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New Spotlight clone

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for the record, my show all dialog doens't close after opening a file. guess i got lucky?

my biggest peeve is that the spotlight box no longer closes when i click outside of it

love the prefs dialog, btw - it looks great. i don't think i would call this program a beta anymore really :-)

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i can not even install it ... the install always says that some system files r out of date on my computer ... so the setup can update them and then it wants me to restart the computera nd finally when i try to launch the setup anotha time ... it just says the same ( updatin da files ) ... can anyone help me pls???

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do you know of somewhere else where I can EASILY AND QUICKLY put these up. I use yousendit because it's quick and easy. Alot of people have offered to host it for me but that means that if I want to put up another build, I have to wait for that person to get online and send him the file, then I have to wait for him to upload it and post the link, by the time that happens I already have the next build. I will search the net for some other options. You should be able to download from yousendit, I don't see why you wouldn't. Try doing it in internet explorer

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build #15 is on the front page

I am trying out the yahoo briefcase which appears to be alot easier than yousendit, and I don't have to worry about the bandwidth or downloads maxing out so quickly

Changes in this build include:

Added the option to automatically close the spotlight menu when you click on something else

Added the option to make the spotlight menu always on top

The Show All dialog no longer closes when you open a file

Added code that displays "No Results Found" in the menu if there are no results

Added the clear button in the search menu

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about the show all dlg, if you take a look at the videos on apples site, they show you HUGE previews of spotlight in action (and its better then asking, because you get to see it for yourself)

EDIT: can't download build 15, and i keep offering my help, but if you don't need it, you could say so. I see a number of potential problems and useful feature additions in spotlight, but without source...

Also, please stop giving installers. Take a look at appwiz.cpl to see the problems it creates.

How hard is it to reintroduce thumbnail support for the show-all dialog??

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ok, the new links are up

The next build will contain hotkey support to bring up the spotlight menu and/or the spotlight show all window

I am also working on the "real" spotlight preferences window, when it is complete, clicking on spotlight preferences will show the real one, not the one I made. The one I made will be hidden somewhere (to keep uneducated users that are using your computer from accidentally screwing things up)

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I am aware of the problem with the wrong search results showing up, I just spotted a slight problem in the show all dialog. I know what the problem is and I am fixing it, it will be fixed in the next release

I am also reincorporating the thumbnails for image files, I took it out before because it was slowing things down. I actually adopted the spotlight way of showing thumbnails, show the results first, then load the thumbnails so you aren't bogged down

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