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New Spotlight clone

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The one he gives a link to...located here, in the regedit.

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareGoogleGoogle DesktopAPIsearch_url


Yeap ! I've made it already but it was the same url I have in spotlight setup earlier! Still I can't make it works propoerly! It searchin but results looks really pathetic! Results apears only when I type: letters: q,x and b!!! thats it! Looks like it doesn't work like it should! Could anyone help me with this??

My search path looks like this:

Maybe there is a porblem with this URL cuz it works when I type it the browser even if I add searched word!

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Yeap ! I've made it already but it was the same url I have in spotlight setup earlier! Still I can't make it works propoerly! It searchin but results looks really pathetic! Results apears only when I type: letters: q,x and b!!! thats it! Looks like it doesn't work like it should! Could anyone help me with this??

My search path looks like this:

Maybe there is a porblem with this URL cuz it works when I type it the browser even if I add searched word!

I tryed most of the day to get Spotlight to work. I was just about to give up...when I thought back to what Tom had done with the browser in pages 9-12 of the Forum. So I looked at the source code of the successful web page that I had performed in Firefox. The address that I used was listed behind "/search=" in the source code and was different than what either Firefox or IE displayed in the address bar for a successful search of Google desktop 2 beta. I plugged that hidden number in immediately behind the "" and hit 'Apply' in the Spotlight system preferences. I typed something I knew it would find on my local system and "POOF!" it appeared. I was startled...I was elated! Woo Whooo!!!

My number to make Spotlight, build 18, work with Google desktop beta v2 was ""

If the above value doesn't work for you, Give this previously mentioned method a try and see if you can find a search value that helps you get yours working. Google must be using some internal redirection so as not to give up its methods too easy.

Anyhow...I'm done for the night...I'll play with it more in-depth tommorrow.

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Guest colraffs

I just cant understand why you people still bother with this It isnt finished and it dosnt look like it ever will be, Tom has not posted for weeks. Irecomend you try Riots clone it is much better

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Hello for first time here.

I was not upgrading to GDSv2 due to what I was reading here on the last days.

As I tried other clones and they all was working, not as CLONE as THIS ONE, I decided to:

Install the Beta 2 of Google Desktop on my XP machine and remove the SIDEBAR.

REINSTALL (without unistall before) the SpotlightBuild18.exe and choose REPAIR.

Execute it just before reinstalation.

The SpotlightBuild18 is working better then using GDS1.

(The only annoying was sometimes the butom moved vertically)

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I tryed most of the day to get Spotlight to work. I was just about to give up...when I thought back to what Tom had done with the browser in pages 9-12 of the Forum. So I looked at the source code of the successful web page that I had performed in Firefox. The address that I used was listed behind "/search=" in the source code and was different than what either Firefox or IE displayed in the address bar for a successful search of Google desktop 2 beta. I plugged that hidden number in immediately behind the "" and hit 'Apply' in the Spotlight system preferences. I typed something I knew it would find on my local system and "POOF!" it appeared. I was startled...I was elated! Woo Whooo!!!

My number to make Spotlight, build 18, work with Google desktop beta v2 was ""

If the above value doesn't work for you, Give this previously mentioned method a try and see if you can find a search value that helps you get yours working. Google must be using some internal redirection so as not to give up its methods too easy.

Anyhow...I'm done for the night...I'll play with it more in-depth tommorrow.

Dutchman u're absolutely right! But check this out. This what I have in my Firefox addres bar when I'm on google desktop site:


(using GDS2beta) and this is my url which was taken from source code and as nightcrawler said from here: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareGoogleGoogle DesktopAPIsearch_url :


All i can get is just few results! For example when I type "x" I get just few iocns and .png files in my spotlite! But non of founded items have no "x" in their names! So smthg doesn't work properly! Don't u think?? Ohh and I won't using Riot's mod (though some of u guys sais it's even better than spotlite) cuz what I see u have to click an icon to search for files! Anyone could help me with this??

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@badseed: what do you mean? you if you dont want to have to click the system tray icon then you can add "-notray" to the run parameters, like if you use objectbar -- and it will not display the tray icon

Yeach I know that Riot! The only problem is that I'm not using objectbar! Ur app would be perfect if you could combine the capabiliieties (I mean easy cofiguration) of ur app with the look of spotlite! If u could do that Riot... Ehh I could even give u a kiss... ;

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  • 1 month later...

just wanted to add that I'm one of the guys that love you tom :)

but the spotlight icon is in the current version yet pretty low resolution, it seems as it would be captured of a jpg compressed screenshot

So it would be great if anyone (perhaps even an mac user) could post a clear image of the spotlight icon! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

hello everybody,

I was an user of spotlight clone 1.04 till I downloaded & installed the latest 1.8 release.

But I can't solve my problem alone so I post a message to explain what it is - and hope that you can help me to solve it..

When I do a search on "xxxxxxxxxxxx" string - I get as result in my path bar :


so in spotlight I put different path as ;



anyway when I do a search with spotlight, a "Non Result Found" happens ....

I'm using Opera (identified as IE, Opera, Mozilla) and GDS b2

with spotlight 1.4, everything was correct but for now I don't know what to do ...

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  • 3 weeks later...
For those people struggling with GDS2 Beta, bring up regedit and point to

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareGoogleGoogle DesktopAPIsearch_url

put the URL you find here into (the excellent) spotlite, click apply, and your cooking on gas once more.

Hope this helps you, chris

thx a lot ;)

this works for me ;)

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I'm sure that it has been already said but anyway ...

What about to have possibility to create theme inside folders ?

It's more usuable than remplace bmp by bmp. Foremore we can't change the search image...

Maybe it's the plus that this tool needs to be one of these ultimate tools to customize his pc...

Why not dreaming about zipping these skins inside msstyles zip ? ^^

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, just reporting a bug with the program. I am able to find a result when I open up the extra window by clicking "show all" that I cannot pull up through the initial window. For example, there is a file on my cpu named "nureedeen and bambu2.WMV". When I type in "nureedeen" the inital window pulls up no results. However, if I type in something random just to get any results, then click on "show all"; I can then type in "nureedeen" in this new window and it will pull up that file. Kinda stange.

Also, I will not find the file if I just type in "nur" or "nureedee"; but google is capable of finding it.

I hope these issues can be resolved. Thanks for the great app.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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