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Safarifox theme SaFire

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forget the above comment. the search icon in there won't display properly. i tried it myself.

instead, download search-bar.zip attachment in j2227's post (a few posts above this one)

then unzip the file and put the files in c:Program FilesDocuments and Settingsyour nameMozillaFirefoxProfilesxxxxxxxx.defaultext ensions{a98e826c....}chromesafire0_32.jarbrowser

(this can also be safire0_35.jar, depending on which version you have)

you must also delete the icons in c:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxsearchplugins (only the icons not the plugins!)

this works like a charm. now we have to find out how to display the text 'Google'.

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@Phuture: Not to start a fight, but the link to those instructions in my post right above yours does work if you use a different icon. The icon in that post is an odd size and I put in my own 16x16 magnifier and it works fine. Your way may be easier and that's fine, I just wanted to clarify that those instructions I linked to work if you use your own icon.

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@Phuture: Not to start a fight, but the link to those instructions in my post right above yours does work if you use a different icon. The icon in that post is an odd size and I put in my own 16x16 magnifier and it works fine. Your way may be easier and that's fine, I just wanted to clarify that those instructions I linked to work if you use your own icon.

no worries. i should read better. i thought you meant to use the icon that was posted in that thread.

my bad! your instructions work too, yes.

(i need some sleep hehe)

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Could some kind person please post the windowblinds per application theme for SaFire? Tried the regular safari WB theme but it does not look good.

hills brushed 3.5 VS at deviantart...i don't have a direct link to it, but it's on my computer and i did an easy search at google: --brushed hills deviantart--

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hills brushed 3.5 VS at deviantart...i don't have a direct link to it, but it's on my computer and i did an easy search at google: --brushed hills deviantart--

Thanks but thats a visual style. I am looking for something that works with windowblinds so that i can skin the titlebar. One that matches the theme. Any ideas?

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Moe Zilla, you hit it right on the dot: rss button shows in the address bar! cool! i figured out how to replace the google image, just give me a few minutes to verify.

Hey, i can't get the RSS bar to show in the add bar, and i'm using the latest nightly (as linked to by Moe Zilla) How'd you do it?

I'm using the latest nightly, and the fusion extension installed. i uninstalled it and still no RSS bar in the add bar. any ideas?

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^ ditto to the above (RSS not in address bar)

also, i can't seem to get the bookmarks, tabs, and address bar to be in "lucidamacbold".

anyone care to put their userchrome.css with the font issues? also, if you can tell me the script/code, you think you can tell me which line to put it after? thx.

a little extra but not really needed; you guys think one of you could copy and paste their WHOLE userchrome.css? :-) not neccessary, but would be helpful.

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also, i can't seem to get the bookmarks, tabs, and address bar to be in "lucidamacbold".

For me the fonts for bookmarks, tabs, and address bar changed when I changed the font by right clicking the desktop>properties>appearance>advanced>choose "message box" from the dropdown menu and change the font there

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I hate to jump on the "HELP ME I r Teh stoopid" bandwagon BUT i have this skin modded to the point ALMOST to where i want it.

Can anyone help me with this: problem4ar.png

All i need to do is move it a few pixels up darn it!

Edit - Also could anyone tell us how to put the RSS bar into fusion?

Alright last time i'm asking for help.

I even tried searching. I'm basically getting desperate.:(

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Its a button, so try browser/browser.css

check its margins maybe..

Finally got it, its in browser/extensionbuttons.css

Heres what i changed for other people:

/*::::::::Compact Menu Apple Icon :::::::*/
#menu-button {
/* margin-top: 0px;
margin-bottom: -8px: */
margin-top: 0px !important;
margin-right: -2px !important;
margin-left: 2px !important;
list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/apple.png") !important;
-moz-image-region: rect(0px Xpx Ypx 0px) !important;
#menu-button:hover {
list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/apple-pressed.png") !important;
-moz-image-region: rect(0px Xpx Ypx 0px) !important;
toolbar:not([mode="text"])#menu-button > .toolbarbutton-text {
display: none !important;

And the X = the width and Y = height of the icon you want to put in. You may have tinker around with it though to get it to look right.

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um, as far as i know all there is is the visual style that i used and that's this one you could use the safari.wbs in pixelperfect that's WAY old, but i think long time ago i tried it and the sides weren't pefectly align or something and that's why i just used a visual style and used objectbar. (note if your using yzshadow, you'll have to increase the offset, at least i did). if someone wants to port Brushed 3.5 VS, it would be greatly appreciated, but it seems hills isn't as popular on the web as much as last year before. ;)


oh, sorry, the milk theme is at http://www.wincustomize.com/viewskin.aspx?...D=1&SkinID=2604

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Problems noone has addressed with either certainty or proper links:

1. Jagged edges/misaligned Search Bar

2. Compressed looking images in both the Search bar and on the tabs' close buttons

3. How to eliminate/replace the JAR files which most people editted for the Safari fx skin

4. a working USERCHROME.CSS which utilizes the features this skin supposedly has

Please dont tell me to read the Deviant post. I did...5 times.

Also, dont tell me to read this thread. I DID...5 times.

PLease dont tell me to reinstall Firefox. I DID...3 times.

So what's it going to be folks? Alot of vague references or some actual facts and a decent readme file?

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the userchrome shouldn't have references to searchbar, if its something like margins: -1px;

delete those parts.

I've deleted my profile quite a bit, mainly because I use nightlys a lot (or I used too)

if you decide to delete your profile, make a backup of bookmarks.html

and don't forget to make a list of your extensions...

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