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Official "Hello I'm new to Aqua-Soft" Thread

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Hey guys... Well, I'm actually not new to Aqua-Soft since I co-founded it with Chris Clough , Chris McDaniel and all the other guys back then... But I haven't been here for a while - more than three years to be exact. Unfortunately, someone appears to have taken my username in the meantime... But that's the way things go.

So "hello (again)".

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Hey guys... Well, I'm actually not new to Aqua-Soft since I co-founded it with Chris Clough , Chris McDaniel and all the other guys back then... But I haven't been here for a while - more than three years to be exact. Unfortunately, someone appears to have taken my username in the meantime... But that's the way things go.

So "hello (again)".

Hmm, are you sure you're not thinking of a different website?


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Definately not. Just have a look at the "History of Aqua-Soft"-article. I just read it for the first time and I have to admit that it's not all that complete. I bet Timan will remember all the discussion going on back then about whether he and Scott (millertyme) should become team members or not. Might I ask who you are or who you were? (if you were already on board).

Why I'm NC :D. I tuned into the forums early 2004, so I must have missed you by around a year and a quarter. I didn't recognize your username because you must have stopped posting by then. -NC

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And just another Aqua-Soft Forumnewbie here from Germany ;) I found the Way to this Forum with the Aqua-Soft skinadaption for Drupal when i searched a similar Skin for my phpBB :D ..and thats my reason for stumblin' in here ;)

Have a nice Day,


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  • 2 weeks later...
I have entered!

I like Aero, but Aqua looks awesome too and I'm hoping to turn one of my computers into a replica of Mac OS X :D

that's great, just look for one of the many "complete guides" lol. I'm new here too. I actually joined April 3rd, well not new, but new to forums this is the first forum i've posted in more than 2 posts

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  • 3 weeks later...

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