock functions and a new skin thats right you have a choice of two skins. Its a holliday today in america and I have a dinner to go to but after I get back home I will post a link to download it.


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Is it just me or does the calculator not recognize keystrokes in k2?

They broke due to a bug in Konfabulator 2 they will work again after the next konfabulator update .

And as for the alarm its greyed out(inactive state) until you set an alarm , when the clock face turns black the alarm icon turns white. If you like it download it if not dont simple.

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You are the man. thanks boss

Edit: the Red seconds hand is not well balanced in the center of the clock.

Also,I wonder if you can add you're own city. that will be nice.

Apart from that , its a charm . Btw , i love the chimes and the alarm sound

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Sranshaft] As I've said before regarding the core Dashboard widgets, I've completed most of them and they are already available for DesktopX. In fact, most of the features of Tiger (Spotlight, Dashboard...) are included in my theme - Weather widget included!

I know DesktopX is not very popular here but if you take a few minutes to learn the program you will see how powerful a tool it is and EASY it is as well.

Download my SophOS Version 4.6.9 here and see for yourself.

Yeah thank you Saladin....for mentioning this cuz I saw his advertising for Desktop X a few days ago.............Desktop X sucks dude.....why the **** do you think that we're all using Konfabulator? TRIED ALL THE REST.......BUT KONFAB JUST THE BEST!!!

Nate Dogg

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@Natedogg: it's all a matter of preference. I use DesktopX because I design WHOLE desktops - not just widgets. I've used it since 1.9. Nothing against Konfabulator, in fact I've been a fan of the design and widgets that have been released on it, but I will continue to use DesktopX. It's what I'm accustom to. I'll admit it does take a little understanding to develop with it but to say DesktopX sucks though...I have to wonder if it's the lack of knowledge that caused this opinion.

Call it advertising or whatever you will - I was merely offering alternatives. This is a community and to push away someone because they trying to contribute destroys what makes a community such.

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added to first post.

Advertising wherever you can because nobody likes DX and you don't want to feel like you wasted your time is just as unproductive. Matter closed, since this is a Konfabulator board offering K widgets, an advertisement for DX is off the topic of using K to emulate dashboard.

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As a matter of fact, I haven't wasted my time as I have 40,000+ downloads of my theme. How many have you gotten? So you cannot say 'nobody' likes the program. Besides, I do this for myself first and foremost. If someone else can benefit from it then so be it. If not, then that doesn't matter either.

As for emulating Dashboard - I have yet to see it. Duckie had begun such a project but you have put a stop to that by you bickering and 'higher than thou' attitude. All you have managed to do it recreate the widgets not the full Dashboard. Though recreate is a matter that can be debatable.

NOW the topic is closed.

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First, I must admit, the advertising is really annoying, please stop. We heard you the first time.

Second, its in the wrong forum. People come here to look for stuff for Konfabulator, not DesktopX.

Third, don't compare your theme to these gadgets, (its not a complete suite yet AND you spam your theme)

Fourth, I think I've used desktopX and I thought it was crap. Thats why I don't use it. The same probably goes for a lot of other people, too.


And I am though.

(good job closing the topic)

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Oh god you people.

Sranshaft, stop plugging your skin, youve said it, people heard it - move along or go to the desktop X forum, k?

If you guys continue this crap i will close the thread. AND NOW THE MATTER IS CLOSED - I HOPE THAT IS CLEAR.

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Just a little progress pick for all of ya . Random button working repeat all, repeat one clicking on the time toggles elapsed , remaining,and total. Clicking on the title toggles title,artist and album.Still to do access itunes library on the backside, try and access the equilizer bugs in the volume dimple and a few things I cant even remember. And hidden above the play button as a button for mini mode I know thats extra.


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for what app is this widget you posted a progress of??? konfab or what??? I forgot to tell you that i dont have any resources for da launcher, Ghostwalker...and i asked my friend for them and also tried to search for them, but couldnt find the resources...so sorry... nice iTunes widget by the way...cant wait till its done... i also atrted to use your World Clock widget...great work of yours

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for what app is this widget you posted a progress of??? konfab or what??? I forgot to tell you that i dont have any resources for da launcher, Ghostwalker...and i asked my friend for them and also tried to search for them, but couldnt find the resources...so sorry... nice iTunes widget by the way...cant wait till its done... i also atrted to use your World Clock widget...great work of yours

You blind or something? :confused:

*points to the thread title

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