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Genie Transition


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Guys! If u see the pic u can see the orig. genie transition from OSX 10.0.

It is not possible to make the same for windows!!

But I am absolutelly positive, that it is possib. to make a clone using WindowFx transitions!!

One limitation!

E.g. : The animation source and finish should be the first icon on the dock /finder/.

So all the windows will collaps to that spot, and all the windows will appear from that spot.

It would be quite satisfactory for me!


And if its ready we can easily change the end window coordinates according to our dock settings!



:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Posted before at AquaXP

<-------100th Post :woot:


I have a download link to the "WavetoTaskbar" script and another script called "Genie Effect" They are far from the true OSX genie effect but they are the closest I've seen.

Download Wave to Taskbar

Download Gennie Effect Alpha 1


You are free to use them any way you like without my permission, to intall them put the scripts into the WindowFX/Scripts folder.


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Let us start from the begining!

Can anyone modify a siple transition /e.g.: a siple zoom to/from the middle/

Modify the end position from the middle to the e.g.: left bottom corner

It would be a great start! Because if we can modify the end / start coordinates, we will be able to move these coordinates right abowe the finser docklet!!!!!!! Yeah! DO IT!

The commands are the following:

WINDOW.STARTX ( X coordinate of starting position)

WINDOW.STARTY ( Y coordinate of starting position)

WINDOW.STARTWIDTH ( Width of initial window)

WINDOW.STARTHEIGHT ( Height of initial window)

WINDOW.ENDX ( X coordinate of end position)

WINDOW.ENDY ( Y coodinate of end position)

WINDOW.ENDWIDTH ( Width of end window)

WINDOW.ENDHEIGHT ( Height of end window)

BTW!! There is a f....ing hard tut in the fx directory!

:dr_evil: :dr_evil: :dr_evil: :dr_evil:

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sorry goku i don' undersand. What is the correct forum :blink:

and schalli, it is not that easy to do a script and you can't change the coordinates from like the menu, its freakisly hard finding the right number in the code let alone programming a script. But in the wavetitaskbar transition, click the dot near the bottom that says best quality transition. Then hide your taskbar on the bottom and minimize a window, looka that, it looks like it is almost going to dock :woot:

Unfourtuanatly Winfx takes up a lot of memory which is why i would rather have it integrated into a dock. It probably wouldn't take up extra memory and it would be smoother and it would minimize to the dock not taskbar, but... because of Elappa and and all these laws if someone did make a dock like that and didn't remove the genie effect right away they could get sued.

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Originally posted by Flarex@May 24 2003, 04:41 AM

sorry goku i don' undersand. What is the correct forum :blink: 

in case you havent noticed he started this thread in 'desktop screenshot' forum. Now that i moved it to where it should be posted, nobody understands what do i want from the kid. <_< trust me i know what im doing :who's your daddy:

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The genie efect is protected by the law!

And what about the dock???????? It is not!!!!

Come on, an effect??........................No way!

The source code, or the program language, or the script could be protecetd, but not the effect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it is quite legal to make an other effect using a diff language, code, script etc. Belive me I know what I talking about!

I give u an example!

We cant make songs, because the song is protected by copyright law!!

THE SONG NOT A SONG.......................NO WAY WHO SAY!

So if someone can make it /Jeff/ do not afraid!! There will be no legal problems! :staffs here: :staffs here: :staffs here: :staffs here:

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we will never make the genie effect perfect because it makes the transision to the place of the dock icon.

WinFX doesnt know where the dock icon is. maybe it will be possible in WinFX 3 or something like that.

and also, i won't be albe to use it cuz i have an intel extreme graphics card :lol:

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Originally posted by digitheatre@May 26 2003, 07:08 AM

nice  (Y)  but sometimes it working and sometimes it is not. restore transition never works. minimize only work when I hit the minimize button. and from mobydock taskbar.. well.. it never work  <_<

Heh, if you Alt-tab to restore the app instead of restoring from MD, then the restore transition works perfectly fine.

MD apparently uses some non-standard way of maximizing the windows that kills transition effects.

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Being beta has nothing to do with piracy. Beta software can be and most of the time is copyrighted, meaning: the owner decides under which terms his work is distributed. If Stardock decides to only distribute WinFX 2.1 via OD its their policy of distribution for this software. Buy OD or wait for WinFX 2.1 to be released seperately. or dont use WinFX 2.1 at all.

I am sorry, but that's the way things are.

Have fun,


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Originally posted by Cerebral@May 26 2003, 11:58 AM

Heh, if you Alt-tab to restore the app instead of restoring from MD, then the restore transition works perfectly fine.

MD apparently uses some non-standard way of maximizing the windows that kills transition effects.

oh well :blink: I hope MD will use standard way of max/min apps.

I'm not going to use alt-tab just to see transition effect. >.<

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