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Dashboard WidgetDock

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got the pictures from ghostwalker, implementation will be no problem and done tonight, thanks

and as i said before, this beta was released to test the functions. the rest (animations, correct graphics) is just a matter of time


added the correct graphics (cross, back, dynamic "n of m" images, more widgets)

correct the icon offsets

added .kon support

added animations (cross rotation, dock moving up and down, icons moving in and out)

added some handling issues

release comes this evening (like yesterday)

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if you ever need the exact graphics, they are on the OSX-e forum. I posted them when I forgot that I actually found them on some guy's link there... but you sound like you've got it figured out.


your graphics are a bit off too... that open/close button it way small.


Siosae needs his own sub-forum, because he is amazing

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@Sean: I got the background you provided and added a little line on the top (to create the 1px sharp bevel) it seemed cool.

The close button... i made it myself... a have a 19" monitor... and i like it smaller :D

I have a suggestion! maybe there can be a way to make a screenshot of the desktop, and make that cute slideToTop :D like on the mac :D

i will bust my brains out tonight. there must be a way.

If anybody has a real FULL size screenshot of the dashboard, it would be very usefull :D


I'm sure SioSae will do a MORE THAN GREAT job with the widget :D I JUST LOVE his weather widget :D

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Is anyone else having the same problem I am? WidgetDockBeta ran perfectly - and I was so pleased - but then since I rebooted it's gone nutty. According to sysinternals process explorer, it's hogging between 70-90% of resources, but it's not coming up onscreen at all, neither dock nor white crosshair. Help! Anybody?

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Okay, I deleted WidgetDockBeta and it's subfolder and unzipped the download again, and it seems to work again, though of course all the widgets I had added to the dock are reset too. Hope this won't happen again... but then I know I'm working with a beta! When I ran it in debug mode before deleting and starting again, it came up with something like 'XML resources unavailable' - sorry, I know I should have paid more attention. Looking forward to the next release tonight, SioSae.

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- added animations

- changed graphics

- there are some new images, so please copy the resources folder. you can use your config from the first beta.

- .kon mode isnt included yet

- please set konspose mode in the preference dialog

and please tell me if anything goes wrong, because tonight will be bugfixing night


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Thanks for making this, it's great!

Well the bugs I'm getting:

-Preferences dialog automatically comes back up after exit Konspose and open.

-Stickies name changed to by itself (stickies widget was open).

-Weather deleted itself from dock after I set path and image (did this while weather widget was open).

-Sometimes choppy animation and stuck images like PDidee.

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please redownload the release, i got the preference dialog bug myself and forgot to activate the workaround for this konfab problem. should work now

about the stickie problem: solved with the konspose-pref dialog problem workaround

choppy animation and stuck images issue:

it is promised that the next konfab has a image animation engine build in, until then, i can only do animations (fading, moving, etc.) by using a timer, and therefore sometimes the animations are choppy or didn't end right. i will try make them better for the 1st official release.

one more thing: big resolutions and slow machines will make the animations even worse

about the weather unload? hm, what exactely did you do?

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The newest version fixes the widget dialog reappearing after a konspose exit and re-enter. :)

New bug found: when I skip to the next page of widgets, I cant switch back to the first because the counter ( supposed to be 1 of 2) goes crazy and keeps counting up. same goes for when you exit konspose, it shows the 1 of 2 but the 2nd page keeps counting down ie. -45 of 2, -46 of 2 etc..

Great update! :)

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Tried the new version, the bug with the stickies rename fixed, but the weather still dissappeared (widget was open), along with world clock (widget wasn't open).

About the weather, all I did was set the path and then the image and it dissappeared before I could press done. This is while trying to set the path and image while I have the weather widget open, I haven't tried with it closed.

EDIT: Well tried adding weather and world clock again manually and it worked.

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