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Official "Hello I'm new to Aqua-Soft" Thread

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Hi all,

well, i see unlike any other forum where a new member arrives and creates a thread where then other members will welcome him.. here it works different, so lemme join one of the most popular topics here and say -- Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...

Well, it seems to be a great and forum, very original in both visual appeal and the main theme. even though i don't have Mac, but maybe because i dont have it -- Mac-style aqua graphics fascinate me. I have a several websites, including my own Art site but wont give the URL so that i wont get banned before i even had the chance to upload my avatar..LOL

anyway, hope to stick around, cheers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy. Normally, I think hello-I'm-new-here posts are kinda silly for me to make, but I'm somewhat of a member of the community (whee, I feel like a tool for declaring myself as such, but hey, I maintain the Tango shell modifier toy) so I figured I ought to introduce myself. I've been a silly evil lurker here for a while now, and I've finally decided to sign up, since there's a nice vibrant customization and skinning community here. I signed up on Neowin a few years back for the same reason, but that's slightly taken a back seat there to system builds, bugs, and Vista stuff these days, and they're down right now :P I'll try to be a good forum citizen here as well. Honest!

Plus, I've been working on a new version of my Tango shell toy based on XPize instead of my quirky little batch scripts, and the new installer means it's ready for wider exposure. Tango's not Aqua, but it's got some glossy/shiny bits, and they think HIGgily, so it's sorta relevant to you guys :) I'll post the typical "release" thread business in a few days, probably.

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Welcome dav, iLeroy and vertigosity.

iLeroy, I'm from The Netherlands to and I'm aslo 18 :P

I know you from Neowin, vertigosity, and I've been following the thread on your development of the shellpatcher.

I must say that I dont patch my system files but you did a terific job on the shellpatcher :P

dav iLeroy and vertigosity, enjoy your stays here :)

(I have never posted in this thread sinds I've signed up until today :P)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone. Great looking site you've got here. You have the Aqua look down perfectly. :) I've been coming to this site for awhile now as a guest and finally decided to join. I'm into customizing my Windows PC, and I'm planning to get a Mac soon. I'm also into graphic design and will be sharing some of my work here. Well, see you around!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I've been lurking here for quite a bit (meaning, not being registered but browsing the forums anyway) as one of my hobbies is modding my PC desktop. :P

I have yet to actually buy a *newer* mac (I have a very old one), but for now, I will satiate my desire for a mac by "emulating" aqua on my PC. hehe.

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I remember registering here a while ago when the forums just came out. I do belive I made some posts but I had AOL back then and the site was kind of graphics intensive so I didn't stick around too long just because the pages were always loading so slow. I clicked on a link that took me to this place a few days ago and I decided to (re)register. My old account must have got deleted or I forgot the email adress I used because I can't find it. Oh well, I'm excited to be here now!

Proudly powered by Mac OS X! :D

$ uname -prsv

Darwin 8.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.7.0: Fri May 26 15:20:53 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.6.76.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC powerpc

(Sometimes 9 when I feel nostalagic :P)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello - arrived yesterday, had a minor problem, helped well by one person, and also sneered at and complained about by half a dozen others for "asking something too obvious".

Well, I've obviously seen this kind of thing on the net many times, and as I had expected, one did stick up for my asking a question (how dare I !)

But hell - 2 helpful and 6 bum wipes - bad proportions for someone who posted ONE question !

The arrogance always astonishes me.

If they're here just to sneer surely there should be a "sneering and posing" section along with a newbie one for the likes of moi ? :D

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